Best propeller for smooth footage in Phantom v1

Mar 15, 2014
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Hello, does anyone know which are best propellers to use with the phantom (1st version) for a smooth video footage? I don´t wan´t more time, not more lift, only smoother flight. Is there any better prop than the original ones?
Thank you very much!
The 8" props that come stock on the P1 are the most stable ones I've used on mine. If you haven't balanced your props yet I would definitely suggest that.
I use the common DuBro balancer and it's worked like a charm for me.

If you use the self-tightening version of the 8" props you'll want one of these rods for easy balancing, either on its own or in conjunction with a DuBro (I use them together): viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7036
I never thought balancing props would make a difference until I started building my own multicopters and every prop I bought was grossly unbalanced.

The good news is that most stock props are fairly well balanced. That being said... once I started balancing DJI props I noticed a marked difference! Make sure you balance them correctly including the hub.

I use the scotch tape method for the props and a hot glue gun for the hub.

Watch the video on on prop balancing. I tried using CA glue and zip kicker for the hubs and what a nightmare. hot glue took a little getting used to but it's so much easier to undo if you mess up.

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