Who will register their Phantom with the FAA?

So will you Register your bird with the FAA?

  • Yes, voluntarily

  • Yes if forced to by law

  • No, I ain't getting on that government list

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Sorry, I see this as more Gov't intrusion. Just like warrant less wire taps or bulk phone call/e-mail collection by big brother. Does anybody really think someone who has criminal intentions or wants to cause trouble is going to register their drone? Sounds like the mass shooters who typically do it in "gun free zones" so nobody can defend themselves. Do you think they care they are breaking multiple laws? Don't think so.

Humm, welcome to the free world mrjoed2. The genie is out of the bottle and it will never go back, never. Just simply have to deal with it. Just like the requirement for the registration of your drone, it will happen. When they get to be cheap enough lots of people, people who don't know nothing about them and aren't responsible enough to use one with proper etiquette will have them and screw it up for everyone. Are you proposing "drone free zones"?

BTW shooters that end up in GFZs don't do it there on purpose, they do it because they are psychotic and it is where their targets are. It simply happens to be coincidence I bet ya. Take a look at the Chris Kyle shooter, just about as far from GFZ as possible yet he did it anyhow.
So maybe you should list those privacy rights and money stolen, I am not seeing it. Life before and after 9/11/2001 are only different at the boarding gate of the airlines and I prefer not to spend much time there, I don't see much different from here.

I am happy to put a set of numbers on my bird and don't expect any interaction with the FAA, or the FBI or the CIA or the NSA or any other 3 letter acronym for the "MAN".
Blind. Good luck with that. Wasn't looking to start an argument, just a different point of view. The close minded will suffer most and I'm ok with that.
Blind. Good luck with that. Wasn't looking to start an argument, just a different point of view. The close minded will suffer most and I'm ok with that.

I am not blind just asking a question from someone that has a different point of view than I do. That's all. I have worked with the "Dark Side" while with the DOD and granted they are spooky but they happen to be on our side, unless you have examples to the contrary.
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There is no evil conspiracy except for businesses to make money and for politicians to keep their power. Mammon is evil, you don't need conspiracies for that. Go fly your drone and enjoy it, the hour is nigh.
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Of course I will. I am an AMA member who enjoys having the insurance which requires me to fly by the rules.

Shame some folks are still so naive to say "I have nothing to hide, I am not going to do anything wrong, so I will abide by yet another infringement against my freedom. Google "talk to cops..." Guilty until proven innocent - and then maybe not then either.

I love how some people think this is a profit making scheme for the US gov't

Yep, for sure it is.

Sorry, I see this as more Gov't intrusion. Just like warrant less wire taps or bulk phone call/e-mail collection by big brother. Does anybody really think someone who has criminal intentions or wants to cause trouble is going to register their drone? Sounds like the mass shooters who typically do it in "gun free zones" so nobody can defend themselves. Do you think they care they are breaking multiple laws? Don't think so.


Humm, welcome to the free world mrjoed2. The genie is out of the bottle and it will never go back, never. Just simply have to deal with it. Just like the requirement for the registration of your drone, it will happen.

I think it is very sad that folks can give up like this and say oh well.... There goes more of our freedom. Oh well.

From masters of criminal justice class I once took: Laws work on those on whom they work.
And penalties and fines work on those on whom they work. Keep in mind that the OBJECT of all this registration, fees, and licensing, is to catch and stop the bad guys. All these rules and regulations will work on drone flyers JUST LIKE they work on bad guys with guns: not at all. So much for more freedom for unlogical reasoning!
Come on down Hillary! Regulate this too!
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Of course I will. I am an AMA member who enjoys having the insurance which requires me to fly by the rules.

Shame some folks are still so naive to say "I have nothing to hide, I am not going to do anything wrong, so I will abide by yet another infringement against my freedom. Google "talk to cops..." Guilty until proven innocent - and then maybe not then either.

I love how some people think this is a profit making scheme for the US gov't

Yep, for sure it is.

Sorry, I see this as more Gov't intrusion. Just like warrant less wire taps or bulk phone call/e-mail collection by big brother. Does anybody really think someone who has criminal intentions or wants to cause trouble is going to register their drone? Sounds like the mass shooters who typically do it in "gun free zones" so nobody can defend themselves. Do you think they care they are breaking multiple laws? Don't think so.


Humm, welcome to the free world mrjoed2. The genie is out of the bottle and it will never go back, never. Just simply have to deal with it. Just like the requirement for the registration of your drone, it will happen.

I think it is very sad that folks can give up like this and say oh well.... There goes more of our freedom. Oh well.

From masters of criminal justice class I once took: Laws work on those on whom they work.
And penalties and fines work on those on whom they work. Keep in mind that the OBJECT of all this registration, fees, and licensing, is to catch and stop the bad guys. All these rules and regulations will work on drone flyers JUST LIKE they work on bad guys with guns: not at all. So much for more freedom for unlogical reasoning!
Come on down Hillary! Regulate this too!

What in hell makes you think flying a drone is a god given right that supersedes other people's rights to the safety they believe they enjoyed until drones were invented?

I'm up to here with the Irresponsible pups that think they should be able to anonymously fly anywhere they want and if something bad happens they can hide from the mess they created.

Shame on us? Shame is on you!!! You and others with this entitled attitude are going to screw this up for everyone.
So @yorlik I find attitudes like yours hilarious. So much "Chicken Little". Hillary, really, Hillary? If she or Trump is the next president does not make a lick of difference. Pretty sure that GW Bush proved the point that any president can pretty much do anything possible and America will still be here doing just fine. Probably should take a step back, open your mind, dig down and get a little objectivity and borrow some logic and you will find America is just fine.

If registering your drone is required by law there will be some people that will be deterred from buying a drone or they will keep it in their closet ant not fly it irresponsibly. And when they fly them irresponsibly people who do abide by the registration law and the big mean enforcement arm of the FAA will find them and shoot their limp little drone down. So exactly how do you cause trouble and fly your drone with criminal intent? This kind of lends it's self to the list the ways you have lost your freedoms kind of thing. If you are buzzing a Dallas Cowboys game or your 7 year old daughter's ballet recital maybe you should be getting caught.

I think the real problem here is that so many people would like to see society through the rosy glasses of yesteryear when we were free to do anything we wanted, fly anywhere we wanted and able to pack loaded pistols and loaded assault rifles (you know the one with the M320 grenade launcher with the HEDP round) into Wal-Mart or any "gun free zone". The fact is that society evolves just like all life here on earth. What once was is now different and in the future will be even more different. I think I read the other day that during the holiday season somewhere close to a million drones will be sold, a MILLION DRONES. That is a drone in every pot, oops I mean on every block. lol

Laws regarding drones will be passed, and once passed those laws will evolve. The question is will we as drone owners and users be able to influence those laws so that we consider them to be reasonable. Popping your ole head in the sand or running around screaming "The Sky is falling" will not help us as a community of UAV users get governments to pass laws we can live with. It is not giving up it is called working with what is inevitable.
I'll register my drones if told to do so. I have no problem with that. My car is registered, my business is registered and my professional license is registered. I can still drive my car any way I want, but if I cause an accident I'm held accountable. I can run my business any way I want, but if I break the law I'm held accountable. I can practice my trade anyway I want, but if someone gets hurt I'm held accountable.

Think about the work load of the underpaid FAA bureaucrats who will be responsible to manage the millions of drones out there. Pretty unlikely they will come after you unless you cause an accident, hurt someone, damage property or act as a lightening rod by posting reckless and irresponsible flying online. If you know you will be held accountable if something bad happens and you were flying irresponsibly odds are you will think twice.
So, who makes pirate themed quad skins? I'm gonna need one!
the rock..nod.gif
Pretty sure that is not possible. The 400 feet thing is a bit harder to figure, how would they knew unless some plane hit your drone or saw it up there. No civilian radar will pick the drone up and they can't get your log files.
Or.......you use FlightReplay or something similar, then all of your telemetry is obtainable.
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I'm running with my tail between my legs and registering my drone the day we are required to do so. I'm the guy who gives in to the rules because "I have nothing to hide."

Does anyone believe the gun laws we have has not helped at all? If you could walk into a gun store and walk out with a loaded gun 5 minutes later, there would indeed be a lot more gun violence then there already is here in the states. Yes, bad people can still get guns. But I'm sure more then a few of them have thought twice about the consequences.

Someone will eventually do something really bad with a drone. And I'm not talking about a million dollar one. I'm talking about a Phantom, which can be had for a few hundred dollars. Sadly, it is inevitable. Will registering help? Who knows. Maybe a simple required reading of the rules before you pay that $10 fee will make someone aware of the 400' rule that might not have otherwise known? If 5 million of us have to register our drones to save the life of one Cessna pilot who may have had his propeller damaged by a drone, I'm all in.

I'm running with my tail between my legs and registering my drone the day we are required to do so. I'm the guy who gives in to the rules because "I have nothing to hide."

Does anyone believe the gun laws we have has not helped at all? If you could walk into a gun store and walk out with a loaded gun 5 minutes later, there would indeed be a lot more gun violence then there already is here in the states. Yes, bad people can still get guns. But I'm sure more then a few of them have thought twice about the consequences.

Someone will eventually do something really bad with a drone. And I'm not talking about a million dollar one. I'm talking about a Phantom, which can be had for a few hundred dollars. Sadly, it is inevitable. Will registering help? Who knows. Maybe a simple required reading of the rules before you pay that $10 fee will make someone aware of the 400' rule that might not have otherwise known? If 5 million of us have to register our drones to save the life of one Cessna pilot who may have had his propeller damaged by a drone, I'm all in.


Exactly, I completely agree with you.

Personally I would be all for an altitude limitation of 400 feet enforced on phantoms. I fly a single engine Cherokee... A phantom in a prop could be deadly for sure.
Exactly, I completely agree with you.

Personally I would be all for an altitude limitation of 400 feet enforced on phantoms. I fly a single engine Cherokee... A phantom in a prop could be deadly for sure.

I am super careful about flying here in Colorado. Where I fly if a Cessna whacked my Phantom there is almost ZERO chance of a safe emergency landing, the terrain will not accommodate. I always look and listen for planes, hardly ever see or hear one but typically go weeks without hearing an aircraft in the area anyhow it is usually a Flight for Life helicopter. I don't have to tell you who get's the entire sky there. There are some areas I fly that 400 feet can be a bit short but those areas are boxed in by vertical walls of canyons and unless it was a rescue helicopter or an experienced Alaskan Bush pilot there ain't any pilot going to fly their plane through there.
I live i canada and like the FAA in the states transport canada is coming out with new federal rules for us drone pilots. I am not gonna worry about licensing my drone since i only fly it in remote locations. If i am forced too i will of course. It is because of those few idiots that make it hard for us normal pilots and why they are coming out with new rules. If we stay below 400 ft i dont see any problems with how high the drone flys, i am happy at 200 ft or so, i get lots of excellent ariel video.
I predict that:
1. Government makes a rule for registration.
2. Registration won't be obeyed by a large percentage of the people.
3. The problems that the Government said registration would fix will not fix it.
4. Government decides that the regulations didn't go far enough and proposes rigorous enforcement.
5. Government to hire 100,000 new government union employees with pensions and healthcare to police the drones.
6. Registration fees will go way up to pay for the new staff. Draconian fines will accompany very innocent mistakes. Outlaws will continue without repercussions.
7. All the above still won't solve the worst problems.
8. A new government solution will be proposed where everybody wanting to fly a drone has to attend a 16 hour class, do a Homeland Security background check, get photographed, fingerprinted, and carry a government license when you fly. Also log and report all flights.
9. Hire 200,000 new employees for the newly created Federal Government agency DAA (Drone Administration Agency)
10. All government agencies will be completely exempt from the new rules and allowed to surveil all of us at their whims.

You forgot the part about if you can't afford to pay for your own drone, the government will provide one for you and raise the cost of regular sales.
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I already have my registration "In" and have my N# issued. Takes about 10minutes and $10 no big deal. The biggest hassle will be getting the right letters and applying them to the aircraft.

I would imagine IF (and that's a big if LOL) there was enough push that all of your flight information could be gathered "on the fly". Remember everything you see on your screen is being broadcast through the air from your aircraft in a 360deg pattern. All you would need is a device able to capture, interpret and display that information. I bet if the FAA/DOT mandated this be allowable that the manufacturer would give them the specs they need to harvest such information on the fly. I don't know it's 100% possible now but in the words of Mythbusters... I'd call it very plausible.

How do you register it already?
I'm working toward my "Commercial" rating (333 Exemption) and they have always required Aircraft Registration. I would imagine (aka guess) that hobby registration will be easier and quicker than regular registration but I have nothing to base this on.
And 400 ft is not accurate.
Since the phantom records 0 ft at take off (where you stand), where is the phantoms true vertical height?
The Phantom's altitude starts at 0 feet Above Ground Level (AGL). Your true vertical height is always measured AGL with 0 as your starting point.

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