Risk Assessment: Litchi Flight Plan ...

But I notice your comment '...keeping your left trigger finger on the mode switch so you can quickly abort the mission.' I wasn't aware of this and am a bit nervous that, once it's off on a Waypoint flight, I have lost control.

Once you turn the switch to P-Mode, it stops and hovers. You can now take command and return the bird to your location.

Back in June, I was working my way up to longer and longer Litchi missions. My longest one was about 17 minutes. The issue I had during this longest flight was the aircraft was out of range from the controller within the first couple minutes due to trees. After 10 minutes of controller being out of contact with the aircraft, the controller turned itself off. This was after it beeped at me constantly. I was able to start it back up and it did regain a connection with my aircraft as it was coming back home. That was too scary for me. I now try to plan missions where the controller will only be disconnected for a brief time.

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