Air Space over Private Property

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You are missing a big point. Firstly they didn't know that the bird had a camera. Second, I had/have no intention of filming others,so invasion of privacy was not the issue. And as stated above,there is NO expectation of privacy in public places. It is not black and white. It is why celebrities can be photographed at will ANYWHERE. This was a large green belt of open, unoccupied space. Not a peeping tom, just a fly boy. Having said all of this, I'm not going to fly it with my family here. I will revisit this another time. Suffice to say we ALL need to deal with these issues from time to time. If we are always fearful of what the laws are, we will find ourselves flying in our backyards!
Prylar Bek said:
Suffice to say we ALL need to deal with these issues from time to time. If we are always fearful of what the laws are, we will find ourselves flying in our backyards!
No .. there are lots of places to fly. Lots of places where there is no issue.
Just go out and find somewhere instead of focusing on a hotel that has already told you they don't want you flying.
They don't have to have a good reason - it's their property and they are within their rights to tell you they don't want you flying there so go somewhere else.
1708.8 originated as result of a growing paparazzi problem in Los Angeles, however it's application is much broader.

Prylar, celebrities (or non-celebrities) cannot be filmed anywhere. That's exactly the point. Public property is fair game but a hotel is not public property.
Not even close. If I see a celebrity at this hotel I most assurehy can take his picture. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Let's ask Jennifer Anniston about the nude pics taken from a helicopter while she was sunbathing on her deck. She lost the case. And moreover although this is a private space there is NO expectation of privacy here. That's the test. 1708.8 is a very specific statute but it does not bar freedom from being photographed. On my street lives David Beckham. All day long he's being chased by paparazzi. It's part of our lives. All this has nothing to do with me flying over a greenbelt
SilentAV8R said:
MadMitch88 said:
ANd then here is what happens next:

You "stand your ground"
Cop says "fine, you are under arrest for disturbing the peace" and off to jail you go.

I had a run in with a City cop in Orange County for standing on a sidewalk and flying over a huge empty field (2,800 ft by 3,000 feet) with a 550 helicopter. When I "explained" the law to him I got the above response. I decided to land and pack it in for that day.

Your story perfectly illustrates why we have an extremely IGNORANT and UNEDUCATED violence-mongering police force in this country that no longer "serves and protects" the people but exerts it's own selfish agenda and made-up laws that serve the interests of the police and their government enablers --- NOT the people.

Prylar Bek said:
On my street lives David Beckham. All day long he's being chased by paparazzi. It's part of our lives. All this has nothing to do with me flying over a greenbelt

Yikes!! You live some fancy digs!!! Why are you slumming it at a Hyatt!! Your zip code should lean more towards the Del Coronado, or the Inn at Torrey Pines :mrgreen:
True. Ha. Actually IM staying at 4seasons Aviara. I put the inlaws at the Hyatt. I'm not stupid. And for the record Beckham lives in the ritzy part of BH. I'm in the slums. Lol. Im going back to a turkey dinner. Just flew a successful demo for some resort kids. Of course they loved it. Not going to fly the green. Back to the salt mine and work tomorrow. Food for thought for all. Appreciate all the points of view. Goodnight
He lives up off a very famous street north of sunset. On a flag lot that is guarded. The scum papparezzi on their cheesy Hondas wait all day to get a shot at him driving his black RR
I understand the courts in the USA have established a guideline of twice the height of any structure as a minimum height to stay above property to avoid evasion of privacy, even when you're not taking photos.

Think about it if the situation were reversed. How would you feel if Hyatt Hotels was flying a Phantom over your residence? Maybe when you were having a wedding for your daughter and you had a backyard full of guests and you were trying to hear the string quartet you had hired to play "here comes the bride". The hotel is trying to provide an environment for their guested to enjoy their stay.
Totally agree. I would never do that. And yes, I would be upset. BUT, the unfortunate part of our freedom is that it allows people with little or no morals or common sense to exercise their
'freedoms' at someone else's freedom. It's a conundrum to be sure. BUT, as stated, I walked away, no fly zone. Fine, Hyatt, your hotel sucked anyway!
Prylar Bek said:
On my street lives David Beckham.
Who is David Beckham?
He's cool. She's a twit. Seen them around town. He always signs for the kids. Shes a hater
Prylar Bek said:
He's cool. She's a twit. Seen them around town. He always signs for the kids. Shes a hater

I'm always perplexed why rich & famous dudes pick grumpy skanks for their life partner?

Just because she starves herself to fit in a size 0 dress but looks miserable 24 hrs. a day --- doesnt make her more attractive to anyone with common sense.
So true. Nasty she is. When they moved in my lovely easy going wife sent her a note about general things in the neighborhood, etc., really sweet, our kids are about the same age, etc., etc.,etc., know what we got back?? Your guessed it...nada...RUDE. But wait there's more. Then at a local fund raiser for Autism (I have a special needs brother in law, Mom is a Dr. in that arena.blah my wife sees her...'Hi..blah blah..we're neighbors, etc...she tares at my wife likes she's from Mars...stalks off. Total cuzzie
Yes, I can see why any man with common sense would avoid this..."skank."



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Interesting thread.

What I don't get is why your attitude is so aggressive. You described the property as having no trees, nothing special, just open space. So what the desire to fly over a waste land?

I have to say I am on the side of the Hotel. For all the reasons posted earlier. Insurance, noise, privacy, etc.

It appeared to me this became some sort of cause for you. "My rights are being violated..."

What happened to politeness and people taking other people's wishes into consideration. There are tons of great places to fly. Beside some hotel - well why is it so important other than your rights?

This world would be a lot better if we all started our day with the idea we were going to be nice to someone that day. Just one person. Regardless of rights, laws and all that other crap we stand behind.

My 2 cents.

BTW, why didn't we get a link to the footage you recorded, or did you really just fly without a camera on it.

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