Rc club.

Jan 29, 2018
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There is an RC club near my house and I inquired about joining they asked me what type of airplane I had I said a drone and I got dirty looks so I guess I won’t be going there is it something that RCclubs hate about drones.
is it something that RCclubs hate about drones.
Are you already an AMA member? If not, that could pose an issue with individual clubs. Most have no issues with Drones operated by an AMA member, although the issue could be debated.
I believe it has much to do with the loitering, low speed, and percieved reduced maneuverability aspect. Many feel a mid-air is likely to occur.

Then there’s the fact most owners don’t have much experience cause they basically fly themselves.
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There is an RC club near my house and I inquired about joining they asked me what type of airplane I had I said a drone and I got dirty looks so I guess I won’t be going there is it something that RCclubs hate about drones.
Did they ask you IF you were a current AMA member.and if your weren't....they should have pointed the way to join..and invited you to join them !...I recently talked to a local park police officer..i asked If at the RC area their was many people flying drones....he told me that the RC with planes people don't like drones at their designated area , so that leaves me to wonder How well i would be welcomed their with a RC permit from the park and a AMA Licence !
I have joined an AMA RC club near me. I have gotten no negative response, but to be honest I respect the fact that the fixed wings own the sky there both in numbers and just general crazy flying skill and I don't interfere with their activities. I use the flying field for my own practice or equipment testing very early in the morning as the park opens and no one else is there. I prefer it that way.
No I show up at the field and it’s an ama field and was asking around about who to talk to and with all the fixed wing and huge helicopter. I felt a little out of place like no one there was friendly. I get it I’m a stranger ther but al least help a lost guy out. I found a Drone club not to far so I’m going to try there. I will join AMA so when I get there I won’t feel like a newbie. Thanks for all your input.

Blue skies and safe flying.
Yeah, some AMA sanctioned fields really dislike drones, or so I've found.

The big problem seems to be "Drones have cameras" and that alone annoys people. Maybe the same as driving down the road and someone with a huge camera photographs you, your family, and your car as you drive by which makes you wonder "Why?" or it just makes you mad. Newspaper photographer was shooting people at a park on a holiday picnic for the paper and a woman told him to stop and then sent her families goons over who beat him up and threw his newspaper's camera into the lake.

One AMA field is located on the City's Park Dept. land so they can and do make rules for its operation to the AMA field's club president. Club has to abide by the City Parks Dept. rules or lose the flying field. Problem was the new drone folk began flying away from the field (BVLOS, and the flying field's posted rules regarding no overflights of critical infrastructure and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineer's dam area.) and they started chasing boaters and water skiers around the nearby lake which was also controlled by the City Park's Dept. In time, drones became a no-no there unless you were grandfathered in under having a normal RC aircraft and flying it by their rules.

Don't know where all this is heading, but it seems to be getting more confined everyday rather than the opposite.
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