NFZ wrong ????

Feb 22, 2017
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ok so here i am flying in a RV park outside of Yellowstone park . roughly 15 miles away . flew here all last yr . now this ear i fly same area no issues except i land after a flight and i get these close to NFZ warnings . nothing has changed and no where near a no fly zone . stick in another battery and go for another flight . no issues no warnings until i land and again get the NFZ warnings . is there anything that can be done . I think DJI has messed things up on the drone i paid for. there system detecting NFZ's is inaccurate and does not work like it should . anyone else have this ? i think i need to make a dreaded call to DJI and see up's up .
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your ONLY hope is to hack it and be done with their STUPID NFZ's once and for all!

ARE they stupid? I consider the NFZ's warnings a help here in the UK. I like to think they could save me from dropping myself in the brown stuff with the authorities. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming this. What do you think?
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ARE they stupid? I consider the NFZ's warnings a help here in the UK. I like to think they could save me from dropping myself in the brown stuff with the authorities. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming this. What do you think?

There are better - and more accurate - ways of determining where the boundaries of NFZs lie. It should not be in the drone's firmware, and we should not be relying on the Chinese interpretation/implementation of them, they make enough mistakes and errors elsewhere.
There are better - and more accurate - ways of determining where the boundaries of NFZs lie. It should not be in the drone's firmware, and we should not be relying on the Chinese interpretation/implementation of them, they make enough mistakes and errors elsewhere.

Fair comment, although finding more accurate ways of doing that is just more bothersome. My tiny mind has more than enough to cope with all the intricacy's of just flying. I shall get around to it eventually though.;)
Well the NATS or Altitude Angel apps make it easy, and don't forget to check for up to date NOTAMs for the area you intend to fly. You can bet 'My drone didn't tell me I couldn't fly here' won't stand up in court :)
Not sure if it’s related, but prior to the latest dji update (now 4.2.20), I had NFZ warnings when landing near my chook pen.... Given the nearest airport is 30 klms away, I put it down as a bug as the most recent iteration of the app seems to have resolved the problem.
I have not be notified of an up date for months . i do know it has not effected my flight and only seemed to show up as i landed . still i would hate for it to auto land my drone while flying over the lake . no notams in the area and miles from the nearest place where i could not fly and that would be yellowstone . there is an airport in west yellowstone but that's 15 miles away . like i mentioned i flew here last year dozens of flights with out issues . i really think dji has many mistakes in their nfz database and if it crashes my drone it would be their responsibility but mine to prove and most likely just end up losing a drone . just makes me nervous to fly . on flight 186 with out major issues and would hate to lose drone over bad nfz database installed in my drone by the Chinese
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Well the NATS or Altitude Angel apps make it easy, and don't forget to check for up to date NOTAMs for the area you intend to fly. You can bet 'My drone didn't tell me I couldn't fly here' won't stand up in court :)
no notam no nfz or temporary nfz going on . it's a database problem with dji . not worried about court because i'm no where near a nfz . but if my drone auto lands over the lake because of a false database nfz then it's dji's fault but i would still be out a 1200 drone
are you kidding me false N
ARE they stupid? I consider the NFZ's warnings a help here in the UK. I like to think they could save me from dropping myself in the brown stuff with the authorities. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming this. What do you think?
Are you kidding me . i bought this to fly not have the unit turned off by false NFZ database installed by dji to crash my drone . you assume we are stupid and not knowing where we can fly and what the laws are . i am very familiar with the laws and where i can and can not fly , don't need dji restricting my flying when there info is clearly wrong .when i take off and all is good if the drone goes down it's their fault but i'm out the 1200 drone . when the nfz is accurate great but when it's not then i have a useless drone
great what's the hack . if i could i would

Youtube is your friend on this topic. Last time i tried to fly in Florida I coulndt fly ANYWHERE along the panhandle due to stupid NFZ even though it wasnt even NEAR the NFZ map areas. Now I can fly ANYWHERE I want!
no notam no nfz or temporary nfz going on . it's a database problem with dji . not worried about court because i'm no where near a nfz . but if my drone auto lands over the lake because of a false database nfz then it's dji's fault but i would still be out a 1200 drone

You should exercise your option to purchase a unit not made by DJI instead of giving them your money and then complaining about their well known restrictions. I doubt it's going to get ANY better for off-the-shelf products.
You should exercise your option to purchase a unit not made by DJI instead of giving them your money and then complaining about their well known restrictions. I doubt it's going to get ANY better for off-the-shelf products.
I've owned this drone long before they started the NFZ stuff . so maybe you should get some facts before you make yourself look dumb
NFZs pre-date the P4Pro however new ones are added as ‘required’.
I've owned this drone long before they started the NFZ stuff . so maybe you should get some facts before you make yourself look dumb

Watch your wording there. Keep comments like that up and you'll get some time away from the forum to test out further NFZ issues.

As stated above the NFZ "feature" has been in place long before your P4 was ever manufactured. The database is updated and changes are made but NFZ's in general were around long before you purchased your P4 or joined our forum.
Watch your wording there. Keep comments like that up and you'll get some time away from the forum to test out further NFZ issues.

As stated above the NFZ "feature" has been in place long before your P4 was ever manufactured. The database is updated and changes are made but NFZ's in general were around long before you purchased your P4 or joined our forum.
since i've gotten my drone infringement of flight has been increased to the point of shutting the drone down when it was not like that at first . it has gotten more restrictive over the last yr per DJI up dates
Watch your wording there. Keep comments like that up and you'll get some time away from the forum to test out further NFZ issues.

As stated above the NFZ "feature" has been in place long before your P4 was ever manufactured. The database is updated and changes are made but NFZ's in general were around long before you purchased your P4 or joined our forum.[/QUOT
So don't update the firmware, perhaps?

Its too late for that now unless he rolls it back which DJI has made impossible without hacking.
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I have never had a problem with NFZ. If I could figure out my editor and keep my computer running smooth I’d be Tech enough, I’d hack my P4. I always check before I fly. I would like to be the one that says whether I fly or not. I still believe a foreign enmity has no right to tell me in my own country what I can and cannot do. If they desire, they just change the rules mid stream. It’s stupid anyway, if somebody wants to fly, they will.

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