NEW FPV ? i wonder

No, it won't work as it requires the image to be distorted and presented in a certain way. If you pipe a normal image to the Rift, one eye will see half of the image and the other eye will see the other half which looks terrible and is confusing. It would require an app to be programmed that can format the image correctly.

There are programs for PC that enable you to take a video input and then apply the correct formatting for output to the Rift. I've done this with DK1 and it works well. I'll have a DK2 in the next few weeks so will be setting up FPV with it via a laptop.
I saw the DK2 a week or 2 ago and thought it would be AWESOME for FPV...but i had no idea about how the Rift has to distort the image to get it to display right. I wonder if that app could be run via a cell phone that would easily attach to the Rift? Just a though because i agree they would be PERFECT for FPV and if it could be done i would buy them in a heart beat.

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