Hi, My friend has asked me to look at his Phantom 2 as he cannot get it to fly, so this is what I have done so far, charged batteries, replaced batteries in RC, turned on the phantom, lights flash orange and red, lots of beeping that does not stop sometimes the orange ones go green but still flashing, then turn on RC the light is red, I tried to reconnect the RC to the phantom by pressing reset or connect button underneath the drone, this flashed red but not green as I am lead to believe it should, I then updated the firmware and this seemed to work fine, same flashing lights no change, I then tried to use the DJI RC assistant 1.2 to calibrate the RC, but this did not work, so I looked at the DJI Phantom assistant 3.6 and 3.8, I could calibrate the RC in this software and that seemed to work fine, I did try to install the DJi windows driver installer but that keeps failing, can anybody offer any glimmer of hope for this poorly drone and its owner