550 Pilot's lounge

ladykate said:
Anyone using the OSD MKII? If you are, care to relate your experience?

I have that on my 550, has worked fine so far. It's basically an iOSD mini + built-in PMU (for powering FPV camera) + camera switching. I haven't tested the camera switch on it, which uses a spare receiver channel to flip between source A and source B.

It's also supposed to be logging telemetry data, but I haven't figured that part out yet...tried once when I first installed it but then gave up.

Does a good job of displaying the data, but unless you need the extra features you might be better with the iOSD mini, both for size and cost.
The iOSD mini is supposed to have logging as a firmware upgrade - don't know when, it wasn't there the last time I updated the mini.

I was thinking about adding a small camera - but quite frankly, I think the dual video would be better for long range rather than the relatively shorter range 550. Maybe put it on the P2... or not...
Found another use for the 550. :lol:

Ladykate - I use the mini iOSD on both my F550 and F330. I like the idea of being able to switch between 2 cameras with the Mark II, but I have a somewhat unique issue.

I built and am gearing up to use my F550 for search and rescue where I live. The team I'm with does large area searches as well as lost children, so having a UAV will greatly expand our capabilities (I hope). That is why I did the Aimdroix extended arm upgrade, motors, etc. I have a Sony 1X11A camera module on it which has an optical zoom of 10X and a further digital zoom of 4X. With that camera being used for searching, I still need another camera for flying. I have the Sony hooked up to a 1.2 MHz system, and I've been thinking about adding a small 5.8 MHz system that looks more "forward" for flying. The Sony is on a GAUI gimbal.

Anyway, that's my dilemma. If any of you have any thoughts about an easy way to do this, please let me know.
Sarguy said:
Ladykate - I use the mini iOSD on both my F550 and F330. I like the idea of being able to switch between 2 cameras with the Mark II, but I have a somewhat unique issue.

I built and am gearing up to use my F550 for search and rescue where I live. The team I'm with does large area searches as well as lost children, so having a UAV will greatly expand our capabilities (I hope). That is why I did the Aimdroix extended arm upgrade, motors, etc. I have a Sony 1X11A camera module on it which has an optical zoom of 10X and a further digital zoom of 4X. With that camera being used for searching, I still need another camera for flying. I have the Sony hooked up to a 1.2 MHz system, and I've been thinking about adding a small 5.8 MHz system that looks more "forward" for flying. The Sony is on a GAUI gimbal.

Anyway, that's my dilemma. If any of you have any thoughts about an easy way to do this, please let me know.

I don't have a lot to offer - but I was thinking of a requirement that matches your technical issues (but not your situational issues) and was going to put the GoPro on for video recording and use one of the cheaper RC Airplane cameras for FPV. That means I would need two video feeds. You could use two video tx and two rx on the ground or put in the OSD MarkII and switch between them on the same monitor.

The GoPro's wide angle lens isn't great for navigating - especially for low level work over trees. One minute you can seem safe and the next you see a branch come extremely close. Ran into that the other day - was cruising along shooting the wife while she walked the dogs on a river hiking trail and the next thing I know there is a tree branch about ready to touch me. A normal view would help a lot for distance judgement.

The Airy is an example of an inexpensive RC camera - there is another one that comes with the Fatshark FPV set, etc. Actually, I just got to thinking about it because I ordered a Fatshark set and, since the camera came with it, was looking for a use. ;-}

Since you are doing something that should work right the first time, I would suggest asking about good RC cameras on an RC forum (or just searching them - I'm sure the question has been asked a million times). I typed 'best fpv camera' into Google and came up with several interesting hits on the forums.
@Ladykate Thank you. I will do that. You are correct that I would like to get it right the first time. It would be embarrassing to hit a tree or power-line while trying to find a lost child because, with my luck, it would be at a time when the Sheriff's command staff was watching. :?
Sarguy said:
@Ladykate Thank you. I will do that. You are correct that I would like to get it right the first time. It would be embarrassing to hit a tree or power-line while trying to find a lost child because, with my luck, it would be at a time when the Sheriff's command staff was watching. :?

I would be most interested in what you come up with.

BTW: It is one of Murphy's laws that you will have an audience when you do a dumb thing.
Sarguy said:
Anyway, that's my dilemma. If any of you have any thoughts about an easy way to do this, please let me know.

I'll second ladykate's suggestion about using a small traditional purpose-built FPV camera for at least the flying view, they don't need to have the size and features the main search camera(s) will use, and even the most basic ones should be enough to help you navigate. Here's a list of options to start you off, any would suit your purpose (just be sure you're looking at the right PAL/NTSC option for where you are): http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index. ... h=11_62_12

Also, while getting the iOSD mkII would be useful to you for the source switching as well as the fact it will supply power to the FPV camera if you get one, you could also just keep the iOSD mini and add one of these: http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index. ... ts_id=1283

That will allow switching between up to 3 cameras, and you could still feed the output of that through your iOSD mini so you see full telemetry no matter which camera you're using at the time.

I'm also prepping my 550 for SAR-related missions (which helped drive my decision for the Aimdroix arms as well), I'd love to put our heads together on that and other related topics. Have you joined sardrones.org?
@ OI Photography. I will definitely check out that site, thank you for the link. I have been with SAR for over 9 years. Here in NV, the Sheriff's department has been tasked with looking at UAVs for different missions including SAR, SWAT, and other operations. As I was kind of in the hobby side of it, they asked if I could outfit one of my multi-rotors as a sort of demo platform. I am getting ready to show them some of the simpler, low cost capabilities. There are some big companies looking to help them with much more complicated systems.

I can get you more details if you would like. Let me know.
Sarguy said:
I am getting ready to show them some of the simpler, low cost capabilities. There are some big companies looking to help them with much more complicated systems.

Yep, and that's exactly my plan, to demonstrate to various agencies what options they have beyond what Northrup and BAE and the like are trying to sell them. My next goal is to get a FLIR camera for it.

I'll PM you soon to chat about all that.
Look at the M1D system. Good system for "fairly inexpensive", though you might want to be a bit careful with the company that sells them out of NV.

I used to work for a thermal imaging company designing and developing long-wave, hand-held thermal imagers, though I also worked with some cooled mid-wave systems. At this point, I have a small thermal camera I can mount on mine, but there are much better modules out there these days.

I went to that website and emailed the administrator. That looks to be an excellent resource. Thank you again.

I look forward to chatting with you.
OI Photography said:
ladykate said:
Found another use for the 550. :lol:

I swore off portrait photography years ago, but I'd never anticipated the Aerial portrait market. Perhaps it's time to re-think my policy :D

I always think the videos we post are less than exciting so I've tried to amp them up and shorten them a lot (well... at least recently I have). Here is the clip that the frame grab I posted came from. This is short enough to be called a portrait in our online world, isn't it?

OI Photography said:
lol nice clip...perfect audio choice

Thanks, I'll probably zoom it in a bit since it is 1080 now and I can take it down to 720 without affecting YouTube. Would make it a little tighter.

BTW: When you get two multirotors close together, they act a little squirrelly. The prop wash and proximity seems to make them bounce a little - sometimes towards each other (gulp). I shot that by putting the P2 up and in hover (and setting down the radio) and then flying the F550 to it. Had to make several attempts. You can see it just start to bobble again at the end of the shot.
Interesting. The effect is probably more pronounced the closer to the ground they both are, but I'm sure it's noticeable at even 12 feet. I'm guessing that it's a combination of the ground effect from the 550's props magnifying that effect on the phantom, as well as the fact when they get close enough they're both trying to suck air out of the space in between them wich results in some hairy moments I'm sure.
OK guys, I can now post on here officially as a 550 pilot!
Got my bird the other day, and put the suggested ebay landing gear I had already ordered on it right off. Took a little bit of time trying to figure out the excellent instructions on those legs! ;) I haven't put the gimbal on it yet, and only made one flight with it so far to break it in. It was way too windy the day it came in, and now I am on a 7 day stint of work. :cry: It seemed to fly really well, but it only flew for 8-9 minutes max as I recall, which I was thinking it would fly longer since it was almost naked without the gimbal and GoPro on it. Maybe doing the compass dance and initial startup took a little out of it.
I will probably bug you guys with some questions along the way, hopefully not too much since there is a lot of helpful info on here already. I will probably put some LED lights on it before long. Speaking of LEDs, is there one that can go on that is more visible than the little one on the USB hookup for letting you know when the battery is getting low? Or do you just go by the readout from the iOSD mini? It would be nice to be able to see something like what's on the Phantoms. I did order one of those small battery voltage readers with an alarm on it, but my hearing isn't what it used to be and might not pick it up from far away.
One thing I was a little concerned about is the attachment of the GPS puck. I could not get all four screws to go in so that it pointed straight forward. The video from Helipal showed using only two screws to attach it while leaving the other two points without screws in them. Is that going to be a problem? Maybe I'm just being overcautious. I do have a folding GPS holder ordered.
Also, I've been looking into battery chargers, since between this and my Phantom my collection of batteries is growing. Any suggestions that won't break the bank?
Anyway, looks like the 550 will be a lot of fun to play with. Thanks guys.
labmansid said:
OK guys, I can now post on here officially as a 550 pilot!

Speaking of LEDs, is there one that can go on that is more visible than the little one on the USB hookup for letting you know when the battery is getting low? Or do you just go by the readout from the iOSD mini? It would be nice to be able to see something like what's on the Phantoms. I did order one of those small battery voltage readers with an alarm on it, but my hearing isn't what it used to be and might not pick it up from far away.
One thing I was a little concerned about is the attachment of the GPS puck. I could not get all four screws to go in so that it pointed straight forward. The video from Helipal showed using only two screws to attach it while leaving the other two points without screws in them. Is that going to be a problem? Maybe I'm just being overcautious. I do have a folding GPS holder ordered.
Also, I've been looking into battery chargers, since between this and my Phantom my collection of batteries is growing. Any suggestions that won't break the bank?
Anyway, looks like the 550 will be a lot of fun to play with. Thanks guys.

FIrst off, Congrats!

The flight time with stock everything from Helipal appears to be 9 minutes plus a bit with everything on the machine. I was getting 7.5 minutes in very cold weather (0 degrees or less). That went up to about 9 with normal flight in warmer weather... a little less when jacking around. You can get better times by upping to a 4S system and heavier battery. Right now, I'm living with the 3S 5500 - or Gen Ace 5300 which is a little less powerful. Good enough for me. For long distance, the P2 still rules. There are a couple of good articles on flight times on the web - generally, go for bigger motors, longer arms (for bigger props), bigger batteries. One guy claims he can get 40 minutes on an F450 (wow).

The GPS puck on mine is the same as yours. Two screws is about all that fits well. I dickered around with it for a while and got four in but it isn't pretty. Need to drill out the holder a little bit. I think at least one is cross threaded a bit. ;-}

No suggestion on chargers that are universal for both P2 and F550. I have a P1 (which can work with the F550 with an adapter), P2 and the F550. I'm sure there is something out there but right now I'm living with it.

The multi-colored indicator LED is an interesting question. Wouldn't mind knowing the answer to that myself.
Thanks for the response, but just to clarify, I do have a P1 and not a P2. I will likely stick with 3s batteries and stock motors/props for now.
labmansid said:
Thanks for the response, but just to clarify, I do have a P1 and not a P2. I will likely stick with 3s batteries and stock motors/props for now.

If you get an adapter for the xt plug to Deans connector (and vice versa), you can use either charger. Alternatively, change the charger connectors to one or the other and the batteries to match.

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