Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

skyhighdiver said:
MattOlieman said:
People have a right to be cautious and concerned, whether you spend 4 or 400,000 dollars, it's your money and you expect something in return for it. At least some honest/satisfactorily explanations when a product can't be delivered as promised.

This has nothing to do with the quality, uniqueness or price of the product, it's about "How you do business." RotorPixel leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to business PR or customer service. I knew this, when I paid for this product, but that doesn't mean it's right or doesn't mean people don't have the right to voice their concerns. We're customers, customers that have paid in advance and we should be treated with respect and appreciation.

Keri, this is a threat, not a sign of appreciation, courtesy or apology:

Rotorpixel said:
If anyone wants to cancel their order because of the uncertainty of the delivery time frame, please feel free to let me know, or send an email through We'll send a refund immediately.

Keri, Please correct me if I'm wrong, I calculate, I was approximately the 16th person to place an order and I know a few folks here that have ordered before me. None of us have received shipping notices. So does that mean, over the past two weeks you've only been able to build and ship less then 16 items? and you don't know who they were shipped to? I know one thing, I'm number 16 (give or take a few), and received no shipping notice.

Keri, we just want a honest/reasonable explanation, please?

Keri, I want your product, as promised and look forward to receiving it.

Keri from the bottom of my heart, I wish you and RotorPixel the best, Keri you have excellent product development skills, but, needs some business management advice and my advice to you is, find some.

+1 very well said my friend
+2 .....
DKDarkness said:
streetcreep said:
Hello Smart people .

Would it ever make sense to make the gimbal arms this styles of gimbal out of plastic (like the 3d printer stuff) . Do you gain or lose anything compared to using the aluminum arms. These days are the same in the use comparable in weight and strength . I see that the taco-rd seems to be made out of that (well at least how i saw the pictures) . Why would choose metal over plastic.

I guess it would depend on, how stiff a structure you can make out of plastic? I prototyped with acrylic, but switched to aluminium because of the stiffness of the aluminum. If it wasn't so expensive to mass produce, I guess carbon fiber would be the optimal choice, because of its light weight and radio wave properties?

I thought CF is a conductor and would block RF.

10 hours ago

Units have started to ship, but we need to be careful that everything is perfect before bulk shipping units. We are doing everything that we can to make people happy... but if we sent you a product which wasn't perfect, then you would probably be even more upset. Thanks for your patience

just pulled this of the youtube
shaun27 said:

10 hours ago

Units have started to ship, but we need to be careful that everything is perfect before bulk shipping units. We are doing everything that we can to make people happy... but if we sent you a product which wasn't perfect, then you would probably be even more upset. Thanks for your patience

just pulled this of the youtube

Link please?
have I missed some post about the rotorpixel gimbal I have done the 7th channel a few weeks backs hoping that it would work with the rotorpixel gimbal so for you that ask the question on the forum but did not get your answer YES it will


1 week ago

This feature can be activated much more simply than the "other" gimbal. Simply use the file found here: ... 2-tool.rar

You just need to run the program with your P2V connected, and select H3-2D, and the 7th channel is unlocked.

taken from youtube
It's in the comments here:

ROTORPIXEL 10 hours ago

The final version of the gimbal has one side of the camera completely open, and the other side which has the motor in front will have some amount of signal degradation...but there's almost no way around this, regardless of the gimbal brand. However, our testing has been very positive so far, with only minor stalls in the video signal which can be reset quickly and easily by clicking the "back" button, then re-entering the camera in the application.


One of the antennas does have a motor in front of it, which of course will decrease the reception/transmission on the one side by some amount. However, we've flown a few test units 400 feet high, and maintained full video transmission still. The side without the motor is cutaway, so the plastic doesn't cover the antenna (although plastic doesn't attenuate electromagnetic radiation [i.e. wi-fi] much at all, so this doesn't even matter).

ROTORPIXEL10 hours ago

Units have started to ship, but we need to be careful that everything is perfect before bulk shipping units. We are doing everything that we can to make people happy... but if we sent you a product which wasn't perfect, then you would probably be even more upset. Thanks for your patience!

ROTORPIXEL10 hours ago

Let us know if you'd like to cancel your order at any time, if you feel that the wait is too long. Thanks for your interest, and sorry for the inconvenience.

ROTORPIXEL1 week ago

This feature can be activated much more simply than the "other" gimbal. Simply use the file found here: ... 2-tool.rar

You just need to run the program with your P2V connected, and select H3-2D, and the 7th channel is unlocked.
ok am I missing something here. getting more info of youtube then from the forum


10 hours ago

1.We're testing new motors, but the ones we have in mind aren't as powerful, so the system wouldn't be as upgrade-ready as the more powerful motors that we're currently using.
gfredrone said:
I wonder what kind of deal Rotorpixel received on several hundred of these.This is the board they are using per the youtube posts. ... pter-store

ROTORPIXEL10 hours ago

The boards that we use are AlexMos/Basecam, manufactured by Flyduino/Viacopter. Very very high quality.

One could hope they are using something along the lines of this: as they on the site state:


2-axis gimbals effectively stabilize both pitch and roll movement, but the yaw axis is still prone to jerky control stick input from inexperienced pilots. We have the technology to stabilize the 3rd axis, so it's just a matter of time before we finish developing a simple, elegant, and easy-to-use upgrade package which will interface with our existing 2-axis gimbal.
shaun27 said:
ok am I missing something here. getting more info of youtube then from the forum


10 hours ago

1.We're testing new motors, but the ones we have in mind aren't as powerful, so the system wouldn't be as upgrade-ready as the more powerful motors that we're currently using.

Sounds like they were considering shedding weight but the thinner motors weren't as powerful for future upgradability. Here is the question to that response.

1. Can you use thinner brushless motors to save weight and clearances?
DKDarkness said:
gfredrone said:
I wonder what kind of deal Rotorpixel received on several hundred of these.This is the board they are using per the youtube posts. ... pter-store

ROTORPIXEL10 hours ago

The boards that we use are AlexMos/Basecam, manufactured by Flyduino/Viacopter. Very very high quality.

One could hope they are using something along the lines of this: as they on the site state:


2-axis gimbals effectively stabilize both pitch and roll movement, but the yaw axis is still prone to jerky control stick input from inexperienced pilots. We have the technology to stabilize the 3rd axis, so it's just a matter of time before we finish developing a simple, elegant, and easy-to-use upgrade package which will interface with our existing 2-axis gimbal.

Thats a v3 and I'm thinking we are getting v2 but hopefully I'm wrong.

Still says preorder for v3 on the website ... pter-store
gfredrone said:
I wonder what kind of deal Rotorpixel received on several hundred of these.This is the board they are using per the youtube posts. ... pter-store

ROTORPIXEL10 hours ago

The boards that we use are AlexMos/Basecam, manufactured by Flyduino/Viacopter. Very very high quality.
Didn't Keri day earlier that he might start manufacturing those boards?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
gfredrone said:
It's in the comments here:

ROTORPIXEL 10 hours ago

However, our testing has been very positive so far, with only minor stalls in the video signal which can be reset quickly and easily by clicking the "back" button, then re-entering the camera in the application.

This sounds more than a little annoying and wastes precious flying time. I bet it's just the tip of the iceberg as far as annoyance with the WIFI. I think a mod is in my future !
Yes, we have obtained a license from Aleksey Moskalenko/Basecam Electronics to produce the boards, but for the time being, we have to purchase them in bulk from Viacopter/Flyduino/E-Copter. This increases our costs for now, but we know that using these high quality boards will be appreciated (by some).

We have tested thinner motors, which are a little lighter, but more importantly, results in a shift of the camera in the direction of the motor... this means that the camera will be more centered, allowing the vertical arm to be made shorter, giving more ground clearance. However, we decided against these motors (for now) because we like the possibility of upgrading to larger cameras down the line, so you'll be able to save a lot of your investment.

We have shipped units out already, but the first batch was very small, and shipped out to 10 lucky individuals. We are doing everything in our power to ensure that every step of the manufacturing/assembly process is nailed down tightly before bulldozing through serious bulk production (there are more than 30 processes involved - soldering tiny wires, testing continuity, polishing, tapping holes, printing/dissolving 3D parts, making custom connectors, and the list goes on and on and on...). I know that everyone wants their gimbals immediately, but we have to be sure that everything works as intended coming off the current assembly line, before we can move forward with larger numbers. This is in the best interest of everyone, since we are trying to provide you with the highest quality product possible.

Regarding emails, and unsatisfactory customer service - I've been answering as many as possible, but there is simply no way at the moment to keep up with them. As production gears up, and manufacturing issues all sort themselves out, we're confident that we'll eventually be back on top of the pile of emails, and will be able to give everyone the support that they need and deserve.

This forum, Youtube, and Facebook have been the best places to communicate with customers until now, because they allow us to get particular messages to dozens of people at a time, so we will continue to monitor these communication avenues and will do our best to answer questions/comments in a timely manner, as we have been doing thus far.

Thanks for the incredible patience and positive feedback from many of you on here, and those that we've disappointed - I'm truly sorry that we weren't able to satisfy your needs, and realize that we have room to grow in terms of business management.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if I haven't addressed anyone's specific concerns/questions (So. Many. Pages...).



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