Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

tizzl10 said:
the more i think about how screwed up this is, the more im thinking about calling my bank and asking them to get my money back. im a pretty calm and reserved guy but this is BS to the fullest extent.

I'm pretty sure you can just send him a response to your order email asking to cancel and he would be happy to do so.
Pull_Up said:
Hey everyone.... Rotorpixel never promised a delivery slot; when you pre-ordered the gimbal you specifically agreed to an open-ended delivery date.

If Rotorpixel had kept silent about what they were doing with orders you wouldn't have a problem, would you? You wouldn't have known that you weren't in the first hundred, or even that there were only 100 in the first batch. You have agreed to wait an unspecified amount of time and would get your gimbal "when it's ready". All of this was clear to everyone ordering.

The fact that Keri chose to disclose how he was going to handle fulfilling the first 100 orders is what has got people riled - but that doesn't change the fact that you agreed to buy a product with an unspecified delivery date! If he kept quiet about it everyone would just be excited about getting their gimbal. Personally, the fact that Keri is prepared to share this and other information with us makes me feel like Rotorpixel is actually going to be a very good company to do business with - Keri has attempted to do what he feels is "fair". Irrespective of whether you feel it's fair or not, the fact that he wants to run his business with even a passing nod to "fairness" and not just cold hard cash seems to be something that bodes well.

As has been hinted already if you no longer want your gimbal, despite nothing having changed regarding your delivery date - i.e. unspecified then you know what to do - no goods have been shipped. It might make some space in the first batch for those of us who are just happy to get a quality, shell-mounted brushless gimbal with industry-leading control board and specs whenever we can get our hands on it, and support an independent supplier too.

Just my thoughts. :)

As seen by an individual who, one would likely assume, would be on the heretofore unheard of secret list... :roll:

Seriously PULL-UP - I agreed to wait, that is true. I also presumed that I'd be next, just after the fellow who placed the order just before me and so on... for a vendor to do otherwise is not "cricket"... IMO.

And just to be 100% above board, I did contact them via the site "let me know news" linkage, although via a totally different email address. However, I never assumed nor did any communication from ROTORPIXEL state that notice of interest in their product, would provide me a cut in line/go-to-the-head of the line privilege for ordering.
Clearly Keri's proposal is OUT of the NORM of business practices - and at a minimum, should have certainly been stated in one of the numerous check-boxes in the ordering process. As, IMO, should the "we are going to bill you immediately and ship to you WHENEVER" policy that was in effect.

Still unhappy & waiting on cancellation information...
iResq said:
tizzl10 said:
the more i think about how screwed up this is, the more im thinking about calling my bank and asking them to get my money back. im a pretty calm and reserved guy but this is BS to the fullest extent.

I'm pretty sure you can just send him a response to your order email asking to cancel and he would be happy to do so.

just my luck, i will be put into queue of other people who expressed interest in cancelling their order but havent been officially "put on the list" of people who expressed interest in cancelling their order.
Hi Brew, as far as I'm aware no one knows who's on the list or in what order except Rotorpixel.

I get what you're saying, I just don't understand why not getting it for 3 weeks versus not getting it for 6 weeks, for example, is now a deal breaker when there was no "you are x in line and will get it in three weeks" at the checkout to drive those expectations. But whatever, it's completely your prerogative and I'm not here to convince anyone to do anything!

But for reference my UK DJI dealer took full payment for the pre-order of my Vision (ordered 3 weeks before official release), and took full payment on pre-orders for their gimbal too, so this isn't an unheard of practice. I agree, however, that for maximum clarity perhaps Rotorpixel could add another check box along with the "I understand there is no confirmed delivery date for my gimbal" that states "I understand I am to be charged in full at point of pre-order".
Pull_Up said:
...maximum clarity perhaps Rotorpixel could add another check box along with the "I understand there is no confirmed delivery date for my gimbal" that states "I understand I am to be charged in full at point of pre-order".

Do you think it really would have made a difference? LOL.
Pull_Up said:
Hi Brew, as far as I'm aware no one knows who's on the list or in what order except Rotorpixel.

I get what you're saying, I just don't understand why not getting it for 3 weeks versus not getting it for 6 weeks, for example, is now a deal breaker when there was no "you are x in line and will get it in three weeks" at the checkout to drive those expectations. But whatever, it's completely your prerogative and I'm not here to convince anyone to do anything!

But for reference my UK DJI dealer took full payment for the pre-order of my Vision (ordered 3 weeks before official release), and took full payment on pre-orders for their gimbal too, so this isn't an unheard of practice. I agree, however, that for maximum clarity perhaps Rotorpixel could add another check box along with the "I understand there is no confirmed delivery date for my gimbal" that states "I understand I am to be charged in full at point of pre-order".

PULL_UP - You are missing the POINT...not having a confirmed delivery date is one thing, we all understood that, I believe.

What we didn't understand is that others (on the secret list) could place an order after us and and receive their product ahead of us.When you placed your order for your PHANTOM with DJI and they collected your money you assumed you'd get yours in due course... now imagine if you neighbor shows up after you've paid your money three weeks ago and before you receive your new PHANTOM, your neighbor shows you his new PHANTOM that he just paid for a week ago. No doubt you'd be unhappy if he said, oh, I just put my name on a secret waiting list and remembered last week to see what was up with the ordering, and they said oh, we have just one left, the one PULL_UP paid for three weeks ago... but here SECRET LIST guy you can have it! Not the way to run a business.

And my second point - all the folks that are chiming in on this thread. In the interest of full disclosure, please state if you ordered or not, and if you believe you are on the SECRET LIST OR NOT. THANKS
Brew said:
Pull_Up said:
Hi Brew, as far as I'm aware no one knows who's on the list or in what order except Rotorpixel.

I get what you're saying, I just don't understand why not getting it for 3 weeks versus not getting it for 6 weeks, for example, is now a deal breaker when there was no "you are x in line and will get it in three weeks" at the checkout to drive those expectations. But whatever, it's completely your prerogative and I'm not here to convince anyone to do anything!

But for reference my UK DJI dealer took full payment for the pre-order of my Vision (ordered 3 weeks before official release), and took full payment on pre-orders for their gimbal too, so this isn't an unheard of practice. I agree, however, that for maximum clarity perhaps Rotorpixel could add another check box along with the "I understand there is no confirmed delivery date for my gimbal" that states "I understand I am to be charged in full at point of pre-order".

PULL_UP - You are missing the POINT...not having a confirmed delivery date is one thing, we all understood that, I believe.

What we didn't understand is that others (on the secret list) could place an order after us and and receive their product ahead of us.When you placed your order for your PHANTOM with DJI and they collected your money you assumed you'd get yours in due course... now imagine if you neighbor shows up after you've paid your money three weeks ago and before you receive your new PHANTOM, your neighbor shows you his new PHANTOM that he just paid for a week ago. No doubt you'd be unhappy if he said, oh, I just put my name on a secret waiting list and remembered last week to see what was up ordering, and they said oh, we have just one left, the one PULL_UP paid for three weeks ago... but here SECRET LIST guy you can have it! Not the way to run a business.

And my second point - all the folks that are chiming in on this thread. In the interest of full disclosure, please state if you ordered or not, and if you believe you are on the SECRET LIST OR NOT. THANKS
I completely understand your feelings... List or no list, I still want this product. My 2 cents! Live is good.
Woah, easy with the big fonts, fella!

You've made your feelings clear, and that's all good. You're going to cancel, that's totally fine. But asking people if they think they are on a secret list? The clue's in the name, surely?! And I don't know if my dealer favoured friends, family or colleagues ahead of me and gave them stock ahead of official release because they didn't say they were or weren't going to...

Anyway, I'm going to leave it there - as I said it's not my job to convince anyone to do anything and everyone is entitled to their opinion and to take action accordingly, which you should do because you obviously feel strongly about it. That and I keep having to take my glasses off to read the big posts and they're getting smeary! :D
Brew said:
PULL_UP - You are missing the POINT...not having a confirmed delivery date is one thing, we all understood that, I believe.

What we didn't understand is that others (on the secret list) could place an order after us and and receive their product ahead of us.When you placed your order for your PHANTOM with DJI and they collected your money you assumed you'd get yours in due course... now imagine if you neighbor shows up after you've paid your money three weeks ago and before you receive your new PHANTOM, your neighbor shows you his new PHANTOM that he just paid for a week ago. No doubt you'd be unhappy if he said, oh, I just put my name on a secret waiting list and remembered last week to see what was up with the ordering, and they said oh, we have just one left, the one PULL_UP paid for three weeks ago... but here SECRET LIST guy you can have it! Not the way to run a business.

And my second point - all the folks that are chiming in on this thread. In the interest of full disclosure, please state if you ordered or not, and if you believe you are on the SECRET LIST OR NOT. THANKS

Pull_Ups stalker had indicated that there was a list, so I guess it was not so secrete.

Full disclosure, I ordered (probably before most ;) ). A few days before the order I sent rotorpixel an email expressing interest to be on a list if in fact there was one. That was after the whole list issue came up. I never received a response regarding that email, so I have no idea if I was on the list or not.

Keri certainly has a mess now. If he reads this I would just say the following: Please do not publish a list. It would be nice if you notified those that did not make the first cut just for informational purposes and give them a cancellation option. And please don't feel you need to placate the cage rattlers buy moving them up (at least before me). :mrgreen:
I have seen children at Xmas wanting to open presents early behave with more logic, calm and rationality than some of you people ..... never more a great example have I seen of how well progressed the feeling of entitlement above others, some have .... I really feel sorry for some of you that your entire existence in life is thrown into tragedy & upheaval because you have to wait a week or so for something that is not even built yet ... poor ole diddums, go see mummy she'll make the bad go away .... seriously have never laughed so much in my life. :lol:
mcurrier said:
Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me, I was so confused.

If people would stop whining about theory and conjecture about perceived or actual understandings of pre-orders, pre-pre-orders and lists of those who expressed interest to different degrees… and would stop jockeying for position… and perhaps let the man get on with actually building and shipping the product… then, maybe… just maybe… we might all get one… when it is ready… and when it actually gets shipped.

I prefer to let him get on with it and build and ship rather than getting my panties in a wad about some perceived injustice. The sooner people stop bothering him and let him get to work rather than incessantly pleading for him to answer as to why, why, why, perhaps we will all get it a lot sooner.

I agree that some of the responses (mostly ones posted after my post) are a bit too emotional (as is yours). And, it's obvious that Keri has the only the best intentions. But, he specifically asked "Can anyone back me up here? Is this the right way to deal with orders? Does anyone have a better suggestion?"

-- Roger
jadebox said:
mcurrier said:
Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me, I was so confused.

If people would stop whining about theory and conjecture about perceived or actual understandings of pre-orders, pre-pre-orders and lists of those who expressed interest to different degrees… and would stop jockeying for position… and perhaps let the man get on with actually building and shipping the product… then, maybe… just maybe… we might all get one… when it is ready… and when it actually gets shipped.

I prefer to let him get on with it and build and ship rather than getting my panties in a wad about some perceived injustice. The sooner people stop bothering him and let him get to work rather than incessantly pleading for him to answer as to why, why, why, perhaps we will all get it a lot sooner.

I agree that some of the responses (mostly ones posted after my post) are a bit too emotional (as is yours). And, it's obvious that Keri has the only the best intentions. But, he specifically asked "Can anyone back me up here? Is this the right way to deal with orders? Does anyone have a better suggestion?"

-- Roger

In this big wide world ... money talks, ... ******** walks !! ..... people who PAID for the priviledge, should be before anyone whom feel they are priviledged !!
Just let Keri do what he had intended to do. Had he not even mentioned a list, everyone would just go about their business. Now everyone has an opinion how it should be done. There is no right or wrong and one can argue both ways. End of day, you'll get your gimball, some sooner, some later.
jadebox said:
I agree that some of the responses (mostly ones posted after my post) are a bit too emotional (as is yours). And, it's obvious that Keri has the only the best intentions. But, he specifically asked "Can anyone back me up here? Is this the right way to deal with orders? Does anyone have a better suggestion?"

-- Roger

No emotion whatsoever in my post, sir, it is a clear, concise, lucid response mixed with severe sarcasm (which is my normal way of speaking) to completely counterpoint the whiners.

Additionally, some people have threatened to cancel orders. Please, go ahead, that will only serve to move the rest of us up in line. I am pleased to receive mine when it arrives, whenever that may be. For some odd reason (sarcasm), I was able to discern that that would probably not be tomorrow, or perhaps even next week or the week thereafter. All is good.
GMANNZ said:
I have seen children at Xmas wanting to open presents early behave with more logic, calm and rationality than some of you people ..... never more a great example have I seen of how well progressed the feeling of entitlement above others, some have .... I really feel sorry for some of you that your entire existence in life is thrown into tragedy & upheaval because you have to wait a week or so for something that is not even built yet ... poor ole diddums, go see mummy she'll make the bad go away .... seriously have never laughed so much in my life. :lol:


dkatz42 said:
Take a step back and look what folks are saying: "Mommy, it isn't FAIR!".

gfredrone said:
Phoned a friend and he said the RF frequency should pass through the ABS plastic without much resistance/loss. He said this is also dependent on the pigment used for color as well. I'm sure rotorpixel has tested and wouldn't sell us something with a sub par pass through but they have been awful quite regarding this little but big detail. I may hold off until they release some specs on distance or until some guinea pigs have had a chance to post their review.

Their are antennas on both side of the camera. The side with the motor is of biggest concern as to signal blockage when that side of the Phantom if facing you, i'm betting you will inevitably loose some signal as a result. This wouldn't be a problem with an external antenna mod on the camera. Or GoPro setups where you're using an FPV Transmitter where the antenna for FPV is not a part of the gimbal itself. Anyway it will be interesting to see the results regarding the FPV signal.

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