105.600 firmware

Apr 14, 2018
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A little while back I posted my cracks in my phantom for pro only three months after buying it I have pictures in the form or post what was strange it’s only on the back two legs and over and over again new cracks Occurring also I want to mention there was a strange vibration and the sound never was pleasing from day one out of the box and it was brand new, Long story short last night I decided that it’s time to grow a pair if you know what I mean and do the firmware update the original bomb where was the 104 point something and after reading post talking to text researching for six months I was scared to do the farm where update most people say if it’s not broke don’t fix it, well I was supposed to get my pneumatic to pro today but FedEx is giving me the Jack and it’s going to be here tomorrow Thursday anyway back to the firmware update and I do have the phantom for pro plus with the screen and I want to mention that there were so many bugs from starting it up not having a battery voltage would just say not available or the camera every now and then would just jerk during video and one of the main things I’ve been complaining about in my post is the drown does not blah straight even in no wind added with the horrible sound mobile up-and-down Bazin hard to explain without hearing it but I knew something wasn’t right specially after all the cracks so back to the berm where update I did the update 105.600 the newest released which was a while back, everything went smooth did it through Wi-Fi all completed normally and lo and behold I could not believe when I blew my drone last night Rockbrook board dark it was the smoothest sound I’ve ever heard since it came out of the box now I know why there were cracks also it blah straight as an arrow the camera does not have attitude is now very smooth and the list goes on no more restarting it over and over, you would not believe the headaches I have been through since I open the box on this drone and this is why I’ve been complaining about the Bantam for bro also shooting at 60 frames per second was a lot of noise and distortion now looks much better so I can’t express how important it is to use the newest berm where how much better everything is working now I’m just blown away I wish I had done this a long time ago I wouldn’t have cracks in my plane, so don’t always believe everything you read but trust me you can 100% trust my word if you’re not using the newest firmware especially if you’re using the 104.300 or 600 can’t remember which what is the latest 104 version it will destroy your drone especially the way the motors word unstable he making a drone Vibrate, so yes the 105.600 text all of my problems I still can’t believe how responsive my sticks are how strait the drone flies and there was even 10 to 15 mile an hour wind and it still acted buttery smooth and I was smiling ear to ear when I landed so I take back all the things I said about the phantom for pro it is a ultimate professional camera shooting beast and I may send my Mavic2 back to DJI if it’s not a big noticeable difference I would rather have my $1900 back in the bank and I just want to say one more thing DJI still has horrible customer service I went online with the chat on the Support for over 50 minutes trying to figure out when my new drone will arrive was supposed to be Wednesday , then FedEx changed it to Thursday well they say when you’re buying it will be shipped in one business day I ordered the drone is it 10 o’clock the first day they have the big picture of Bennett well it’s going to be six or seven days not five business days as they say and it seems like these guys on the support line are either smoking crack or they have no knowledge at all about anything to do with their products they make you wait then I have to do the research then I get back with you with the stupidest answers we all know this and what gets me after all this time they continue a lot of people not have the answers and give no help and by the time you’re done you got a massive migraine and you’re thinking to yourself I will never deal with DJI again, other than all the whining I know it sounds like I need a tampon the latest firmware for the phantom for pro will help everything if you’re having bugs in software issues it sure did change my whole outlook now I love my phantom for pro wanted to share sorry my post ,,,, The picture of the pond was shot in manual mode last night before dusk the picture of the clouds I switched over to auto first time I’ve ever used auto and it came out amazingly good auto does work in certain situations better than manual if you’re not some genius for tog are for and I’m not just wanted to mention , over and out everyone have a nice day
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It looked like there were some English words, but I couldn't make out much else. Maybe something about cracks in the 105.600 firmware? As in v02.00.0106?
The story was very vivid in describing the early drones terrible conditions and Yaaaaaaaaaaa the UP date cured many many terrible issues you were experiencing !...I loved ALL the pictures and Now i know that you cant wait to get the battery's recharged and get back to some great FUN flight times taking pictures and videos too !....You sure was a good encouragement to all who fail to do UP dates and I Thank you for your post !

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