Aircraft not flying straight

Aug 14, 2016
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I went flying tonight. While I was pushing the right stick forward the aircraft was flying slightly to the left. But in reverse it didn't seem to have this issue. It seemed that after a few minutes it would fly straight. I finished the battery and popped in another one which again it flew a little off. Left again. But after a few minutes again it was flying straight. Any ideas?
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Are you sure you meant "left stick"? Normally, in mode 2 which is the default and most common setting, the left stick climbs/descends and yaws left and right and the right stick moves forward/back and moves left/right.

Are you sure you meant "left stick"? Normally, in mode 2 which is the default and most common setting, the left stick climbs/descends and yaws left and right and the right stick moves forward/back and moves left/right.

Your right. I meant "right stick" oops I will edit
You're not subconsciously resting your left thumb on the left joy stick and giving it a bit of input? I've done that. Also if you are viewing through your phone/tablet, is the camera calibrated and straight ahead? I've flown like that as well after forgetting to calibrate after a firmware update.
You're not subconsciously resting your left thumb on the left joy stick and giving it a bit of input? I've done that. Also if you are viewing through your phone/tablet, is the camera calibrated and straight ahead? I've flown like that as well after forgetting to calibrate after a firmware update.

That could be it. But I'm thinking maybe it needs to warm up a little. Because it doesn't hold a hover as good until it warms up. Also I think it's getting pushed a little by the wind until it warms up more.
I went flying tonight. While I was pushing the right stick forward the aircraft was flying slightly to the left. But in reverse it didn't seem to have this issue. It seemed that after a few minutes it would fly straight. I finished the battery and popped in another one which again it flew a little off. Left again. But after a few minutes again it was flying straight. Any ideas?

Not sure if it is related, but my p4p had a very slight but constant clockwise rotation which gave movement in non-straight lines. After updating imus since last firmware update and recalibrating compass, the issue seems resolved.
Not sure if it is related, but my p4p had a very slight but constant clockwise rotation which gave movement in non-straight lines. After updating imus since last firmware update and recalibrating compass, the issue seems resolved.
You know what. It might be. I did notice it was doing the "toilet bowl" effect slightly. And said my home point was pretty far off probably around 500 feet. So I landed ,packed up and drove down to a different parking lot ( flying at my local community college) and the home point was correct. I didn't calibrate anything after the last update which these were the first flights since. I'll try calibration on everything.
Is it bad that I haven't once calibrated them?
No! But that might fix this. I would say it needs an IMU cal or you may be accidentally adding some left with your thumb not being straight on stick. Especially since you said it comes and goes.
No! But that might fix this. I would say it needs an IMU cal or you may be accidentally adding some left with your thumb not being straight on stick. Especially since you said it comes and goes.
I calibrated imu which went flawlessly and VPS which is a pain but it's successful. I need to get a perfect compass calibration and do some more testing. ;)
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One other thing to keep in mind now that it's getting cold is that wearing gloves really makes it hard to know if you're accidentally putting a little yaw or side stick which will lead to an off-center flight. Also, attempting to fly straight after doing a bunch of turning or yawing can give you a bit of a problem as well. But, this is one area where DJI could do a better job with the flight control firmware.

But, having just been reminded to cal the sticks I will do just that.

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