Mavic Pro User Manual 2016.09 (unofficial release)

There is no manual ATTI mode. This is bad! What do you do when something affects the compass in a bad way (metal structure) and the drone starts drifting on its own? Happened to me several times with my P3S.
There is no manual ATTI mode. This is bad! What do you do when something affects the compass in a bad way (metal structure) and the drone starts drifting on its own? Happened to me several times with my P3S.
The aircraft will automatically switch to ATTI mode when the GPS signal is weak and lighting conditions are too dark for the Forward and Downward Vision System. The aircraft will only use its barometer for positioning to control the altitude.
There is no manual ATTI mode. This is bad! What do you do when something affects the compass in a bad way (metal structure) and the drone starts drifting on its own? Happened to me several times with my P3S.
Surely it'll be comparing compass and visual sensors ... sonar and camera visual sensors underneath
The aircraft will automatically switch to ATTI mode when the GPS signal is weak and lighting conditions are too dark for the Forward and Downward Vision System. The aircraft will only use its barometer for positioning to control the altitude.
The GPS signal has nothing to do with this I believe.

I once initiated lift off next to a huge metal structure in GPS mode (full signal) but as I was suspicious of the compass reading, I held the drone stuck with my hand all the time. That was lucky because it was trying to fly away from me, drawn by the structure. It was huge, over 5000 tons of steel.

Same thing have happened with smaller metal objects, throws the compass out of balance. When it happens you can just switch to ATTI and get out of there. This would not be possible with the Mavic am I right?
Or is Sport mode the new ATTI mode?

Higher speed and no GPS? That would be awesome.
Or is Sport mode the new ATTI mode?

Higher speed and no GPS? That would be awesome.
No, "sport" mode also utilizes GPS. You may be correct, there may be no way to put the Mavic into ATTI mode manually.
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There is no way to manually switch to ATTI mode. If you need to do that for certain flights, it would be best to hang onto your Phantom too.
There is no way to manually switch to ATTI mode. If you need to do that for certain flights, it would be best to hang onto your Phantom too.
Now that I think of it there have been loads of scenarios when ATTI mode is useful. I shot footage cruising between train wrecks once. Not possible in P-GPS (drifted towards the train), but ATTI was fine.

I have never tried to fight back the drift, always just gone ATTI and then adjusted course. It might be easier to "fight it" than I think but just the idea of a compass behaving abnormaly is very, very unsettling. If it flips out, and eventually it will, that may well result in a crash.

Maybe the redundant compass can adjust for this behaviour? Otherwise I think it's quite a big flaw in the firmware... ATTI mode is the only method, if even that, to cancel a fly-away am I right?

Not that I want to bring up the whole fly-away discussion since I've never had one or been close to having one myself, and I'm not sure I even believe in them, but since that might be a possibility, a manual ATTI mode should be included I would think.
ATTI mode is the only method, if even that, to cancel a fly-away am I right?
The aircraft should auto switch to ATTI if needed. You'll often see that occur in flight logs where there are plenty of GPS satellites available.
The aircraft should auto switch to ATTI if needed. You'll often see that occur in flight logs where there are plenty of GPS satellites available.
Should, yes.

I hope you dont take me for someone who's trying to bring the Mavic in bad light, I have been looking forward to this release since the moment it was released and its specs was announced, but I don't think you can rely on *should* when it comes to a flying object, capable of going anywhere it pleases and at a high speed and long time if it was only allowed to. When the compass freaks out, that is what happens. It is precisely like someone else is grabbing your RC and going random throttle in random direction and without a manual ATTI mode there is nothing to do about it.

Especially since it has nothing to do with the GPS. If it cannot know the compass is faulty due to factors outside the aircraft, how can it know it should switch to ATTI?

It's not like this is going to happen all the time but I imagine if I take my Mavic for a total of 100 flights, something quite serious or very close to serious is bound to happen during one of those flights.
If it cannot know the compass is faulty due to factors outside the aircraft, how can it know it should switch to ATTI?
I guess you're referring to a scenario where there is a compass error and it does not appear in the flight log? I've never seen such a case. Anything is possible though I suppose.
I guess you're referring to a scenario where there is a compass error and it does not appear in the flight log? I've never seen such a case. Anything is possible though I suppose.
That calms me down, thank you :)
If pressing C1 for long without tapping, the question is will it continue to autofocus while the subject is moving away like in a vertical flight?

My current belief is that C1 invokes center AF mode as indicated on this image, with the green square and text "AF" (at yellow arrow). Second image is another screen shot showing what could be metering mode (shown in yellow oval). Being Swedish I am not familiar with Dutch but both screenshots come from (youtube title shown top left).

Tapping the screen every now and then sounds like a really bad way of changing focus, though it at times could be helpful. But it seem like there is a "normal" AF mode though the manual dont elaborate about it.


Well I read the whole thing.. I only need to read it 3-4 more times before my Mavic gets here.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
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My current belief is that C1 invokes center AF mode as indicated on this image, with the green square and text "AF" (at yellow arrow). Second image is another screen shot showing what could be metering mode (shown in yellow oval). Being Swedish I am not familiar with Dutch but both screenshots come from (youtube title shown top left).

Tapping the screen every now and then sounds like a really bad way of changing focus, though it at times could be helpful. But it seem like there is a "normal" AF mode though the manual dont elaborate about it.

View attachment 66597

View attachment 66598

I believe the second photo is showing object avoidance.
The 7.0m being the distance from the tree.
If you look above the 7.0m there is an arc of coloured bars similar to the parking sensor display on many cars.
I believe the second photo is showing object avoidance.
The 7.0m being the distance from the tree.
If you look above the 7.0m there is an arc of coloured bars similar to the parking sensor display on many cars.

Yup, that's the OA.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
I believe the second photo is showing object avoidance.
The 7.0m being the distance from the tree.
If you look above the 7.0m there is an arc of coloured bars similar to the parking sensor display on many cars.

Yes indeed and a guess is that is what is refered to as metering mode, measuring (and showing) distance to obstacles. They separated them to avoid cluttering the display.
I will be very disappointed if there isn't a continues (or auto focus?) focus feature. It looks like it can easily be implemented in software.
Once you focus beyond 5m, everything to infinity is in focus anyway. You'd not want it hunting for focus all the time while recording with continuous autofocus.

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