Thinking of canceling my order.

RedRyderMedia said:
It seems like the most common problems being reported are P2V+ issues.

The same problems have been reported since the introduction of the P1. As features were added, additional problems were added to the mix.

My point is that many of these recurring problems can be attributed to pilot error (vortex ring state death drops is an example that you mentioned) and those problems will not "continue to settle" because folks will keep on making the same mistakes as they have been making since the Phantom dark ages a little over a year ago.
Mori55 said:
tebowner said:
based on my experience - I feel the camera is not up to par ... for that reason I dont like it
Unless your a pro , I think the camera is great. If your a pro maybe you should get something that's more of a pro rig.
I think for most of Its a great camera. Anyone I show a video to can't believe how crisp and clear it is

I agree totally, Mori. I'm kinda picky, take loads of pictures with my digital camera, lots of short videos too, and this thing rocks. Everyone is always impressed. This is not a pro rig but it sure is impressive!
Just get one you'll love it. Otherwise get me a + and I'll share my joy and pain with you:) I really think the number of problems are small in comparison to the number of units out there. I've been running a P2V since the first of the year and never lost control aside from one time and that was from descending straight down too fast, I believe. Keep in mind that most people will post on these forums because they have a problem/question/issue, not to report that everything's a-ok. So it would seem that everyone is having problems. I do think the newer firmware upgrades are causing some ill-effects, so I'm sticking with 1.08 for the time-being.
One thing you might want to do is considering picking up a P2v instead of the plus. That way if something bad does happen you're only into it for about half what a plus goes for (and sadly half what I payed for my P2v). The other thing about the P2V, especially for a new flyer, is that they will take a good amount of abuse. I've had some pretty horrific crashes where I had to dig my camera out of a snow bank and it still worked fine after putting it back together. It seems that the new gimbal can be rendered useless pretty easily in a crash, which basically takes away the benefit of the plus. Although after checking out the video from the +, it's very difficult for me not to pull the trigger on one. But so far I've been able to exercise restraint.
jimdenburg said:
Just get one you'll love it. Otherwise get me a + and I'll share my joy and pain with you:) I really think the number of problems are small in comparison to the number of units out there. I've been running a P2V since the first of the year and never lost control aside from one time and that was from descending straight down too fast, I believe. Keep in mind that most people will post on these forums because they have a problem/question/issue, not to report that everything's a-ok. So it would seem that everyone is having problems. I do think the newer firmware upgrades are causing some ill-effects, so I'm sticking with 1.08 for the time-being.
One thing you might want to do is considering picking up a P2v instead of the plus. That way if something bad does happen you're only into it for about half what a plus goes for (and sadly half what I payed for my P2v). The other thing about the P2V, especially for a new flyer, is that they will take a good amount of abuse. I've had some pretty horrific crashes where I had to dig my camera out of a snow bank and it still worked fine after putting it back together. It seems that the new gimbal can be rendered useless pretty easily in a crash, which basically takes away the benefit of the plus. Although after checking out the video from the +, it's very difficult for me not to pull the trigger on one. But so far I've been able to exercise restraint.

Yes but the video out of the plus is pretty **** good !!!

lifo said:
Funny how spoiled people get. Back in they day we would built an RC aircraft for 2 months. Take it out for its first flight and destroy it in 5 minutes. It was easily $1300 in todays money

I remember those days all too well!

Two months buidling an F4U Corsair.

One flight...lost control signal.

Aircraft was a total loss... :shock:
Dirty Bird said:
lifo said:
Funny how spoiled people get. Back in they day we would built an RC aircraft for 2 months. Take it out for its first flight and destroy it in 5 minutes. It was easily $1300 in todays money

I remember those days all too well!

Two months buidling an F4U Corsair.

One flight...lost control signal.

Aircraft was a total loss... :shock:
Same here , weeks and all nighters building , then first flight gone ! On one flight I destroyed a 4.2 gas motor, tuned pipe, plane and all radio gear. Around 1980 pretty expensive then. But I learned a lot in those days when you had to build and setup your radio gear.
Mori55 said:
Same here , weeks and all nighters building , then first flight gone ! On one flight I destroyed a 4.2 gas motor, tuned pipe, plane and all radio gear. Around 1980 pretty expensive then. But I learned a lot in those days when you had to build and setup your radio gear.

Was 1976 for me. I got the RC bug...had a job and busted my *** to buy the gear. Built the Corsair and a P-51D Mustang that I tricked out with a custom Bicentennial paint scheme (Bicentennial was all the rage in ' The Corsair crashed and burned...literally! :cry: The Mustang survived for many flights before one fateful day when the motor quit. I love the modern RC foamies. They look awesome, amazing detail, lights, retractable landing gear, even add a 3-axis stabilizer for under $20! Plus they are electric so no fuel to mess with, and have them in the air in an hour or two. And they are very inexpensive too!
Hovtech said:
With about 30 flights over the last month, I can say to myself, If I lose it I'd be pissed off, but that was the most fun I've had with $1300 standing up! :cool: And I have the videos to prove it.
Agree! Get that bird! :)
I have spent more for a day of vacation with my family, hell for a 4 hour shore excursions on a ship and my 7 and 5 year old won't even remember. ..but I'll tell you...they won't forget this DJIs 30 ir so flights so far... :D
I bought my first Rc radio in 1977 , I bought it used it was a Kraft 4channel didn't even have servo reversing 225.00 ! Went in to a Goldberg falcon 56.

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