Take off/Land - from hand or from the ground?

99 percent of the time I hand catch it on landing. Phantom so small it is just safer to do, so it won't tip over.

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4 steps to safe catch on landing:

1) Tie your TX with a cord around your neck (hands free ! this is the most important clue to get it)
2) Move your back against wind direction, descend phantom and hover in front up you, pointing nose also in same direction that wind (Suggested: ATTI mode)
3) Hold TX and throotle stick with your left hand (let TX rest / hang by the cord around your neck)
4) Catch Phantom from right leg while moving throotle stick full down. (here you'll see the importance of hang TX on your neck!).

NOTE: after catch just stay, no move wait at least 5 seconds and don't touch throotle to avoid restart.;)

I always perform a safe catch on landing. (more than 80 times, so i can say It works for me !). Check this guy:

Always hand catch, much safer for the quad, unless you are in a fast recovery, low battery etc. I hand launch only if the ground is really dusty to keep the grit out of the motors. Otherwise I have more control if its a ground launch. Apparently its important for the quad when warming up to be stable and level, so do that first even if you hand launch after home position is locked in.
How do you hand launch from say a boat where its moving around, or if your on a hill with no flat area ? Do you initialise holding as still as you can or ???
Roadkilt said:
Always hand catch, much safer for the quad,

It's funny how people worry about their Phantom's more then their own safety lol.

Do it how you want but remember don't blame DJI if you get a severed finger or sliced up face because of miss judgement on the controller or something!! I believe any thing not palm size shouldn't be caught with your hand and if it has landing gear on it then it's meant to be launched and landed on the ground or platform for a reason "To be at a safe distance"! I understand that some people are in spot they can't launch from, but even that is taking risk of losing your Phantom like over water while your on a boat!!
I always launch from the ground but often hand catch especially when on uneven terrain such as standing on a rock in the river. I can balance the bird on a rock for launch but it is hard to land it accurately enough to keep from tipping over and damaging props or camera.
Try getting upgraded landing skids, I had a constant problem with tipping on landing and banging up my prop's! Once I put skid's on it I no longer tip over because they extend out further on the unit then the DJI stock landing gear! If your worried about relocating compass just keep the part of the leg the compass is located on screwed in and cut it off below the compass itself, Don't do this until you get you skids of course!
Another good Idea would be to build a plat form that you could take with you for uneven ground, I was thinking of something like a piece of 2x2 plywood with a bean bag bottom to set on rock and or uneven ground!
Oh and if you do plan on any water shots it's a real good idea to make floats on your landing gear! It won't keep it from getting wet but you won't loss it in thirty feet of water, Trust me on that one I know! I just cut up some of that foam noodle tubing the kid's play around with here in the pond, Saved mine more then once!!
Here is how i've am used to doing it after more than 12 months with the Phantom:

-I fly off from the ground
-I always hand-catch on landing - remote on the neck; I am coming BACK towards myself (so logically pressing "back" on the remote it comes towards me). When it's close enough and low, I grab one leg with my right hand, while with my left after I grab it; I turn the throttle max-down and wait 5 seconds for it to disengage.

Very easy to do and keeps the landing gear/props safe.
Let's see. How do I feel about getting up close and personal to a flying food processor??

I have never been fond of catching aircraft. Only 1 of 3 things can happen, and TWO of the are BAD.

1 - Catch it fine

2 - hurt yourself

3 - hurt the aircraft

Learn to take off and land.
I do not descend as low for the props to be in my face. I have never failed to catch it properly in over 100 attempts. But again, I stretch my hand above my head, so even if it decides, right at that moment, to fly for no reason right towards me, it is still above.

I can take off and land, but every landing damages the skids a bit, sometimes more.
You asked for opinions. Mine is that sooner or later something bad will happen trying to catch it or take off from your hands. Free country, do what you want to, but for me, that is not something I will ever do or recommend. Endangering yourself to save the skid pads seems a little foolish to me.
Mine has landing skids .... so I use them to land on ... never had an issue.... havent taken mine out on my boat yet, but my fishing table looks perfect for that too :cool:
People, get yourself together. First, carbon-fiber props are WAY different than the ones that come with the Phantom. They are blades .Yes - use them at your own risk! I personally never put such ones; as one day my Phantom may even go crazy in public, I don't want to make it a flying chopper! Also, it's not clear from the video WHAT he did to accomplish that, so we learn nothing, just how dangerous the Phantom really is. Come on, you can cut yourself with a kitchen knife too. Just mind your business; and yes, accidents happen.

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