Sunhans amp advice

Apr 30, 2014
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I recently bought both a 5.8Ghz amp (Sunhans model SH58Gi1000) and a 2.4Ghz amp (Sunhans model SH24BTA-N). The connectors on the 2.4Ghz amp are the opposite to what I expected (and the opposite to the connectors on the 5.8Ghz amp).
(see attached photo)

On the 'To Antenna' side of the amp, there is an SMA connector (instead of RP-SMA). This means that it won't connect correctly to the antenna supplied by Sunhans (not really the issue since I'll be connecting my FPVLR antenna anyway). When I look at photos and videos online, it seems like others have connected their antenna to the side labelled 'To Radio' on my unit. I'm hoping others using the Sunhans amp can offer some advice. I know the documentation for the amp says it is 'bi-directional' - does this imply that it wouldn't matter which direction it is connected? Thanks!


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Somewhat related: What powers the amps? Do they have their own source, or do they consume the controller batteries?

--- edit ---
And what kind of gain do these guys advertise?
I've got a RavPower 14,000mAh power source that I'm going to use to power the amps. It has both a 1A and 2A output. Bit of a challenge to find the correct power cables - USB to 2.5x0.7mm male.
You can get adapters on eBay to change the gender of the plugs. I've added a pin, made from any conductive metal, and it worked perfectly. Since it's for the video portion of the setup and not the transmitter it's worth a try.

As far as what powers the amp, you can add one of those lithium power packs, usually used to charge cell phones. Some people use the powerpack to power both the range extender and the amp at the same time. I believe the range extender works while it is charging, but don't quote me on that.
Bi-directional means data can flow in both directions. The antenna end is for the antenna though. You can't reverse that. If the antenna that came with it doesn't fit, they must have messed up when assembling the unit. Is the top on backwards, or is the power port in the correct place? Can you open it and reverse the connectors?
They messed up on assemble 100%
You can check that on the follow photo


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Hey alexf1 - mine looks a little different from the photo you posted (it's black for one thing). I've wondered though if they just stuck the label on incorrectly, or if I can change the connectors without too much hassle. I might try and open it up to see if I can figure it out.
Now that I look closer, the image on the instructions that came with the unit doesn't match. It shows the antenna connected out the end of the unit where the indicator LEDs are located (the end marked 'To Radio' on my unit). And the 'Sunhans' label on the top of the unit is flipped compared with my unit. I think they put both labels on backwards.


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the "to antenna" side should be on the LED light side..just checked both of my sunhans amps..
rkapusci said:
I've got a RavPower 14,000mAh power source that I'm going to use to power the amps. It has both a 1A and 2A output. Bit of a challenge to find the correct power cables - USB to 2.5x0.7mm male.

Arent the outputs on that power source only 5v? Dont you need 12v? You are correct on the amps. Reason why is I have the same 2 amps and im looking for a power pack that has 12v outs... so please let me/us know how you power them. Thanks man

Here is my post I asked about the same question
rkapusci said:
Hey dkeshish - yes I seem to have been confused about the power supply for this amp. For some reason, I thought it was 5V, but I was wrong. I've got a large portable 12V with an invertor that I could use with the supplied power bricks. I'm also wondering about this as a temporary (and more portable) solution though:

Do you guys think this battery would work to power 1 -12v 2amp amplifier and 1 - 12v 1amp amplifier or will it fry the amps

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