P3 PRo video jello, what can i do?

Mar 29, 2017
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Hi, i've been happily flying the phantom 3 pro for 2 years. Recently bought some nds so i went through the unexpectedly-hard-should-have-been-easier procedure to replace the camera filter and even if i was very careful i'm afraid i might have applyed too much force to the gimbal in the process. (thogh I'm not 100% sure about it)

So this is what filming is like now
Rolling shutters can cause such effects as: Wobble. This phenomenon (also known as the jello effect) appears when the camera is vibrating, in situations such as hand-held shots at telephoto settings, or when shooting from a moving vehicle. The rolling shutter causes the image to wobble unnaturally.

Rolling shutter - Wikipedia
Hi, i've been happily flying the phantom 3 pro for 2 years. Recently bought some nds so i went through the unexpectedly-hard-should-have-been-easier procedure to replace the camera filter and even if i was very careful i'm afraid i might have applyed too much force to the gimbal in the process. (thogh I'm not 100% sure about it)

So this is what filming is like now
Strange - does your gimbal visibly shake a little bit when you film, possibly from the ND filter's weight throwing it off? What ND filters are you using? Do your gimbal vibration dampers need replacement? Are the props balanced? What frame rate and what shutter speed are you shooting at? Ideally, get your shutter speed to be double your frame rate (so 24fps would be 1/50th and 30fps would be 1/60). Jello'ing can happen when the shutter speed is too high. You can possibly save this footage in post - After Effects and FCP X have filters for fixing warping and rolling shutter.
Gimbal hangs on 4 vibration pads and two of them have pins on them. Please inspect them thoroughly, I guess some issue there. Gimbal doesn't seem to be freely hanging.

Though I dont suspect anything wrong with props or their fitting, please inspect them for added safety.
Didnt use the nd filter for filming,I did check the vibration pads before taking off, they seemed ok how can i check the props?
Didnt use the nd filter for filming,I did check the vibration pads before taking off, they seemed ok how can i check the props?
It's most likely a combo of shutter speed and camera vibration. You'd want to get a prop balancer (relatively inexpensive) to balance the props.
Two things. The type of distortion shown demonstrates an issue with your gimbal. Either a calibration problem or more likely a weight imbalance. The cam balance is very critical. Adding extra weight to the cam can cause a resonance in the gimbal's efforts which will show up with jello just like you see in your video. Make sure to calibrate your IM U and your gimbal after that. Make sure your bird is totally level while doing these things.
First of all thanks everyone for helping out.
Then a couple of things worth mentioning.
I have noticed that the rubber pads are damaged so i will have to change them. Also taking a closer look at the gimbal i noticed a mark right under the yaw arm, now this worries me a little more, if I try to move the gimbal i can hear it touching ever so slightly the piece of plastic it's attached to and i doubt that has to be like that. Now i don't even know whether the yaw arm is bent or it is just off axis.
20170330_091425.jpg 20170330_091351.jpg
Hi, i've been happily flying the phantom 3 pro for 2 years. Recently bought some nds so i went through the unexpectedly-hard-should-have-been-easier procedure to replace the camera filter and even if i was very careful i'm afraid i might have applyed too much force to the gimbal in the process. (thogh I'm not 100% sure about it)

So this is what filming is like now
Balance your props.
Then a couple of things worth mentioning.
I have noticed that the rubber pads are damaged so i will have to change them. Also taking a closer look at the gimbal i noticed a mark right under the yaw arm,

Ouch those pads are worn, and that mark, i can only guess that you have bent the arm slightly, you should be able to slip a piece of paper under that gap i would have thought, gonna be a tough job to get that straight, i think you need to look for a replacement arm.

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Thanks everyone for replying, i kinda got an idea on what to do, so went ahead watched some how to videos and ordered the yaw arm replacement, the props balancer and some other little things to bring the p3pro back to new. I onlyu just realized that i've never done any maintainance since i bought it. Keep you updated when i get the parts, will post pictures of the work in progress.
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