Hello everyone, I am sure the train passed me a long time ago but here I am trying to catch up. If anyone is able to shed some light on what I am doing wrong I'll be grateful. I recently bought a Phantom-1 that i was able to fly with no issues. however I have bought a brush-less gimble and wanted to connect it to the P-1.I understand that you have to access the Naza assistance software to turn on the switch for the pitch controller. Thus is where my problem start. I have no naza software installed on my computer. I am running window XP. the only software I found on the DJI site is the Naza-M 2.20 installer and the Naza- M Lite installer1.1. also I found the driver for DJI Win-installer and the DJI Naza-M Lite installer driver. I attempted to install the Dji Win- driver 2.2v and the Naza-M 2.2v software, after installation and while the USB cable is connected to the micro USB connection on the bottom of my P-1, I attempted to try to test the software by running the motors, nothing happened, a small window kept telling me to plug the controller, I am assuming its the USB connector which is already plugged in. I attempted to search youtube, and various forums but no found nothing even close. I would appreciate anyones inputs. Thanks in advance.