Richmond park is great to fly in

Aug 15, 2016
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So I decided to fly in Richmond park in London. And as soon as I got there I met a lovely guy who was flying a spark. Straight away we both had a lot in common, like disabilities, both use electric vehicles to get around (he uses electric scooter and I use electric unicycle) and we both shop online at Chinese internet sites.

As I was flying I had the usual "do you accept the agreement" box that comes up. Now this is where it gets interesting. I was on the wrong side of the park to fly, so a ranger came by and nicely explained with a smile that I need to go to the next field. So I did. Here's the amazing thing. I had to cross a pathway which was less then a metre away, yep... I was that close

So I launched and no warning box came up. So I flew across the path onto the other field and the warning came up. To give you an idea on how precise this is, if I stuck both my arms outwards, one arm would be the no flying zone where I had to tick the agreement box, while the other arm won't have that warning come up.

And it was bang on in the field where my arm was that the warning agreement would come up. Another thing that I also like is that the field part you can fly in is also a direct route for low flying helicopters. And I mean LOW. I estimate that they are around 150 metres high as they pass. This is great as it gets more people to obey the rules to stay at 120 metres.

And the best bit for me... I had so much space to fly and not a lot of height... So this means 2 things.

1) I am now a 100% rule obey flyer

2) I spent this height restrictions learning how to use ATTI mode and MY GOD I LOVE IT [emoji4]

Now.... I admit I have not always gone 100% with the rules in the past. But now I do and to be honest... I feel a lot better as no flight is a risk which means I can now fly with ease worry free. I use to fly litchi waypoints over shopping centres and at night. But haven't done that in almost a year. And of course.. I saw another drone flyers sorrounded by cones when I launched.

Bottom line is this...

If you live in London,England and are near Richmond park then please get yourself down here. It's an amazing place to fly, a massive section of the park is dedicated just for drones and RC planes and helicopters. Very rare to have any parks like this. Just one thing you have to be aware off...

In the flying zones we are allowed in, a lot of reindeers and stags settle there so please don't upset and disturb them. I haven't flown anywhere near them (but did go up close to take a pic using my phone) now that summer is here, this is an excellent time to make a visit. It's a massive park, larger then Hyde park. So make a trip, take the family, get close to the wildlife, fly the drone and have lots of fun [emoji4]
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So I decided to fly in Richmond park in London. And as soon as I got there I met a lovely guy who was flying a spark. Straight away we both had a lot in common, like disabilities, both use electric vehicles to get around (he uses electric scooter and I use electric unicycle) and we both shop online at Chinese internet sites.

As I was flying I had the usual "do you accept the agreement" box that comes up. Now this is where it gets interesting. I was on the wrong side of the park to fly, so a ranger came by and nicely explained with a smile that I need to go to the next field. So I did. Here's the amazing thing. I had to cross a pathway which was less then a metre away, yep... I was that close

So I launched and no warning box came up. So I flew across the path onto the other field and the warning came up. To give you an idea on how precise this is, if I stuck both my arms outwards, one arm would be the no flying zone where I had to tick the agreement box, while the other arm won't have that warning come up.

And it was bang on in the field where my arm was that the warning agreement would come up. Another thing that I also like is that the field part you can fly in is also a direct route for low flying helicopters. And I mean LOW. I estimate that they are around 150 metres high as they pass. This is great as it gets more people to obey the rules to stay at 120 metres.

And the best bit for me... I had so much space to fly and not a lot of height... So this means 2 things.

1) I am now a 100% rule obey flyer

2) I spent this height restrictions learning how to use ATTI mode and MY GOD I LOVE IT [emoji4]

Now.... I admit I have not always gone 100% with the rules in the past. But now I do and to be honest... I feel a lot better as no flight is a risk which means I can now fly with ease worry free. I use to fly litchi waypoints over shopping centres and at night. But haven't done that in almost a year. And of course.. I saw another drone flyers sorrounded by cones when I launched.

Bottom line is this...

If you live in London,England and are near Richmond park then please get yourself down here. It's an amazing place to fly, a massive section of the park is dedicated just for drones and RC planes and helicopters. Very rare to have any parks like this. Just one thing you have to be aware off...

In the flying zones we are allowed in, a lot of reindeers and stags settle there so please don't upset and disturb them. I haven't flown anywhere near them (but did go up close to take a pic using my phone) now that summer is here, this is an excellent time to make a visit. It's a massive park, larger then Hyde park. So make a trip, take the family, get close to the wildlife, fly the drone and have lots of fun [emoji4]

I enjoyed the story and that's always awesome when you find a cool place to fly, but remember, EVERY flight has some risk involved. Obviously there's normally far less risk by following the rules (why they're there), but it will always be present. Not trying to be a party pooper or say you should be afraid of flying, just to remember.

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