Maiden #2 of my Augmented Reality System with 911 data.

Very interesting. I'd love to know more about it and it's intended uses.
Cool but there was absolutely no augmentation in this demonstration. Everything in this video was a physical, real object.
Cool but there was absolutely no augmentation in this demonstration. Everything in this video was a physical, real object.
except for the augmented place maker...

This is very interesting Chris, but keep in mind 95% of people on here are technology ignorant.
I would love to talk to you about this, ill message you on linkedin
except for the augmented place maker...

A place marker is not something you'd expect to see here anyway.

keep in mind 95% of people on here are technology ignorant.

If that's a dig at me, keep reading:
1) I have over 20 years in I.T.
2) I've worked for web start-ups
3) This is still not what is normally considered "Augmented Reality"
A place marker is not something you'd expect to see here anyway.

If that's a dig at me, keep reading:
1) I have over 20 years in I.T.
2) I've worked for web start-ups
3) This is still not what is normally considered "Augmented Reality"

Actually it wasn't a dig at you, I already looked at your profile before i posted, some of your previous posts make it apparent you are not tech ignorant, but I disagree, AR is defined as: "a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view."

I am serious though, i face palm on this forum sometimes.
Jared, thanks for the explanation. That is exactly what this sometimes tech-ignorant person (me in the 95%) needed. Sounds like what I do in Photoshop a lot, compositing.

Actually it wasn't a dig at you, I already looked at your profile before i posted, some of your previous posts make it apparent you are not tech ignorant, but I disagree, AR is defined as: "a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view."

I am serious though, i face palm on this forum sometimes.

A place-marker is a gross over-simplification of what's expected from true AR, though.
A place-marker is a gross over-simplification of what's expected from true AR, though.
Well, what do you want to see or expect?
Apparently, I am in line with Motorola's product model presentation.

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