Another which one shall I buy thread :)

Apr 25, 2014
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Ok I'm new and trawled through this great site, then I think I've made up my mind, then read something else.
Here's my current thinking and some logic.

Looking like Phantom 2 vision.

I'm in UK, but going to visit USA in just under 3 weeks, so I can take advance of US prices.
I can get a Vision for approx $800, or get some used modded ones on eBay, so even if I'd not like it,, I can sell in UK and pretty much get my money back, based on UK prices.

The plus is just too much money.
I can always add the rotor pixel gimbal, already have a GoPro.
I like the idea of the FPV so ruled out the phantom 2.
I'll also order some addons as cheaper in US, rotor guards maybe some line of signal boost, but which ones ?

Never flown any RC stuff before so should I just buy a cheap mini quad to see what I think ?
Want to try aerial photos.
Overall will I use it enough, worried about the flyaway scenario and how long before I wreck it and the initial cost.


John :D
If you want to make great videos, don't get the P2V. If you want to enjoy FPV at it's best, don't get the P2V. If you want to have some fun making some "ok" videos, or "kinda" doing FPV then the P2V is the right choice.

I'm an FPV focussed guy, and I don't really call flying wifi through an iPhone screen FPV, but maybe I'm a snob :) I think once you see what a decent FPV set up looks like you will be disappointed. Same as when you see a really good video with a gimballed Hero3 in comparison to the un-gimballed vision camera.

P2V is an expensive middle ground, not really excelling at anything.

I'm not trying to be mean to the P2V, I just think it's important that you know what you will end up with, so that you consider the alternatives more fully.

edit: And getting something like an Hubsan X4 (mini quad) is an excellent idea. Once you can fly that, you'll be able to fly your phantom even in manual mode (X4 is imo more difficult to fly than phantom manual mode).
So, what do you actually want to do. Fly? video? Photo? All of them? To what quality? The vision is a perfectly abled bodied machine. the Plus offers a significant upgrade out of the box for not much more money. The P2 and the variants of gimbal and go-pro offers (IMHO) an upgrade on the plus. DJI won't give a stuff what one you go for as they are only interested in selling you something. Their support is pretty shoddy and they have a way to go in terms of proper customer service (again, my own opinion).

Don't think you're going to bag a bargain, and get all your money back. You'll want to keep what you purchase and pretty quickly with the vision you'll probably want to upgrade the gimbal. Limited options but certainly do-able. You'll want to upgrade the range, plenty of options.

Lots to think about, lots to enjoy


I guess the flying bit is the least important, as not sure how good I'll be and where I feel safe to do it.
Prob the videos will be for fun, just seeing what you can do, but convinced my flying techniques will be hopeless, hence vid just for fun.
Photos I think will be easier and that's what I'm into, so no lengthy flying just a launch to take some photos, of what I've no idea.
Looking at ebay prices here if I really didn't like the vision, but it made me want the Plus, then looks like I'd recover my money, based on cheaper US price I'm getting it for.
However at mo the Plus is way more than I want to spend
Extending the range yes, but confused on what's easy, don't want to carry towers with me !


My first comment would be don't spent the money on this if you're not willing to suffer total loss due to crash, fly-away or whatever. I divide what I've spent on my Phantom by the number of flights I've made. As the $/flight get lower I can rationalize spending more money on the hobby.

To me I think you'd do well with a P2V. The video is not bad, maybe not up to GoPro standards. Of course, you'll find just as many people saying you need a bigger quad because the GoPro isn't up to snuff. I had one for a couple of weeks, but I quickly convinced myself I really wanted the P2 with a gimbal and GoPro. I like to tinker and experiment and the set up I have now is more expandable in terms of stuff you can do with it. I don't consider myself a great cinematographer, and I don't see me taking a quad on a vacation (like flying to another country or anything like that) because it would be too much of a hassle.

Any flavor of Phantom is very easy to fly. But that being said, I'd definitely recommend a simulator (like Heli-X) which has a Phantom Model you can fly. I think it was like 50 Euros ($70US maybe?) and you will need some sort of controller.

I also went the small quad route (Hubsan X4 or the eFlight Nano QX are great choices) to learn basic flying techniques.

You don't need FPV for good videos unless you are going to fly to the limits of visual range. FPV certainly helps you frame your shots more accurately. I love it and right now am seeing how far away I can fly (up to 2km as of today).

By the way, where in the US are you traveling too? People here can suggest places to buy your Phantom.

I can get the Phantom mail ordered to friends in the US.
I wouldn't be taking mine on holiday for same reason, so any US flying would be on this trip, but doubt I'll have time.
Flying in to Boston then down to Mohegan area, I'd either get the quad on sat or Sunday, fly home on mon eve.
The decisions. On what to buy get harder not easier the more you read !


I too am from the UK and had an opportunity to buy in the US. However I decided it was false economy. On reflection I decided to buy here from a good dealer who I could talk to and deal with if I had any early problems with the kit. A dealer is the first line of support, warranty support from DJI direct is problematic I hear. It cost me more but IMO it was worth it. Dealer is only a call away or a 60 minute drive. Its probably worth weighing up your options if you get into bother with a problem kit.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 8

The price difference at the moment is huge, which equates to buying one or not.
Approx £740 vs $799 = £490, so difference of £250

THis is the only model with such a price difference (maybe that isnt a good sign)
I just ordered the Husban mini quad so will see how I get on with that.
Still reading......

Johnraiders said:

I can get the Phantom mail ordered to friends in the US.
I wouldn't be taking mine on holiday for same reason, so any US flying would be on this trip, but doubt I'll have time.
Flying in to Boston then down to Mohegan area, I'd either get the quad on sat or Sunday, fly home on mon eve.
The decisions. On what to buy get harder not easier the more you read !



How's this?

Ready to fly. Decent video. Easy to learn. Limited (relatively) growth capability? Phantom Vision

Like to tinker. Know you'll like better photographic quality. Lots of time to play around? Go the P2 route with gimbal/gopro.

Lots of people like the Vision (original version, I'm not familiar with the Vision +). Its a good machine, and the out of box capability using your smartphone for FPV and IOSD is pretty decent. In some ways I wonder if I would not have been better off keeping my Vision and just start cobbling together a more advanced bird (I'm in the planning stages of a 550 or something of that breed).

If your in the Boston area and have a day to kill, you could always drive down to NYC and visit B&H camera. Its an amazing place and you could probably pick up your phantom there. Contact them first, I don't know what the availability is. Its like 3-1/2 hr ride each way.

I don't really agree with IrishSights in terms of support from a local dealer. My local place carries Phantoms. I buy from them because for the most part their prices are competitive with on line stores. But as far as technical know-how goes they are spotty at best. I must have spent hours in there trying to decide with transmitter I wanted to get. I'd ask a question like "what's the difference between this model and that one?, and the guy would start reading the box and finally look back at me like a pig looking at a dollar. I've also gotten advice from them that I know is just plain wrong.
jondrew said:
I don't really agree with IrishSights in terms of support from a local dealer. My local place carries Phantoms. I buy from them because for the most part their prices are competitive with on line stores. But as far as technical know-how goes they are spotty at best. I must have spent hours in there trying to decide with transmitter I wanted to get. I'd ask a question like "what's the difference between this model and that one?, and the guy would start reading the box and finally look back at me like a pig looking at a dollar. I've also gotten advice from them that I know is just plain wrong.
I must admit I did phone around a few dealers to get a feel for things like you mentioned and settled for the best and not the nearest. As an example of good customer care I got a text yesterday from them saying they will be in my vicinity that day if I wanted anything delivered. I have also asked them a question and they contacted DJI support (dealers maybe have a hotline!) And got back to me the next day with an answer. This sort of customer support is marvellous which would be difficult being in the UK if I had bought while visiting the US.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 8
1. Dealers don't know crap. LOL. DJI hasn't really been around that long... At least with the Phantom so most dealers haven't the experience. I get my stuff from a bunch of places on the net. I do like this guy in NY... . He tests everything he sells. He spends time talking to me over the phone about various things and if he has something I need i give him my business. Im building another quad with him. I know he interviews every customer even if it's by email internationally. He will Skype with you. His purpose is to interview you and make sure you get what you want. He's a DJI dealer. check with the dealers ahead of time and let them know you'll pick it up or the address locally where they can send it too when you are stateside.

2. I'm not gonna recommend anything... I own a P2Z2

3. Don't get a mini quad toy like the hubsan. You'd spend $100 for nothing. It's like learning manual mode and you would spend money with a few extra parts.

follow directions watch all the videos. Make sure IMU calibrated. Compass calibrate with every flight. Get 6+ satellites and Home lock. Follow all the starter videos. and learn on your basic P2.

I really like this
"Ready to fly. Decent video. Easy to learn. Limited (relatively) growth capability? Phantom Vision
Like to tinker. Know you'll like better photographic quality. Lots of time to play around? Go the P2 rout with gimbal/gopro"

So going to read more on Phantom 2, I'll also check out



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