Wtf????!? My brand-new standard just flew away

I consider myself a noob, and maybe the problem is I am inexperienced and/or naive, but this thread might very well illustrate the most irresponsible flight I've ever heard of - including all the whacky things I've seen on youtube.

1 - OP claims his battery at takeoff was 100%, but the healthy drones flight info says the takeoff battery power was 83% Most of us know this is a no-no if it is accurate.

2 - OP flew at night. This is not against the law yet, but we know FAA recommends not flying at night because the hobby craft is completely invisible to any manned aircraft approaching from above. For example, commercially approved UAVs are not permitted to fly at night.

3 - OP immediately ascended to 900+ feet. Complete disregard to the FAA suggested height limit. Again, no law has been passed yet. But you have to question the judgment.

4 - OP (apparently) flew out of LOS. FAA does not approve of such flights. Sure, UAV pilots do it all the time - that is - they make a judgment and proceed. No law against it yet, but the judgment is questionable.

5 - OP launched and flew within about a mile and a half or so from an airport. There is no grey area on this one. It's blatantly against FAA rules to fly within five miles of an airport without authorization. But no law against it yet.

6 - OP did all these things at the same time!

7 - last but not least ... OP posted it all online for the world to see! And I think that was the worst thing of all. OP is basically thumbing his nose at the FAA in full public view and in broad daylight. What does this say about hobby pilots in general moving forward towards registration and regulation?

I am sure there are many pilots who have done a few of these things, and a few pilots who have done all of these things. But to do them all at once? It's one thing for a pilot to take these risks upon himself, but to then post them online for the world to see is completely wrong, wrong, wrong.
Number 5 is incorrect and I don't understand why people continue to spread this bad information around. You do not need "permission". You can fly within 5 miles of an airport all you like by simply notifying the tower of your plans. It is all on the FAA site.

Public Law 112-95, Section 336 requires model aircraft operators to notify the airport operator and air traffic control tower (if one is located at the airport) prior to operating within 5 miles of an airport.
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OK. I was just playing with you bro. You can fly as high as you want I don't give a hoot. But my advice to you is real, be careful what you post. I sincerely hope that wasn't your backyard that you took off from.

We cool?
He maybe cool with it but I am not. You my friend are treading on very thin ice here. Straighten up & fly right or reap the consequences.
Wow. So the tower has no say. Once they have been notified that you're going to fly, it's their problem. Thanks for the info.
Wow. So the tower has no say. Once they have been notified that you're going to fly, it's their problem. Thanks for the info.
You would provide them with your flight plan, (where, when, for how long, and how high). The tower will take note of it and let any air traffic know if that is relevant. Most towers will have no problem with this at all and it is not a problem at all. There is a recent thread in the 3DR forum where I gave a member this information and the tower & local PD were more than happy to have him fly at McCarren International which you may know is in Las Vegas.
I didn't see anyone address the issue of his speed. Log shows max speed of 38.73 mph, that would require quite a tail wind, would it not? Pilot stated no wind, but my experience has taught me that altitude can change that drastically.
Maybe his phantom got caught in a serious wind current at 900 feet...
Yes I was thinking that was possible too. But his speed is not all that super fast. My last long run, I had a tail wind and I maxed out at 39 mph in my little Vision and it came back at 17 mph.

Then again, if he was only going half throttle, then 39 mph shows a very strong tail wind.
You would provide them with your flight plan, (where, when, for how long, and how high). The tower will take note of it and let any air traffic know if that is relevant. Most towers will have no problem with this at all and it is not a problem at all. There is a recent thread in the 3DR forum where I gave a member this information and the tower & local PD were more than happy to have him fly at McCarren International which you may know is in Las Vegas.

Thanks for the heads up! I was discussing this the other day with a colleague. Great timing! I've been hesitant to bother the local tower, maybe I'll give it a shot the next time I get the itch ;)
I've contact the FAA, be prepared for a visit.

See, this is how you invite others to report you for not registering per FAA. Not saying you are wrong. Just saying it is an invitation for tit for tat is all. See now I see why you worry about drone hating serial killer looking you up. Just saying...

I am sure he's already pretty PO about losing the standard and if there was someone he could take his frustration out.. all the better. :)
I consider myself a noob, and maybe the problem is I am inexperienced and/or naive, but this thread might very well illustrate the most irresponsible flight I've ever heard of - including all the whacky things I've seen on youtube.

1 - OP claims his battery at takeoff was 100%, but the healthy drones flight info says the takeoff battery power was 83% Most of us know this is a no-no if it is accurate.

2 - OP flew at night. This is not against the law yet, but we know FAA recommends not flying at night because the hobby craft is completely invisible to any manned aircraft approaching from above. For example, commercially approved UAVs are not permitted to fly at night.

3 - OP immediately ascended to 900+ feet. Complete disregard to the FAA suggested height limit. Again, no law has been passed yet. But you have to question the judgment.

4 - OP (apparently) flew out of LOS. FAA does not approve of such flights. Sure, UAV pilots do it all the time - that is - they make a judgment and proceed. No law against it yet, but the judgment is questionable.

5 - OP launched and flew within about a mile and a half or so from an airport. There is no grey area on this one. It's blatantly against FAA rules to fly within five miles of an airport without authorization [Edit: see post #41]. But no law against it yet.

6 - OP did all these things at the same time!

7 - last but not least ... OP posted it all online for the world to see! And I think that was the worst thing of all. OP is basically thumbing his nose at the FAA in full public view and in broad daylight. What does this say about hobby pilots in general moving forward towards registration and regulation?

I am sure there are many pilots who have done a few of these things, and a few pilots who have done all of these things. But to do them all at once? It's one thing for a pilot to take these risks upon himself, but to then post them online for the world to see is completely wrong, wrong, wrong.

Point 1 to 4, 6 is just rant / personal view (ie. you should do as I do and live like me talk).

Point 5 see post #41 above.

Point 7 So what? What are they going to (see the operative words that I have boldfaced for you). OP lives in USA where government don't get to prosecute you at a whim (thought it may seem like it).

Here's my point:

If I said a pilot decided to land his 737 in middle of Hudson River, without any context, I am sure we would all say that is stupid.

OP is a grown adult that can judge the totality of the situation for himself. While it may seem reckless to you but you were not there and can not speak to the overall situation and the context. So you can choose to give OP the benefit of doubt or treat him like a child.

It seems to me, FAA and our government are all treating us like child. Perhaps you think we should all be given your particular view point here. I disagree.
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Lol,I was trying to get approximately 500 feet for a long exposureView attachment 37790

Like this one as I already mentioned and my flight log remote control interface would confirm, the drone decided he would prefer to take control

Also, the airport is effectively vacant since dhl bugged out... that is the only privately owned airport in the country that can accommodate 747 and such
Just saying but the winds at 900 Ft AGL are a lot different than surface winds.
Interesting info TJ about the "notify the airport." My most favorite place here to fly is about 3.8 miles from a small town airport. I hope there might be some one there to answer the phone.
Number 5 is incorrect and I don't understand why people continue to spread this bad information around. You do not need "permission". You can fly within 5 miles of an airport all you like by simply notifying the tower of your plans. It is all on the FAA site.

Public Law 112-95, Section 336 requires model aircraft operators to notify the airport operator and air traffic control tower (if one is located at the airport) prior to operating within 5 miles of an airport.

My understanding is you can't be within 5 miles of a PUBLIC airport. Our club is located at a private airport and we're legal.
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My understanding is you can't be within 5 miles of a PUBLIC airport. Our club is located at a private airport and we're legal.
That rule applies to all airports in the US (other than military, special rules, etc.). My local flying field is next to a small airport, but flying fields are known by the local fields so no worries there.
I'm glad this is become such a topical post, I really appreciate the counters to the individual with the seven point rant. . I will address them when I'm at a computer but since I am on my my phone ,it would be too cumbersome.
That rule applies to all airports in the US (other than military, special rules, etc.). My local flying field is next to a small airport, but flying fields are known by the local fields so no worries there.

Our airport is now owned by the city since DHL bugged out a couple years ago, interestingly enough, Amazon might be taking over and using it as a hub as part of a plan to have its own logistical wing..That would really help my community

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