I'm not 100% sure how accurate healthydrones is with calculating wind speed but if what it was reporting is true, no doubt that the wind took it since the max speed of a p3 on a calm day is never going to be over 40 mph.
My suggestion is to just continue down the direction it was moving before connection was lost. It should have landed wherever it was when the battery got low.
I had 3 to 4 shots fired at mine from a shotgun. I was too high though. What a knob. I wasn't even over private land.
I hope I find it too. If I do find it I think I will get a tracking device or State Farm insurance for it.
It would appear that you probably lost a visual line of sight. Whether you are a recreational or commercial pilot (e.g. governed by the FAA rules or not), you should follow the FAA rules of keeping within your line of sight. First, do so for safety reasons. Secondly, had you been able to see your drone, you would know where it landed.
It would appear that you probably lost a visual line of sight. Whether you are a recreational or commercial pilot (e.g. governed by the FAA rules or not), you should follow the FAA rules of keeping within your line of sight. First, do so for safety reasons. Secondly, had you been able to see your drone, you would know where it landed.

At over 6 km and above 800 ft AGL I think it is safe to say that it was out of sight. I have no idea why anyone would think that was a reasonable or safe flight, but pointing that out seldom goes down well.
Don't want to sound critical here but it's hard to believe that you would post that flight log for all the world including the FAA to see. Flying at 802 ft. is twice the legal limit and the winds aloft can be a lot more turbulent than they are on the ground. Flying at that altitude and distance is asking for trouble and it seems to have found you. It's just a small drone and not an airplane. It didn't have much of a chance to come home pushing a headwind with a low battery. Use a little more common sense when planning your flights and you'll have a better percentage of getting your next drone home safe.
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I made the experience of loosing one propeller of my Phantom 3 pro during flight a few days ago. The phantom dropped from sky like a stone. This happened only after about 5 minutes of normal flight!
I was lucky that the aircraft was only about 35ft above ground and in distance of about 200m from me. I easely could find it. The shield was a bit damaged but the electronic was all fine, so I just replaced the shield and the Phantom is working perfect again.
Why the one propeller was not keeping in place? Obviously it was not properly screwed on the axis. I was not aware that this can happen at all.

Maybe tha'ts a possibility of loosing the Phantom in your case as well?
No - it was continuously in P-GPS mode until 7' 23", when it switched to RTH. 27" later the record stops. There is no indication why that might have happened, but signal loss is the most likely. It was, apparently, trying to go back to the home point though. Was it windy? It was going at 40+ mph until it lost downlink. After initiating RTH it was struggling to make a few mph.
Well we scanned all the area with a phantom 4 but nothing turned up. Maybe a farmer plowing the fields will find it and give me a call
Look for high structures, i.e. trees, between the last location and the path home. Then look for it either stck in a tree or at the foot of a tree. I set my RTH altitude to 300 feet to avoid RTH disasters. Good luck.
When I saw that height and 47 mph winds.
I'm like RoosterTail on this one.
That stuff is what the news love.
Look wayyyyyyyyy down range for parts.

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