P3P arrives tomorrow! Which Firmware?

Jan 16, 2017
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Finally, after 2 months of weighing pros&cons vs cost&capability, I made my decision and my P3P arrives tomorrow!

I've seen lots of posts regarding Firmware Versions, the good, the bad, and the ugly...which version should I use?

What Firmware Version are YOU currently using, and why? Is it great, does it suck? Are there a favorite and most disliked Firmware Versions?


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There are two schools of thought here. Some people like to keep what they have since it's working just fine for them. Other people (like me), like to always upgrade to the newest version to take advantage of the latest documented features, undocumented features, and bug fixes. You'll have to decide what's best for you.
...and for now I'll be connected to my iPhone6.
Seriously considering a dedicated Android tablet, just for flying. The Nvidia for @$200 is the strongest contender right now...

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Thx msinger...I share the same mindset.

Do you have a P3P that you continually upload the newest FW to?

Have you had any FW-related failures?

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I believe that's your list? Yes? It's already bookmarked on my phone [emoji1360]

I used that list as my decision aid.

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Do you have a P3P that you continually upload the newest FW to?
Yes. I haven't had any trouble with firmware updates on it.

Many people who run into trouble are not installing the firmware properly. If needed, you can find detailed firmware installation instructions here.
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Excellent Thanks!
Watched a vid on FW upgrading last night. Seems simple enough, just requires patience, and from what I learned - don't forget to upgrade ALL batteries and the controller as well.

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...and for now I'll be connected to my iPhone6.
Seriously considering a dedicated Android tablet, just for flying. The Nvidia for @$200 is the strongest contender right now...

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Even if you upgrade, no reason to be in a hurry to do it. It's likely that your bird will work just fine with the software that it was shipped with. Get everything working and get some flight time under your belt before you worry about changing anything. Heck, may not even be an issue! Depending on when your P was boxed up, it may already have the current FW installed. Take your time, find out what you have and understand what the potential pros and cons are so you can make an intelligent decision.
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Ah... the other school has arrived ;)
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...Depending on when your P was boxed up, it may already have the current FW installed. Take your time, find out what you have and understand what the potential pros and cons are so you can make an intelligent decision.

Is there a "born on" date on the exterior of the packaging?

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Just to let you know on a liability stand point. If you do not have the latest firmware installed then your Phantom is considered unairworthy by the FAA. In the event there is an accident that results in injury or property damage, you will be screwed if you are not running the latest.

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Just to let you know on a liability stand point. If you do not have the latest firmware installed then your Phantom is considered unairworthy by the FAA. In the event there is an accident that results in injury or property damage, you will be screwed if you are not running the latest.

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Right on Page! That's some extremely valuable info right there!!

...and thanks for the reminder to call my Homeowner's Agent on Monday to insure my UAV!

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I have been flying a p3p since they first came out. I have done every single upgrade. I have a great amount of confidence in my bird. I don't know if I have just been lucky or if you just need to do the upgrade properly,but I still fly that drone and I wouldn't trade her for anything. I have had problems at all.

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Thanks Jerrold! That's good to know! I'm quite confident that I can properly do FW upgrades on all the gear, given the proper direction. I do SW QA for a living [emoji1360]

Reading all this on my thread, I suspect that more than a few of the FW horror stories that scare the bejeezus outta noobs like me, are most likely attributable to FW mis-matches due to errors in performing all the required upgrades.
Measure twice, cut once. That's a $1000 Bill zipping thru the sky. Due diligence pays due dividends...

Thanks again! This is all quite reassuring!

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Well folks! I just received a FedEx msg, my new bird just left North Jersey at 8:35pm! Current time is 8:45pm! I live in very Southern New Jersey...

She's all mine tomorrow!!!! I'll be doing a lot of charging (she comes with 3 batteries) and lots of reading!

Just ordered an Nvidia Shield K1, which shall be dedicated only to Quad things... :)
K1 will be here Monday, which yields plenty of time to smarten up on my new bird.

As a huge fan of the Jersey Shore, and with the intent of doing plenty of slightly offshore beach videography, I have named my new bird "Jetty"
I kinda like the duality of the name...


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Just to let you know on a liability stand point. If you do not have the latest firmware installed then your Phantom is considered unairworthy by the FAA. In the event there is an accident that results in injury or property damage, you will be screwed if you are not running the latest.

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Can you post a link or excerpt where this is addressed?
You can find this info in the part 107 handbook in the sections dealing with aircraft maintenance. Even if you are a hobbyist pilot, the laws and regulations still apply.

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