Video Quality

If you go to 2.7K at 30fps in ultra mid is the best aerial. If you would rather use a medium FOV, go 2.7K which is a 17:9 aspect ration at 24 fps gives you 2704X1440, the former yields 2704X1524

You will see a remarkable difference.

You're welcome.
Much of it was shot on an overcast days which renders it rather flat and featureless. Contrast and saturated colour always make shots look sharp. However, It also looks to me as though your GoPro is underexposing a bit. If you have an edit suite with a vector scope feature it is enough to check out that whites are peaking at 100% and solid blacks at 0%.

Other threads touch on grading GoPro footage.
Don't be too hard on your video quality...I thought it looked very good and was well edited. Remember that most of your viewers....except for the people on this forum, will NOT have ever seen anything like it's all new to them...

I liked that you took advantage of shooting while moving backwards...this Reverse Zoom is a good technique that reveals the surroundings of an area after seeing some close up....just the opposite of the traditional idea of a "Zoom Shot". An added advantage is...if you have a Phantom that oftentimes shows the props in the upper corners of the frame, this will minimize...or eliminate that distracting effect.

One suggestion that I might make...and this is basically true for nearly ANY photography, is to try to shoot most of your photos and videos during the "Magic Hour". That is the hour or so just after sunrise and the hour before sundown. This is when the light tends to be lower, more dramatic and most of all...much "warmer"... Nearly any subject will look more vibrant and interesting when bathed in the light of a setting...or rising sun. We've all noticed how everything tends to look so much more appealing at these times of the be sure to have your Phantom ready to fly at those times.

Years ago, I read an article in a Photo Magazine that was titled, "Bad Weather, Good Photos!" and that certainly holds true with PhantomPhotos. While we really don't want to fly in the rain, snow, etc...still, nothing helps to "punch up" a shot like having huge storm clouds or those great billowing white clouds in the background of your shot..

I also liked the fact that you used an actual piece of music as the background instead of one of those annoying "drum tracks" that are so repetitive and boring...
Your video is great! Look on youtube for tutorials on colors grading or color correcting!

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