When to change props?

Jul 10, 2015
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Hi all, I've been on my first set of props since I stated flying, with a flight time of 17 hrs and 277,000 metres distance. They look in good condition and I have a spare set. When would be the best time on average to change them...
You should change them as soon as you notice they are damaged. That could be after 2 flights... or after 500 flights.
I've done 85 flights and check for damage before every flight as your supposed to do. I was just wondering what their life expectancy is.
I have some in use since May '14.
Obviously not P3 props but you get the idea.
The life expectancy can be rather short for people who crash a lot, wind them on too tightly, and abuse them in other ways. There really is no hard and fast lifespan though.
I don't think props wear out however, if they're constantly taken on and off one might guess the threads could begin to wear a bit. Although they're designed to handle harsh conditions, they are placed under an extreme amount of stress each time the Phantom is flown. For $12 or so, it might not be a bad idea to replace all four when it occurs to someone that's it's been quite a long time since they've been changed.
The life expectancy can be rather short for people who crash a lot, wind them on too tightly, and abuse them in other ways. There really is no hard and fast lifespan though.
I'm curious do people really crash these a lot? Seriously, where I fly there are absolutely no trees. I am usually at least 30 meters above the ground when I fly. If I crash it I am going to need to replace more than the props.
I take relly good care of my props and have never crashed, but I changed my props out after 5 months, just due to the fact that I had the spare set laying around and I would rather not over use any and have my first crash. Did I feel that I had to? Not at all, but thought it was better to be safe than sorry. Honestly after coming from Yuneec, I couldn't be happier with the longevity and performance of the Phantom 3.
I'm curious do people really crash these a lot? Seriously, where I fly there are absolutely no trees.
Of course. Less people would crash if they took more time to learn how to fly Phantoms. They are just too easy to take out of the box and get into the air. So, that's exactly what a lot of people are doing.
Of course. Less people would crash if they took more time to learn how to fly Phantoms. They are just too easy to take out of the box and get into the air. So, that's exactly what a lot of people are doing.
Completely agree but the more I chase that elusive shot the closer I find myself to trees etc. I'm sure experienced pilots must crash too, just under different circumstances. I've already been weighing the repair cost vs the shot I want.
Chopping down high weeds or flying in buggy areas can wear em down a bit. I'd say just when they start to look worn, keep em as emergency set and rock out your new spares. Order new props when convent time comes in an yada yada. No need to stress :)

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