Oddest Thing

The battery was fully charged when I began flying. I'd flown my drone several times just prior to this flight (the one in which the drone disappeared). This was obviously the last one. I thank you very much for pointing out that my drone could have kept going. Even though one of the last messages said it was landing, it could have gone as far as the mobile home park? I do not know anything about the deviations on my battery cell. Would you please explain what that means and why it's important? Was the battery worn out? It was cold that day; should I not have been flying it in 62 degree weather? I thought the critically low battery warning was odd given that my battery was still over 60%. What does "Propulsion output is limited to ensure the health of the battery" mean? I was flying it normally.
There's a really good chance that you just thought it was fully charged seeing how it read 60 as soon as you turned it on. Regardless sorry she went down.
BTW you are posting in Classifieds
Wow, it seems I have posted this in the wrong section - I hadn't noticed. I hope I didn't hurt anything, or take valuable space away from someone with something to sell. I apologize to everyone and thank you so much for your help.

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