Tablets and phones that work well with DJI GO

i know this is the p3 adv/pro discussions, but i didn't found on any p3s section that discuss this sort of thing. So, right now, i have some trouble with the app, since my phone doesn't support the app (i think). I'm using Xiaomi RedMi Note 3, the spec is quite good though, using helios x10 processor, but i'm not really sure why it doesn't run the dji go app smoothly.
The app shows live view after i press the record button, and it always black if i didn't record it. And when i switch to photo mode, it's always blinking like crazy, i can't barely do nothing, all i gotta do is wait :'( (it's also happen once i started the app).
So, i decide to buy a new phone that run the app smoothly, do anyone in here try Samsung Galaxy A8? or Galaxy Note 5 (Exynos Version) or using iphone product is the only way? is it right that this app runs best with iOS?

Thank you so much for your replies, and please enlighten me
Welcome to the forums Ricky. You can use iOS or Android, both work fine. The key is getting a device that is powerful enough to run the app smoothly. The DJI GO app needs a fairly strong device. It's somewhat expensive (cheaper than a new phone), but you may want to try a different flight app, like Litchi or one of the others to see if they work better on your Xiaomi phone.
Also, try running DJI GO on your phone in Airplane mode and see if it's any better. You will lose the map loading and other features, but it will help you troubleshoot your problem.
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Welcome to the forums Ricky. You can use iOS or Android, both work fine. The key is getting a device that is powerful enough to run the app smoothly. The DJI GO app needs a fairly strong device. It's somewhat expensive (cheaper than a new phone), but you may want to try a different flight app, like Litchi or one of the others to see if they work better on your Xiaomi phone.
Also, try running DJI GO on your phone in Airplane mode and see if it's any better. You will lose the map loading and other features, but it will help you troubleshoot your problem.
Thanks for welcoming me :D. And yep I know it does need a powerful phone, but as far as Im see the recommended device, my device is as powerful as all of it, and when I ask dji support for dji go app compability for particular phone the answer is not quite satisfying he said "you may try". It's some kind of a joke right? Knowing that I had to buy quite expensive phone just to "try" lol. Btw I already try airplane. It helps a bit, but it's not doing well, the screen stills black.
Well back into my question do anyone use smartphone besides the list on the first page. More specific is galaxy a8? So btw are u saying that Android and iOS runs equally as long as it's supported?

Thank you
Yes, Android and iOS apps are both about as good as each other now. The difference is mostly personal preference, and in the device.
I think part of your problem is that the Chinese phones often use nonstandard hardware, so the DJI app may not be optimized for that particular set of equipment.
I've run into similar issues in the past with other systems. All the specs are fine, but the combination of chipsets and drivers used is different than what the app was written and tested for, so it doesn't work well. That's why I've learned not to buy 'off-brand' equipment for mission-critical applications like this. I realize that Xiaomi is a good company. I own some of their products and am very happy with them, I'm just explaining what might be causing your issues. Have you tried a different flight app? Another one may work differently.
Yes, Android and iOS apps are both about as good as each other now. The difference is mostly personal preference, and in the device.
I think part of your problem is that the Chinese phones often use nonstandard hardware, so the DJI app may not be optimized for that particular set of equipment.
I've run into similar issues in the past with other systems. All the specs are fine, but the combination of chipsets and drivers used is different than what the app was written and tested for, so it doesn't work well. That's why I've learned not to buy 'off-brand' equipment for mission-critical applications like this. I realize that Xiaomi is a good company. I own some of their products and am very happy with them, I'm just explaining what might be causing your issues. Have you tried a different flight app? Another one may work differently.

Okay thank you so much for your explanation, i'll consider which phone should i buy. But i still waiting for others might have using Samsung Galaxy A8 or Galaxy Note 5 :D. in your opinion, is it iOS or Android version done better? yep i think so, is it he ui, system or anything might cause this happen. Nope, i never tried any other app, could you recommended anything? i already search litchi, is it good? cause it's a paid app actually, maybe around $20 :D and also i decided to buy DJI Product is because they also developed a quite good application, i never thought this such thing will happen, lol.
anyway thank you so much for your explanation.
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I am assuming you are planning to run DJI Go on a phone to fly your P3S right? If I am you, I would skip the phone and use a tablet instead. The bigger screen of a tablet is a "revelation" to fly FPV once you have tried it. I would recommend a 7-inch to 8-inch tablet as the best compromise between screen size and weight. I personally use a 9.7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, the big screen is great though the weight does make the remote control a bit top heavy.
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I am assuming you are planning to run DJI Go on a phone to fly your P3S right? If I am you, I would skip the phone and use a tablet instead. The bigger screen of a tablet is a "revelation" to fly FPV once you have tried it. I would recommend a 7-inch to 8-inch tablet as the best compromise between screen size and weight. I personally use a 9.7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, the big screen is great though the weight does make the remote control a bit top heavy.

i was planning to buy some sort of tablet like ipad mini 2, but u know, phone holder in my rc only fit for a phone that has about 5.7" screen, so it won't work. I also planning to buy sort of extender, but as i'm seen it, in my opinion, it will get wobbly and likely to fall of the tablet, so i choose not to do that :D. Another solution is drill a hole in my RC and modified it, so it look like a adv/pro version holder, but again, it kinda time consuming lol. so my only best option is to buy a new phone or choose another app (sadly). :(
Ok, now I'm REALLY confused. The stock phone/tablet holder will accept devices up to and including the iPad Air 2 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, both of with have 9.7" screens. There was even someone in another thread who was able to get a certain 10" tablet to fit. I can't understand why you think you're limited to devices with screens around 5.7"...?
Hang you have a P3 STANDARD? That would explain it! The Standard has a different mount. This is the P3 Pro/Advanced forum. No wonder I was confused. lol
Ok, now I'm REALLY confused. The stock phone/tablet holder will accept devices up to and including the iPad Air 2 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, both of with have 9.7" screens. There was even someone in another thread who was able to get a certain 10" tablet to fit. I can't understand why you think you're limited to devices with screens around 5.7"...?
Hang you have a P3 STANDARD? That would explain it! The Standard has a different mount. This is the P3 Pro/Advanced forum. No wonder I was confused. lol

Sorry to make u confused. That's why in my first post I said that I know this is P3 adv/pro forum, I post it in here, cause I can't find similar thread in p3 standard forum. :D
Okay thank you so much for your explanation, i'll consider which phone should i buy. But i still waiting for others might have using Samsung Galaxy A8 or Galaxy Note 5 :D. in your opinion, is it iOS or Android version done better? yep i think so, is it he ui, system or anything might cause this happen. Nope, i never tried any other app, could you recommended anything? i already search litchi, is it good? cause it's a paid app actually, maybe around $20 :D and also i decided to buy DJI Product is because they also developed a quite good application, i never thought this such thing will happen, lol.
anyway thank you so much for your explanation.

It would be worth looking into the specifications of a device before you buy it. Whilst it is no guarantee the device will run the (Go) app smoothly, doing your homework should certainly reduce the risk of ending up with a device that gives problems.
I have tried 3 devices so far. First: A Sony Xperia Z1 Compact phone (Quad-core 2.2GHz processor) and it ran the app no problem, but the screen is a bit small for my tired old eyes. Then I tried an iPad 2 mini. Again, the app ran fine, but its screen was too dim to see well outside. So I tried the newest device of the lot, another phone, the Samsung S5 Mini (Quad-core 1.4GHz processor) and it struggled to run the Go app. Video was choppy and started breaking up at about 400m.
What is the downside of not having GPS like in the case of having a WiFi only iPad?
Please don't ask the same question in multiple threads, it causes redundancy and clutters up the forums. See my reply in the other location...
Please don't ask the same question in multiple threads, it causes redundancy and clutters up the forums. See my reply in the other location...
Well no disrespect but it's the multiple threads that are redundant. Can't blame me for seeking opinions from two threads of the same topic. I can understand being repremanded for creating the same or similar threads in multiple subforums
However if two similar topics exist and I have a question I'm going to post in both locations to make sure I get a adequate audience for feedback. People the are subbed to one thread might not be subbed on a other etc etc.

With all that said I appreciate your reply. :)

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
I agree about multiple threads, but common forum etiquette is not to double post.
What is the downside of not having GPS like in the case of having a WiFi only iPad?

without the GPS you end up having to ask that question more than once... if you had GPS then you never would have had to ask that question.... its up to you if that is an important trait to have or not....
Well no disrespect but it's the multiple threads that are redundant. Can't blame me for seeking opinions from two threads of the same topic. I can understand being repremanded for creating the same or similar threads in multiple subforums
However if two similar topics exist and I have a question I'm going to post in both locations to make sure I get a adequate audience for feedback. People the are subbed to one thread might not be subbed on a other etc etc.

With all that said I appreciate your reply. :)

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Check out this single post from earlier in this same thread:
Tablets and phones that work well with DJI GO
Apple iPads come in either a wifi only version or a wifi + cellular enabled version. Your Phantom has GPS to know where it is and to set the home point for RTH, so you can fly your Phantom with either version. Some optional features require GPS at your RC (controller) so that your RC location is also known. Phones, cellular enabled iPads, and most Android tablets have GPS that can be used for those particular features. A data plan is not required if you go with a cellular enabled iPad.

Take a look at this high level overview of different options when using the GO app with an iPad. Forgive me if you have seen it before since I have posted it to the forum numerous (>50) times so you may have seen it before in your research. Please let me know if I have inadvertently misrepresented or omitted something.

[JAN 13, 2016]
A new thing to consider is if you will want internet access in the field so that you can instantly unlock self authorization zones in the emerging GEO system from DJI. Without internet access in the field, you may need to plan ahead and unlock self authorization zones in advance if your country has GEO and you are impacted by one of the zones. This is similar to how you might plan ahead to cache maps in advance. We will understand more once GEO is implemented. For now, keep it in mind when considering which device to buy.

Wifi only iPad (no internet access in the field)
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can use maps if desired, but maps must be cached in advance
* No access to new maps in the field
* Can use Waypoints
* No LIVE STREAMING (this is different than FPV)
* No Follow Me
* No Dynamic Home Point

Wifi only iPad (tethered for internet)
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can access new maps in the field if desired
* No Follow Me
* No Dynamic Home Point
* Can use Waypoints
* Can use LIVE STREAMING, but likely not well.

Wifi only iPad with an external GPS
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can use maps if desired, but maps must be cached in advance
* No access to new maps in the field
* Can use Follow Me
* Can use Dynamic Home Point
* Can use Waypoints
* External GPS is more accurate
* Cell version not needed every time you upgrade to new iPad
* One more thing to charge and carry

Cellular iPad with no data plan
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can use maps if desired, but maps must be cached in advance
* No access to new maps in the field
* Can use Waypoints
* Can use Follow Me
* Can use Dynamic Home Point

Cellular iPad (no data plan, tethered for internet)
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can access new maps in the field if desired
* Can use LIVE STREAMING, but likely not well.
* Can use Follow Me
* Can use Waypoints
* Can use Dynamic Home Point

Cellular iPad (with data plan)
* Can fly your Phantom
* Can access new maps in the field if desired
* Can use Follow Me
* Can use Waypoints
* Can use Dynamic Home Point

Tethering your phone to a wifi only iPad does not share the phone's GPS unless you jailbreak. If you have a wifi only iPad already and don't want to jailbreak, you might consider an external (bluetooth) GPS device if you want to use the features that require GPS at the RC. There are many threads on the topic. It seems that the most talked about here on the forum are Bad Elf, Dual and the Garmin GLO. Just search and you will see plenty to read for research if you want to look into that option. [If this option interests you, one thing to watch for: iOS 8.3 broke the ability for an external GPS to transfer data. It was fixed with iOS 8.4 and later, and still works in iOS 8.2 and earlier. It is only iOS 8.3 with the issue.]

As noted earlier, Android tablets almost always have built in GPS so they are a great option to consider.

There are third party apps, so if you are interested in trying something other than the GO app you should check if what you want is available for iOS, Android, or both.

'Dynamic Home Point' is used here since that is a common way to refer to that functionality. Remember that the home point is not actually dynamically changing. You must manually change the static home point to a new static home point.

'LIVE STREAMING' is the feature that allows for posting your FPV to the internet in real time.

Tethering is connecting one device to another. In the context of mobile phones and tablets, tethering allows sharing the internet connection of a phone or tablet with other devices that may not be able to access the Internet directly.

RTH works with both wifi only and cellular enabled tablets and phones.

Maps are not required to fly, but many find them useful.

GPS alone does not transmit map/terrain data for you to download to your device. If you do not have internet access where you plan to fly and you want to use the maps, they must be downloaded (cached/stored) in advance via the internet. Most know this is obvious, but some new pilots may not realize this fact.
Awesome info!!!
If get an ipad mini 4 WiFi only and tether to a phone; how can I use jailbreak to get the GPS to work?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Awesome info!!!
If get an ipad mini 4 WiFi only and tether to a phone; how can I use jailbreak to get the GPS to work?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Glad the info helped some.

Sorry sir, I'm not experienced enough with jail breaking and what you'd need. I must defer to those with more knowledge.

I use a Dual external GPS for the rare times that I need GPS at the RC.

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