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Yip simple start is good I I'm thinking a new ribbon cable set but you might just need the flat gimble cable if you can see lamination lifting,, at least sets are cheap and easy to change and either fix or eliminate the fault, very popular flaw this p3p no image ,duno why, some are premo and never have any issues, yes you need live view ,guessing not much fun
Hard wire NO, ocusync transmission , that be harder than a ribbon change ,its piece of mind to and good to have spares for these occasions,
Hey tell ya what you get a new gimble cable set and if dont work I'll send you your money back,I'm good for it just dont buy diamond encrusted one but make sure original part not a cheap knock off one,
( no not buying new ribbon 4 everyone) before you ask

Ok now I know about mode 3 and custom,Had no idea these modes exist, I can only see advantage for left handed person otherwise seems pointless spam in the app,Thanks for making me find out
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Well..... Tuesday night, flush with enthusiasm from having gotten the picture taking ability squared away and wanting to get pictures of our house lit up for Christmas, I went outside, fired up the P3P and cautiously gained altitude to clear some tall trees on our waterfront. I've done it before with no problems. But there's always a first time and this was it. I was at about a 45 degree viewing angle to the tree I was going to be going over... and probably 125' from the base of the tree. The oblique view masked a branch behind the one I thought I had plenty of clearance to get over and.... either equipment failure or pilot error, something happened causing it to tilt over and down it came. I saw the red lights as it plummeted, heading downward at speed and at a slight angle (may be 70 degrees?) down to the water which is filled with water vegetation.... I grabbed flashlights and went all over the shore after it happened, did not see it any where. So yesterday I searched the easier, shallower spots in a kayak and by wading and did not find it. I resumed looking for it today, but had to rig up something to clear the weeds, which is a pretty big area it could be in so I have a lot of work ahead to recover it. I'm sure it will be toast but perhaps I can salvage some parts off of it to help others. I'm irritated with myself, I should not have been in such a rush to get out and video everything until I had more confidence in myself and the equipment. So with that said, I wanted to thank everyone who offered help to try to resolve my issues, which were mostly resolved except for being able to view the flight thru the cellphone/DJI Go app.... I'll report back once it's recovered and see how bad a shape it is in.
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Well, that's unfortunate. But a freshwater bath is better than a salt/sea water bath when it comes to keep your fingers crossed on a recovery and successful salvage.

Might be a good time to hint around to family and friends what Santa 🎅 needs to bring you this year. Hey, never know.....🤷‍♂️......
Well, that's unfortunate. But a freshwater bath is better than a salt/sea water bath when it comes to keep your fingers crossed on a recovery and successful salvage.

Might be a good time to hint around to family and friends what Santa 🎅 needs to bring you this year. Hey, never know.....🤷‍♂️......
I was just thinking the exact same thing! There's already one under the tree for our adult son.... hmmmm.... ;-)
Well, that's unfortunate. But a freshwater bath is better than a salt/sea water bath when it comes to keep your fingers crossed on a recovery and successful salvage.

Might be a good time to hint around to family and friends what Santa 🎅 needs to bring you this year. Hey, never know.....🤷‍♂️......
Thankfully it is freshwater and I have two other batteries. But, first I have to find it.... and that is proving more challenging than I expected but I don't give up easily and after snapping daylight pics from approximately where I was standing when it crashed, I have tried to reconstruct the likely areas where it would have landed. The red lights I saw as it arced down are seared in my mind. But being a night flight, depth perception might not have been what I think it was. But I think I have a good idea of an area it will be in, so I will be doing a grid search but first have to cut the weeds back so I can drag that area... the grass/weeds are so think it is not exactly easy to paddle the kayak in it... now it has become a holy mission to recover it!

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