No Camera View and Gimbal Disconnect Error

Aug 17, 2020
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Today I took delivery of a used Ebay Phantom 3 Standard, to replace the last one that racked up 1,200 miles of Litchi missions, before inexplicably losing all power and slamming onto the deck from 140 feet AGL.

This replacement Ebay drone took an interminable 5 months to arrive in my jungle lair, having crossed a few oceans aboard a container ship that took its sweet time reaching its final destination. My primary concern with a drone that had spent so much time idle was that the batteries would be ruined, and would not take a charge, so it was a relief to see that all 3 flight batteries, and the controller battery, charged up without a hitch.

Having modified the controller of my previous Phantom 3S with Argtek antenna that gave me a nice mile-long range, I set aside the stock controller that was sold with the drone and then linked my Argtek modified controller with the P3S. All this went well, and then I took the drone outdoors to launch it on its first flight. I noticed right away on the Litchi screen that there was NO camera image visible. I was however able to tilt the gimbal up and down with the left thumb-wheel on the controller, suggesting that there is a link between the controller and the camera. I exited Litchi, and fired up DJI Go, whose settings screen informed me of a "Gimbal Disconnect" error in red letters, with no camera view image, save for a black screen.

Checked to ensure that my WiFi link was to the Phantom3S and not to the house WiFi signal, and nothing seemed amiss there. I then launched the drone and flew a couple of line-of-sight circuits, to ensure that it flew and handled as expected, which it did. This absence of a camera view didn't alarm me initially since the previous Phantom3S would on rare occasions fail to show the camera view, yet recorded footage perfectly during Litchi mission launched with that black screen present instead of the camera view. I merely ensured the camera was tiled downward at a 20-degree angle, to leave a narrow sliver of horizon in the resultant footage

Finally, on launching the drone with Litchi, the usual "Recording Started" announcement is not sounded at takeoff, nor is the "Recording Stopped" alert called out at the point of landing. Manually pressing the red record button on the Litchi screen has zero effect. Any pointers that can be offered as to how I can bring the camera life, and get a camera view image in either the Litchi or DJI Go screens, would be enormously appreciated. Thanks in advance. I will now resume pulling out my hair in clumps for the next ten minutes.
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Today I took delivery of a used Ebay Phantom 3 Standard, to replace the last one that racked up 1,200 miles of Litchi missions, before inexplicably losing all power and slamming onto the deck from 140 feet AGL.

This replacement Ebay drone took an interminable 5 months to arrive in my jungle lair, having crossed a few oceans aboard a container ship that took its sweet time reaching its final destination. My primary concern with a drone that had spent so much time idle was that the batteries would be ruined, and would not take a charge, so it was a relief to see that all 3 flight batteries, and the controller battery, charged up without a hitch.

Having modified the controller of my previous Phantom 3S with Argtek antenna that gave me a nice mile-long range, I set aside the stock controller that was sold with the drone and then linked my Argtek modified controller with the P3S. All this went well, and then I took the drone outdoors to launch it on its first flight. I noticed right away on the Litchi screen that there was NO camera image visible. I was however able to tilt the gimbal up and down with the left thumb-wheel on the controller, suggesting that there is a link between the controller and the camera. I exited Litchi, and fired up DJI Go, whose settings screen informed me of a "Gimbal Disconnect" error in red letters, with no camera view image, save for a black screen.

Checked to ensure that my WiFi link was to the Phantom3S and not to the house WiFi signal, and nothing seemed amiss there. I then launched the drone and flew a couple of line-of-sight circuits, to ensure that it flew and handled as expected, which it did. This absence of a camera view didn't alarm me initially since the previous Phantom3S would on rare occasions fail to show the camera view, yet recorded footage perfectly during Litchi mission launched with that black screen present instead of the camera view. I merely ensured the camera was tiled downward at a 20-degree angle, to leave a narrow sliver of horizon in the resultant footage

Finally, on launching the drone with Litchi, the usual "Recording Started" announcement is not sounded at takeoff, nor is the "Recording Stopped" alert called out at the point of landing. Manually pressing the red record button on the Litchi screen has zero effect. Any pointers that can be offered as to how I can bring the camera life, and get a camera view image in either the Litchi or DJI Go screens, would be enormously appreciated. Thanks in advance. I will now resume pulling out my hair in clumps for the next ten minutes.
Gosh that's a long wait alright,,to me it almost sounds like the wifi password needs to be reset,,what's it on,default 12341234 ,does that work in app,mayby it was custom set from previous owner,I think of this cause my p3 I sold had custom one set and had no cam view till I remember I changed it,,once I done that I had blue conect logo on homescreen and a cam view when clicked on,,,
Hope this sorts it and it not fault,,if gimble wheel working that's good sign,,I would start here and see what happens.
I check back soon,5% here tonight so I in bed
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Ha ha apologies for the long ramble Ian. Instead of typing, I dictate using voice to text, so before I know it I've churned out paragraphs of verbiage.

I'll try changing the password from the default setting. Looked at a few Youtube videos and there was mention of formatting the memory card or deleting and then reinstalling DJI Go, as solutions that worked for others, I'll try all these fixes in sequence and see how it goes.
Ha yeh I try that voice text but it got words wrong,,,yeh formatting as they say just a flash word for delete,,mine had me stumped trying to conect cause I uninstall djigo from device and when I reinstall I had no cam view,,cause I had custom set that I forgot I was trying to conect with 12341234 with no luck till I remember what I had done,,just sounds very similar
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Well, I checked out Youtube viewer's comments on this subject, and the answer to my predicament was right under my nose the whole time. Removed the SD memory card and presto the camera image materialized instantly. Formatted the SD card in my laptop, placed it in my Phantom3S, and that camera image again appeared the instant the controller and drone linked up after being powered up.

The answer turned out to be so basic that I considered deleting this entire thread, but then decided to leave it be for anyone else who encounters the same apparent camera failure, and like me starts considering the most complex solutions, rather than the most basic ones. Anyway, all's well that ends well, and now I can start racking up miles of Litchi missions with my new Phantom3S.
Wow that's just crazy,,removing sd card reinstates the cam view,,,you better tell dji that one,, I not heard of this before ,,if that the case the sd card must been corrupt,,,,,anyway what a great fix,,I'm suprised no one metion bad ribbon cable lol ? thumbs up to that
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Glad you got it all sorted. When I replaced my failed camera/gimbal with one I got off eBay, I started having problems with the camera and suspected the replacement. Shortly after takeoff the camera would disconnect, I could not change camera/video modes, and the feed to the controller would freeze. It turned out to be a bad microSD card I had purchased at the same time. Once I replaced it everything worked perfectly. Just goes to show you how many problems can come from an SD card.

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