To train with the gimbal or without?

Jul 15, 2014
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Absolute Phantom newbie here from Australia (and this is my first post). Just about to purchase a Phantom 2 with the intention of doing a bit of aerial videography for remote 4WD trips.

I'll be giving myself some time to train and familiarise myself with the Phantom, however, unsure of whether I should delay the installation of the gimbal until I am fully confident with the craft?

Any thoughts, tips, experiences and advice would be greatly appreciated!
Sure. Why not. It's certainly a lot less fragile (and a lot less expensive) if you crash.

Fly it without until you're comfortable. Then attach your gimbal and fly with that until you're comfortable.

Flying without a gimbal won't change the flight characteristics THAT much... so it's not like it'll feel foreign when you finally do put one on.

And, like I said, the gimbals are pretty fragile and can get damaged even in a light crash.
Do you feel more comfortable potentially losing $650 or potentially losing $1000? Which sounds better to you?

The answer to your question should be pretty obvious. :?
Not sure which version you are considering.
If you try to use a P2+ without the gimbal, you will have no telemetry information, no battery or GPS info.
I wouldn't recommend trying to learn without that.
If it comes with the gimbal already attached, you'll be ok leaving it on, just play it safe. put your name on it, and avoid trees and buildings at all costs..
if it doesn't come with the gimbal attached, then I'd probably recommend leaving it off until you feel comfortable enough to attach it.
Meta4 said:
Not sure which version you are considering.
If you try to use a P2+ without the gimbal, you will have no telemetry information, no battery or GPS info.
I wouldn't recommend trying to learn without that.

Wouldn't that be like flying a Phantom 1?
For my first flight I flew with camera, gimbal, and fpv. I couldn't be bothered to remove it. I was careful and flew Ina big empty field. I broke a prop and that was it. On flight 7 now and flying in the front yard.

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