Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

drone4me said:
What I've learned in life is, "you can't make everyone happy." :)

Exactly. I expressed interest, I ordered in first few hours, I'm not worried, not going to throw a tantrum, it will get here when it gets here and I'll be happy regardless. Some people need to take a chill pill and/or get a life.
iResq said:
Am I hopeful I am in the original batch? You betcha.
Am I OK, if I'm not? Sure, if thats the way it works out.
Will I volunteer to move down on the list? No Way! LOL

I'm with you on this... :) :) :)

Price was not the motivation to buy this particular product, it's my appreciation for the design and reputation of Rotorpixel.
mcurrier said:
drone4me said:
Exactly. I expressed interest, I ordered in first few hours, I'm not worried, not going to throw a tantrum, it will get here when it gets here and I'll be happy regardless. Some people need to take a chill pill and/or get a life.

I've only seen one post that even comes close to "a tantrum." Most are sedately expressing their opinion on how the shipments should be ordered.

-- Roger
Of course the other thing people forget is that those who get the first 100 may find some issues or wrinkles that would then be worked out in manufacturing for subsequent production runs, rather than having to use workarounds or patches, etc. After all some people had to suffer the "invalid battery" error on the the first batch of Visions before DJI released a firmware fix, then subsequently a manufacturing fix (improved data pins) to knock it on the head for future users.

Being an early adopter is sometimes a bit of a risk, as well as being pretty exciting. I appear to be one of those afflicted as I had one of the first batch of Visions delivered on release day and I've thrown my hat in the ring to see if I can get one of the first Rotorpixel gimbals, too! :lol: I'm sure there won't be any major issues with Rotorpixel, but if I get a subsequent batch then there'll hopefully be lots of user feedback from the first run on things like balancing for lens filters, extend the landing skids mods, whether and how Keri's proposed 7th channel solution above works, etc.
jadebox said:
mcurrier said:
drone4me said:
Exactly. I expressed interest, I ordered in first few hours, I'm not worried, not going to throw a tantrum, it will get here when it gets here and I'll be happy regardless. Some people need to take a chill pill and/or get a life.

I've only seen one post that even comes close to "a tantrum." Most are sedately expressing their opinion on how the shipments should be ordered.

-- Roger

Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me, I was so confused.

If people would stop whining about theory and conjecture about perceived or actual understandings of pre-orders, pre-pre-orders and lists of those who expressed interest to different degrees… and would stop jockeying for position… and perhaps let the man get on with actually building and shipping the product… then, maybe… just maybe… we might all get one… when it is ready… and when it actually gets shipped.

I prefer to let him get on with it and build and ship rather than getting my panties in a wad about some perceived injustice. The sooner people stop bothering him and let him get to work rather than incessantly pleading for him to answer as to why, why, why, perhaps we will all get it a lot sooner.

I've been on this thread since day one and am just as anxious as anyone, but I use my adult patience and don't have a hissy trying to argue over semantics of why I should be number 24 rather than number 178.

Keri, just please build and ship, don't waste time answering nonsensical questions, and whatever you do, PLEASE, DO NOT post any list of names/order "position". Just concentrate on building, build good and ship. Let's STOP pressuring Keri please.
Since we are still discussing order of shipments, please allow my 1.5 cents. Rotor pixel is in Toronto Canada...

....just ship to Canadians first! It makes perfect sense! :twisted: :arrow: :mrgreen:
Just don't second guess what you originally had planned on doing. Make it easier on yourself and don't worry about people's commentary.
BTW, DJI has little to do to put out a stabilized gimbal.....and while this annoyed me at first, I have to say, it's great to see other people making hay while the sun shines! It's a great opportunity for those see it!

Now I hope DJI stays away from this so these companies can really grow!

Sometimes corporate apathy is a good thing :lol:
tizzl10 said:
you must admit though that moving people who "expressed interest" in the product in front of people that actually paid money once the pre-order went live is asinine and makes absolutely zero sense. oh well.

Could not agree more with tizzl10's statement. And not to mention our accounts were charged at the time we placed the order. NOT upon shipment. Also, an unusual practice.

As others have said - its your company do whatever you like - however, if this was what you intended to do, it SHOULD HAVE BEEN STATED PRIOR TO ACCEPTING OUR ORDERS, not after the orders are billed to our accounts.
I'm not certain about Canadian business practices, however, in the United States it is generally anticipated (if not legally obliged) to provide a product in the order payment is received, unless previously stated otherwise.

What is your cancellation policy? I was unable to find it at your website.

BLUF - I'd have been perfectly happy if you had done like every other company that accepts pre-orders. (This is not my first time ordering a pre-release product) Ship them in the order that payment was received. However, this entire - you had to be on a secret list of "I might buy one someday" people, leaves me feeling like a second-class customer, with a $400 charge and nothing to show for it.


I'm with you Brew as I didn't see a checkbox during the order process about any pre, pre order list. Nor do I see any option for cancellation beyond calling my credit card company and having them dispute the charge.

Don't get me wrong I want the Rotorpixel gimbal but this whole process of a secret list just rubs me the wrong way. I've been following this thread from the get go and only heard about a list about 2 days before the order link went live. I then sent an email through the Rotorpixel website asking to be notified when the orders go live but didn't receive a response.

Soooo, am I on the list or not? Who knows at this point. Will I wait patiently for my gimbal, yes, at the mercy of a merchant with business practices not up par with the quality of their product.
Old Gazer said:
PropsPete said:
Rotorpixel said:
And, I'm sure that there have been plenty of people that have remained silent, observing from the sidelines until the pre-orders opened up... but it should've been pretty clear that we were compiling a list, so if they were interested, then they should have said something to us via youtube or email. We're trying to be as fair as possible here. I think that no matter what, we're going to upset someone, though! :(


Hmmm... list of intent for pre-orders? I thought that pre-order is pretty strong indication of interest. Unfortunately I'm one of those silent people :( And you got my money already.

Same here. I have been following from day one. I don't believe anyone here even knew anything about a list until there were already 300 people on it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Exactly... In my world the moment someone opens a pre order list is when the list starts. Prior to that I, like many people, was trying not to bother Keri with lots of PM but let him get one with it.

Using your analogy, it's like patiently queueing outside the grocer waiting for it to open, then finding when it opens that there's a bunch of people already inside who had snuck around and knocked on the back door.....

There was a point where it was announced that pre-ordering would start soon -- that would have been a good time to say "and by the way, there is a pre-existing unofficial list"....
Hey everyone.... Rotorpixel never promised a delivery slot; when you pre-ordered the gimbal you specifically agreed to an open-ended delivery date.

If Rotorpixel had kept silent about what they were doing with orders you wouldn't have a problem, would you? You wouldn't have known that you weren't in the first hundred, or even that there were only 100 in the first batch. You have agreed to wait an unspecified amount of time and would get your gimbal "when it's ready". All of this was clear to everyone ordering.

The fact that Keri chose to disclose how he was going to handle fulfilling the first 100 orders is what has got people riled - but that doesn't change the fact that you agreed to buy a product with an unspecified delivery date! If he kept quiet about it everyone would just be excited about getting their gimbal. Personally, the fact that Keri is prepared to share this and other information with us makes me feel like Rotorpixel is actually going to be a very good company to do business with - Keri has attempted to do what he feels is "fair". Irrespective of whether you feel it's fair or not, the fact that he wants to run his business with even a passing nod to "fairness" and not just cold hard cash seems to be something that bodes well.

As has been hinted already if you no longer want your gimbal, despite nothing having changed regarding your delivery date - i.e. unspecified then you know what to do - no goods have been shipped. It might make some space in the first batch for those of us who are just happy to get a quality, shell-mounted brushless gimbal with industry-leading control board and specs whenever we can get our hands on it, and support an independent supplier too.

Just my thoughts. :)
the more i think about how screwed up this is, the more im thinking about calling my bank and asking them to get my money back. im a pretty calm and reserved guy but this is BS to the fullest extent.
Jre said:
What a **** storm. :lol:

I say "do over"!


No need for a do over just fill the orders as they were received through the website where payment was accepted for the product. It's not difficult to do the right thing here.

Lets take for instance when ordering a ferrari. You are told before you purchase just how many people are in the queue ahead of you. You then have the option to go forward with putting down your deposit or walking away. We were given no choice here and some were not even aware of a back door list.

I see two options: Fill in the order received or make it a lottery where no one has preferential rights on the orders made within the first 24 hours or whatever scheme you want to come up with.

I'm done with the subject!
gfredrone said:
Jre said:
What a **** storm. :lol:

I say "do over"!


No need for a do over just fill the orders as they were received through the website where payment was accepted for the product. It's not difficult to do the right thing here.

Lets take for instance when ordering a ferrari. You are told before you purchase just how many people are in the queue ahead of you. You then have the option to go forward with putting down your deposit or walking away. We were given no choice here and some were not even aware of a back door list.

I see two options: Fill in the order received or make it a lottery where no one has preferential rights on the orders made within the first 24 hours or whatever scheme you want to come up with.

I'm done with the subject!

I was just being facetious. :p
I'm afraid I don't have Pull_Up's unflagging diplomacy (I'm an engineer, it gets in the way of making things work).

Take a step back and look what folks are saying: "Mommy, it isn't FAIR!"

Nobody's taking away anyone's livelihood, or their guns, or their dignity. It's about how long you may or may not have to wait for a cool toy, being produced by a company that has already demonstrated a level of transparency and communication far beyond the pale.

Once the backlog clears, they'll be easy to come by, and the production rate will go up, and all this will be forgotten. In the mean time, go outside and fly your P2V and marvel at the fact that you live in an age when such things are possible. There will be more toys tomorrow.

I'll probably end up ordering one once I see the results, and it will come in good time. (But I don't see movies when they first open, and I don't wait in line for iToys, so I guess I have a slightly higher tolerance for delayed gratification.) For now I'm going to go convert some electrons into noise.
Keri, I really appreciate the predicament you are in and from the bottom of my heart I wish you the best.

I'm 66 and retired, 90% of my career path has been in management, from bottom level to top, including owning my own business. I host 17 web sites including my own, all successfully. Customers have always been first!!!! No matter what may of caused it, nothing tears me up more then having an upset customer. I've been in your position more then once.

My advise to you Keri; become "Extremely Creative," get enough parts to ship, within a reasonable time, to all the customers on "the list" and the "first 100 that ordered."

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