Sorry for adding fuel to the fire guys (got my first shell crack)



At first I was one of those firm believers that only few people encountered the cracks in shell problem. But, now after owning my P3P for only 2 months I have noticed my first crack too. Which makes me believe its only a matter of time before even more people will report it or just don't have the knowledge to check. I have over 100 flights on this P3 now so I wouldn't really say mine is defective. I would more call it vulnerable wear and tear. More people will report this problem guaranteed, not too sure what DJI plans on doing.

As far as the Phantom 3 and people who had or have cracks. Did you stop flying once you noticed the crack? Mine is very very small compared to others where I noticed some people had holes or crack across the entire motor shelling. Whats the risk you take for flying with these cracks? Will it really make a difference?
Am I out of a Phantom for 8 weeks now and hoping they repair or replace it? Whats the next step?

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Bummer. Just out of interest, do you slacken the screws off or are they as they were out of the box? If you cant be arsed dealing with crap support from DJI and/or having to send it back for weeks .... throw some plasti-ties round the end of the arms where the cracks are. Some people open up the P3 and glue/resin the inside. I think a thread was posted a couple of days ago with video to show you how to repair. Me; I slackened the screws off with the screwdriver, about 3 flights in and screwed them back down only using the tip of my fore finger and thumb tight and then turned back 8th of a turn. I've checked them pre and post 4 flights and no movement has been detected in the screws. I'll continue to check every couple of flights.
Bummer. Just out of interest, do you slacken the screws off or are they as they were out of the box? If you cant be arsed dealing with crap support from DJI and/or having to send it back for weeks .... throw some plasti-ties round the end of the arms where the cracks are. Some people open up the P3 and glue/resin the inside. I think a thread was posted a couple of days ago with video to show you how to repair. Me; I slackened the screws off with the screwdriver, about 3 flights in and screwed them back down only using the tip of my fore finger and thumb tight and then turned back 8th of a turn. I've checked them pre and post 4 flights and no movement has been detected in the screws. I'll continue to check every couple of flights.

Nope, left them alone as they came out of the box. I noticed the first reported case of cracks in shell about a month ago or so. Ever since I checked before each flight and after and have been fine for at least 50 flights. Then, it finally happened. I actually started believing I was one of the few lucky people to not have a defective shell. I won't open up the shell as I heard this voids warranty. I really don't want to put any glue on the outside where the crack started because if I do send it in, I don't want DJI telling me my glue weakened the shell or voided the warranty, lol. My biggest concern is I'm actually heading out of town next week and planned on taking the Phantom 3 for some great shots. I can't see this crack really causing my Phantom to crash. I can understand that it will definitely have effect on performance. What I'm ultimately hoping on is being ok to fly this next week while I'm on vacation and sending it back once I get home. I can wait the 8 weeks if it mean my $1,400 will be spared. I already invested in $150 SRP lens, 3x extra batteries and a Think Tank Airport Helipak. I really don't want to lose my P3 now lol.
Yup, that's the spot. Rear arms, inside screw?

Apparently DJI reckon our screws are too tight.

Anyway, welcome to our prestigious little club - new members joining daily :)
Yup, that's the spot. Rear arms, inside screw?

Apparently DJI reckon our screws are too tight.

Anyway, welcome to our prestigious little club - new members joining daily :)

yep rear Arm* not arms. I only noticed crack in one of them. I'm sure the 2nd one will happen soon if your familiar with it. Any clue on my next step and what did you do?
this issue is insane for such an expensive product. DJI can boast all they want on how the customer can send it in for repair under warranty. this wouldn't satisfy me if and when the turn around time is several weeks or maybe even longer? then what happens when the same issue happens again to the same customer? now another three, four or five week turn around process again?

thats insane. DJI needs to double the one year warranty for the actual down time that the customer(s) will experience for buying a defective product (to say the very least).
I'll let you into a secret. I have a P2V+. After a few flights I opened her up to have a look inside out of curiosity. No cracks. I popped the lid back on and tightened the screws to the stop point plus half a turn. One flight later I had very bad cracks and small bits of plastic coming away from the inside of the columns .... Just like ask the pics posted. I'm convinced it's over tightening because I over tightened mine! That's why I slackend the screws on my p3
Welcome to the club. Yep, rear arms. I think you are ok to fly it this weekend. It will only get worse though and the post will fully fracture. I'd zip tie it and have fun this weekend. Send it in when you have down time for a few months. I'd also wait on starting RMA until you are ready, otherwise they will blame you and call it user error. Because you used it when it was cracked;)
yep rear Arm* not arms. I only noticed crack in one of them. I'm sure the 2nd one will happen soon if your familiar with it. Any clue on my next step and what did you do?

Well I live in Oz, so I'd have to ship it to the US - I imagine I'd have to pay for that. Add 6-8 weeks turnaround, probably more seeing as I'm overseas. They've not acknowledged the issue to my satisfaction and I'll likely just get a similarly flawed case in return. Screw that.

I'll just cable tie mine and continue to monitor the cracks. If things start falling apart I'll return it.
Unfortunately, by doing our own band aids, we are not helping DJI get the bigger picture and our issue is not recorded.

I'd like for you all to send in your phantoms. Thanks.
Unfortunately, by doing our own band aids, we are not helping DJI get the bigger picture and our issue is not recorded.

I'd like for you all to send in your phantoms. Thanks.
If DJI got the bigger picture, they would just send out shells. 8 weeks is for the birds
**** EDIT

Actually noticed another crack in the 2nd rear arm and this one seems to actually look like its going to be a nice solid hole. If this is a factory problem with torque. How come it didn't happen to all the arms and why is it only the rear arms?
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**** EDIT

Actually noticed another crack in the 2nd rear arm and this one seems to actually look like its going to be a nice solid hole. If this is a factory problem with torque. How come it didn't happen to all the arms and why is it only the rear arms?
Because it's a design flaw. A weakness. It more than just an issue of being too tight from the factory. Same area, rear arms..... Don't know why the location. Isn't battery weight distributed evenly? If not, maybe added weight of battery in the back
I think the most obvious answer for the cracks happening at the rear is that there is more load on the rear when flying forward, which is the direction most would commonly fly.
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I better check my front arms, I fly backwards like a monkey.
Here's a possible reason. When the phantom brakes, the rear motors separate the shell and bend the bottom shell down. The front motors cause the front of the phantom to raise. The motors strengthen and bring the bottom shell towards, instead of away from the upper shell
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Slackened my screws......on rear arm i have a crack going to fix myself.
I'm still flying I don't see major failure and have yet to hear about one from the problem.

When the shells are available will replace myself.
Well boys, I think it really is safe to say that this will inevitably happen to everyone. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when. This whole bs crap about majority of people have no cracks needs to be thrown out the door. I just believe they havent flown it enough times or they're not educated to check for the cracks. I personally beliebe and this is an opinion. That within the next 2 months the reported cases of cracks will be over 50% to total number of P3s sold. Im really curious to see what DJI plans to do about this. Even if it means for each customer to send in their P3 and DJI is probably going to reinforce the inner shell with glue like most people are doing themselves. I really think doing it yourself is pretty stupid because it voids the warranty. We already have a bunch of bugs in the new firmware. I would hate to void my warranty within 2 months of owning my P3.

Now that I have these cracks. I understand that they eventually will get worse. Will zip ties prevent it from getting worse? I really want to hold on to my P3 until they have better solution. That 2 month waiting crap is ridiculous and I expect it to get worse with the increasing number of reported p3 flies like a champ. I wouldnt have even checked for those cracks if I havent seen all these threads popping up. I would much rather keep flying and wait for p3 replacement shells come out than to send it away for 2 months.

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