Looking for P3S or P3A

When do you want to do the payment?
multicoptertec is a very reputable guy on here, you can transact with him with no concerns. Just send cash via PayPal to his email address and he will ship it out. Plus, with PayPal, you have buyer protection and can always get Your money back if it goes south (which, I don't think it will with this seller).
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multicoptertec is a very reputable guy on here, you can transact with him with no concerns. Just send cash via PayPal to his email address and he will ship it out. Plus, with PayPal, you have buyer protection and can always get Your money back if it goes south (which, I don't think it will with this seller).
Thanks, for the info
So, are we going to do this? Let me have your number so, we can talk and I can send cash. And you can confirm you got the money..

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