Jun 2, 2014
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I am wondering how many brave DIYer's have had recent experience with "3-ply" P4 ribbon cables. Many eBay sellers have been touting their offering of 3-ply ribbons as if 3-ply are the answer to their repair problems.

Has anybody had success with a 3-ply ribbon?

I have NOT, and it seems like there is a growing number of sellers trying to dump these into the marketplace. I do not understand why an aftermarket manufacturer, that has the hi-tech equipment, would go to the trouble to actually make one that doesn't work. The only reason I can think of is that Chinese manufacturers have some sort of copyright/patent restrictions that prohibit them from selling ribbons that actually work. But, if that were the case, where do the ribbons come from that DO work? One of the other issues with the sales of counterfeit ribbons is the mentality of the distributor selling to the eBay sellers. The eBay sellers, more often than not, have NO idea they are selling a counterfeit, and don't have an understanding, or don't care, of what effect this has on the purchaser. First of all, most customers only buy one ribbon. They go to all trouble to replace it and the camera still doesn't work. They naturally think there is something else wrong that they haven't figured out, so they probably list it on eBay. The distributor/sellers are betting that the customer won't return it. The cost to return a ribbon back to China, with tracking, costs more than the ribbon did to begin with. (We don't have E-packet delivery).The distributor/seller is counting on this and some sellers may never experience a return, believing the ribbon worked; until I come along. I have test cameras, most buyers don't. I test a ribbon first to see if it is any good. I usually buy 2 ribbons, and lately, from sellers with U.S. locations, so I can expedite a return. I have yet to find a viable source of P4 ribbons, except for F-Stop, but even lately, they show none available on their website, nor list any on eBay.

When I access the DJI website for P4 ribbon cables, there is a message that says, "not available in your location". Why? So, we can't count on DJI. (Not surprised).

In an effort to thwart the counterfeit marketplace, (if nobody buys them anymore, maybe they will quit making them), we "Pilots" need to share our success with sources of quality ribbon cables. I will start of by recommending F-StopLabs as a viable source for ALL DJI ribbons, and I will update as I locate more viable sources. I found a great, inexpensive source for P2V+ ribbons a few years ago, UCTOPFPV, on eBay. I would get their 20-pack and make a reasonable "offer", as their listing provides. I have purchased close to 100 over the years with NO bad ones. It's too bad they never procured a source of P3 and P4 ribbons.

So, who have you received quality ribbons from lately?

I bought a couple of P3 Standard cables from FStop on EBay and they were junk. I bought two from Amazon ( easy returns) both junk. Still looking for good reasonable priced cables.
I use FStop for P4 and P3 adv and they have been great

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