Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at start of

Oct 14, 2014
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This has happened twice now. Have flown successful GS missions before and after the first incident. Had to replace a motor , it flew fine after but motor did not sound as smooth as other 3 when free spun so decided to replace it. Have not tried since the last incident. Just a bit gun shy at this point. Have searched the forum and have not been able to find mention of this Could not shut down the bird either time. Had to physically turn off via battery.

Any one else experience this? Am I missing something? Btw the bird was on the ground at the start of both missions. Should I initiate mission after launch?
Re: Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at star

So it took off and did a backflip ?

I've only done GS a few times so I'm def no expert... a) don't need it much and b) scared of what happens.

On a few occasions when taking off it flies incredibly low to the ground and pitched down before it finally lifts off... so like the front 2 motors were on a 30 degree angle pointing down and it was flying a foot or so above ground for a few metres... kind of scary.

After that I started planning the mission on the ground, took off and brought it upto a safe height and then started the mission. Not sure if that is the correct way to do it, or possibly even more dangerous.. but certainly seems safer than what I have seen on occasion.
Re: Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at star

I experienced the same phenomenon. Here's what happened. I programmed a mission in the ground station. I then manually started the motors using CSC (combination stick command), then I tapped "Done" and then "Go" in Ground Station. It immediately flipped on its back as you described. I also could not stop the motors without turning off the battery. I was fortunate that it occurred on soft soccer field grass, so no harm done. Does this sound familiar?
I got the nerve up to try again. Something stuck in my head from reading the users manual to not start the motors after programming the mission. I tapped done and go and lo and behold, the darned thing automatically started the motors and ~5 seconds later off she went. Flew the mission as I programmed it perfectly. Totally cool. Hope this helps. Let us know. :D
Re: Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at star

Yes that's sounds exactly like what happened although I did start with the go button in GS as well. It seems to be an aberration.... Not much use for GS any more until they enable the ability to save and preload missions to iPad. Thanks for the response.
Re: Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at star

I have not flown many, just played around with GS. I talked to a few people & stated the same thing as they started on the ground & pressed go. A few said it flipped or came close to that. One stated it took off & flew just a few feet off the ground & finally about 15-20 meters shot up. If something ( tree, building, etc ) was in the way, it would of been bad. Just hearing them talk about that stuff, I start my bird, take it up to 20' or so & press go. Haven't had any problems yet. I just really do not know what I will use GS for though. Just pretty neat to play with & impress friends :D
Re: Vision plus immediately flipped over on its back at star

DO NOT Start a mission from the ground as it will try to head to its first waypoint as soon as it detects upward movement.
In doing so it will then head in its planned direction losing a little height (which is not much) catch its landing gear on the ground and flip.

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