Today it finally happened (Crash w/video)

Feb 19, 2014
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Today was apparently my day....

I finally got all my FPV gear put together (Phantom 2, Zenmuse H3-2D, iosd, ImmersionRC 600 MW Tx, Black Pearl Rx, GoPro Hero 3 Black+) and flown it maybe 7-8 times (out to 500-600M). So I decided to take it somewhere I could really let it go and see how far it would really go.

I think it's worth while to mention that I enabled NAZA-M mode yesterday (and I flew it twice in that mode without issue) just to play with the new features and see the difference it made with the video. It's GREAT btw!

After I started the Phantom up it indicated that it wanted the compass calibrated, which I'm fairly familiar with so I proceeded to calibrate it. I will say that I had to look at my cheat sheet to see what the lights meant in NAZA mode since I've really only become accustom to the Phantom Mode lights. I checked out the FPV monitor and it indicated that I had 12 Sats so I took off into a 7-8ft hover as I normally do just to make sure everything is happy. At this point, basically, the Phantom immediately took off away and to the right of me.

Exhibit A.

My first reaction was to try to compensate only to find out that non of the controls were doing what they normally did. In the brief seconds I had I was able to determine that the left stick up still meant Gain Altitude (No matter the orientation of the Phantom). After the first 3 seconds I realized that I was going to crash so my primary goal was to make sure I didn't ditch in to the lake/pond next to me. Once I avoided that I did my very best to make sure that I came down as softly horizontally as possible which I managed to do pretty well. A few times the Phantom was flying completely sideways going up as you can see in the video. It hit the ground a rolled over a few times.

The casualties included 1 broken propeller, a bent up Zenmuse lower bracket and that's basically it. I took the gimbal and bracket off, replaced the prop, did a compass calibration and now it's flying perfectly fine. I bent the lower bracket back into shape and everything seems to be well.

The only thing I can imagine is that the compass calibration that I did had to be either off axis or I somehow managed to cover up the compass with my hand when I did it. I will say that I finally figured out why the lower Zenmuse bracket is so easily bent, so that you don't break or bend the actual gimbal arm. It's much easier to replace a $70 bracket than the whole **** gimbal.

So pardon my long explanation (I've had a few whiskies) and have a good night!

Did you do the compass calibration on the cement pavement where you took off from?
I'd bet that's the reason your Phantom went nuts. If at any time you get red, yellow lights alternating, it means the compass values are so bad the Phantom knows there's something wrong. But that only happens when the data is so bad the Phantom knows it's not possible. The rest of the time the data can be really off but it doesn't know any better. Calibrating your compass too close to re-bar reinforced concrete is a good example.

Either that or the compass was exposed to something magnetic and has picked a magnetic charge and needs to be degaussed (check the mod value in the assistant software).

It is better to not calibrate than calibrate in a bad spot.
Glad your phantom came back flying from the crash. Mine did the same thing a week ago. The second crash did it in. Be careful and keep it away from people and structures for I'm afraid it's going to happen again. I have heard a few pilots having these identical problems with unexpected falling from the sky crashes.
I can seem to find a solution for this problem. I have even changed out all my motors to the new super duper tmotors! Still having power problems and bad flight.
Good luck!
Flipping the S1 switch to ATTI would almost certainly have given you full control as it ignores the compass. Thats easy to say in hindsight but to be able to use that in an emergency its something you have to practice. Just fly it around and get a friend to clap their hands to indicate an emergency then train yourself to react. Next time you will regain control.

Good to hear its not been lost.

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