Realistic p3a range?

Jan 21, 2016
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Kansas City
I've done 2000ft. from me and at that point I can't hear it or see it usually and I get too worried to go further. What kind of range is ok to stay within to keep good video feed?

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Just completed my flight, went away from me 1.1Km (3600ft), and 200m(650ft) altitude. Around 1Km got warning weak signal. at 1.1 lost it completely. Don't remember at what point I got signal back but bird was on the way to home, this is very nice option.

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just got 20,650 ft at 300 ft alt today stock, had full signal and couldve gone further but thought i wasnt going to have enough battery. ended up landing with 20%.
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yea, but at from 2.5 miles in to 3miles, there is a stretch of houses so i get only 1 or 2 bars there (still have video though), then after i clear that, i go back to full signal
i wouldnt be too worried about losing video feed, although it depends where you fly. over water and open fields, you will be able to get very far distance, in an area with houses w/ wifi and urban areas, you wont be able to go too far..

i would say just go with however far you are comfortable with. each time, go a little further and youll build confidence to go further and further.
I am fortunate that I live in the rural country and have tons of acres to fly over with my P3A with little interference on all channels. My biggest nemesis is tree penetration however. I need to ascend about 80 feet to get to open skies out of my preferred launch point. The tree canopy will definitely cause the video to degrade. I suspect I am going to have to mod the antenna to hopefully power my way out.

4000 feet has been my max thus far. I have begun an aerial mapping project as a way to get mission experience and hone my skills while the bird is still reasonably close. What a rush.
Had range test once. 2Km out and back on around 150 meter altitude.
SIgnal wasn't lost yetthough. it was still going.
i did about 11,000 ft away, could have went further, still had bars. 22,000 ft including returning to home. I have a antenna mod on my p3A
just got 20,650 ft at 300 ft alt today stock, had full signal and couldve gone further but thought i wasnt going to have enough battery. ended up landing with 20%.

Hey Jay,
Are you using a windsurfer to get that range ??
Where I fly once I get out to approx 6000' and get the weak signal,
With my windsurfer yesterday I went out 2,9 miles,
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Hey Jay,
Are you using a windsurfer to get that range ??
Where I fly once I get out to approx 6000' and get the weak signal,
With my windsurfer yesterday I went out 2,9 miles,

No windsurfer, not even sure if i need it cuz of the battery restrictions. On the lowest bitrate and channel 32. For distance, i can only fly over water because there are no large open fields where by where i live. I do get low signal passing for a little bit while passing some houses but it goes back to full signal once i pass them.
This is the last half of my flight on the way back.

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