This website seems a bit off

Ya, this site is configured and updating the same as all the others as far as we can see from our end. If you have a specific issue then please message me directly with the example and I'll dig into it.

@ianzone - I just tested the premium again and you shouldn't be seeing any ads as a premium member as long as you are logging in to directly (not tapatalk). Also, your premium features are all active and described here - Message me directly if this is not the case and I'll dig in further.


Hi I tried to access the premium features and it says I don't have permission to
No. I messaged @BigAl07 and he referred to @clackey . It is a notification update issue. I don't see any notification updates unless I re-load the page. ( This is only on PC ). On initial load, they show up fine. But leave the page open for a while and notifications never appear, as I said unless I re-load the page. It is not a cache issue that I can find.

The failure of notifications to update consistently has been a problem for some time. For me it used to work consistently on PhantomPilots, while it was always very spotty on MavicPilots - that's across multiple computers and platforms. Now it is equally random on both websites. I simply stopped relying on it.
For me it used to work consistently on PhantomPilots
Same here. The issue started on or about October or so of 2018.
Do not see any problems .....
Well guys until @clackey address's these issues afraid I'm of no use to you .He will see this when he logs on and check it out .
Just looked and on a Mac and it is there for me.
Looking into the alerts issue. I don't think the latest version of our software supports the automatic refresh of alerts, without refreshing the page. It is possible that we had an addon there for that previously. I'll look into it and see if there is an option for it.
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Looking into the alerts issue. I don't think the latest version of our software supports the automatic refresh of alerts, without refreshing the page. It is possible that we had an addon there for that previously. I'll look into it and see if there is an option for it.

The strange thing is that sometimes it still updates without refreshing the page, just like it used to.
Just seems odd that the “new software” doesn’t have the ability to update or refresh information on its own.
Just seems odd that the “new software” doesn’t have the ability to update or refresh information on its own.
No it doesn't. The old software didn't either, we just added a plugin that enabled it. Most of the old plugins didn't work with the new software at the time we upgraded.
So here is what I think changed.
I’m using an iPad for all of this. I had, months and months ago, homepaged
both this site and the mavic site on this iPad. For some reason I was trying to sort out an issue and ended up deleting a few homepage items.
When I finished with that issue, I then re-inserted the phantom and mavic sites. With whatever updating has been done on the site end, it changed to not being able to auto-update information like it did before.
Sorry to be a bit picky, but to me this is a good example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. I can’t blame anyone but myself for knocking out the old homepage that I had. I should have left those two alone.

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