New To Droning - LOVE my P4

Dec 28, 2016
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Just sayin' that regardless of what's new (Mavic / P4P / Inspire 2) I totally plan to keep this Phantom 4 for as long as possible, even forever (provided it doesn't blow up or whatever...).

Anyway, just because there's some newer drone doesn't mean the one you own suddenly sucks. Just reading about peeps selling their drone to get the latest. Just love what you have and then, later on, get another new one.

However, if you can afford it, get em' all!!! LOL [emoji1] I would if I could, but I can't, so I'm going to remain super stoked on my Phantom 4 and Avegant Glyph kit!

BlackBerry PRIV powered by android
Thanks for the replies! The technological advancements in the world we live in today change too rapidly to keep up, making it impossible and impractical to always stay with the latest gadgetry.

What I've always done is just pick a few brands and focus on those to avoid the clutter of all the different 'things' available out there. DJI is the drone brand I've chosen and the Phantom 4 is a joy to own and fly!

BlackBerry PRIV powered by android
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A little story:
Back decades ago when I was about 15, we had one of our trees in the backyard trimmed pretty much down to just the big branches. Got rid of all the leaves. I could finally climb this sucker and look around and actually see things. I got all the way to the top which was about 40 feet up. For the first time ever, instead of looking up at the neighboring houses, I was looking down on them. Not by much but enough to see an entirely new perspective. I was amazed. I wondered how neat it might be to see things from 80 feet or 200 feet up but it was never to be.

When Google maps satellite view came out, it just wasn't quite what I was looking for. The perspective just didn't offer what I wanted. Also, the data was months or years out of date.

Then my wife put a Phantom 4 under the tree for me and, ahem, the two boys. Lucky for me, my sons do not care much for the drone. It is mine. And lucky for me, we live 6 miles from the nearest municipal airport which means by pure chance, I could fly this thing right off my front sidewalk. In the last 7 days I have recorded about 50 gigs of 1080p video of the surrounding neighborhood from 390 feet up.

Now I need a bigger bucket list.
Hmm..interesting take.

I have a slew of them.. Mavic and Phantoms... I won't sell any of them.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
A little story:
Back decades ago when I was about 15, we had one of our trees in the backyard trimmed pretty much down to just the big branches. Got rid of all the leaves. I could finally climb this sucker and look around and actually see things. I got all the way to the top which was about 40 feet up. For the first time ever, instead of looking up at the neighboring houses, I was looking down on them. Not by much but enough to see an entirely new perspective. I was amazed. I wondered how neat it might be to see things from 80 feet or 200 feet up but it was never to be.

When Google maps satellite view came out, it just wasn't quite what I was looking for. The perspective just didn't offer what I wanted. Also, the data was months or years out of date.

Then my wife put a Phantom 4 under the tree for me and, ahem, the two boys. Lucky for me, my sons do not care much for the drone. It is mine. And lucky for me, we live 6 miles from the nearest municipal airport which means by pure chance, I could fly this thing right off my front sidewalk. In the last 7 days I have recorded about 50 gigs of 1080p video of the surrounding neighborhood from 390 feet up.

Now I need a bigger bucket list.


Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
I am usually one of the last to upgrade technology because I don't want an upgrade once I learn how to use the old one! This applies to phone, computers, tablets, and now drones.

I am still learning the tricks of the P4!
Just sayin' that regardless of what's new (Mavic / P4P / Inspire 2) I totally plan to keep this Phantom 4 for as long as possible, even forever (provided it doesn't blow up or whatever...).

Anyway, just because there's some newer drone doesn't mean the one you own suddenly sucks. Just reading about peeps selling their drone to get the latest. Just love what you have and then, later on, get another new one.

However, if you can afford it, get em' all!!! LOL [emoji1] I would if I could, but I can't, so I'm going to remain super stoked on my Phantom 4 and Avegant Glyph kit!

BlackBerry PRIV powered by android
Hello glad your enjoying the P4, so am I. I noticed in your avatar and name you have those glyphs fpv goggles, how do you like them? Have you ever used Fpv Before with goggles? What made you decide on the glyph?

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