Litchi Question

Sep 29, 2016
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New England
Can anyone confirm if under "Mission Setting/Finish Action=Land" will the aircraft actually land itself on the ground or will it hover a few feet from the ground? I'm also assuming this would use the recorded home point to do so?
Can anyone confirm if under "Mission Setting/Finish Action=Land" will the aircraft actually land itself
Yes, it will land at that location.

I'm also assuming this would use the recorded home point to do so?
The home point has nothing to do with the "Finish Action", "Land". It will "RTH" if you set that as your finish action.
As stated if you pick "Finish Action" as "Land" It will Land at your last waypoint not the home point.
Don't pick a spot over that patch of BlackBerry's. ;) But you can override / cancel with S2.

As I recall a Litchi Mission will fail to run if the first and last waypoints are to far apart. This has came up with people wanting to fly along ways away and have it land. To add to that I think somebody set the last waypoint far away and set the Finish action to hover instead of land. The mission ran, what it did was hover in tell battery level got to critical and landed itself.

I should look for that thread. ;)

Interesting and clever at the same time! Always seems to be a work-around with these issues.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to when the last way point is reached to have the aircraft desend faster than 1 mph? I've tried to adjust the speed but no luck yet.

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions
Interesting and clever at the same time! Always seems to be a work-around with these issues.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to when the last way point is reached to have the aircraft desend faster than 1 mph? I've tried to adjust the speed but no luck yet.

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions

Well here is one of the threads, but not the work around.
Litchi way point 26000ft one way flight

Here is mission I run every once in a while, it is to buddy's house and back.
Mission Hub - Litchi

I go almost full speed because of distance. When I get back to home, I slow it down and bring it down in steps, and comes down pretty fast, then when the mission ends, and Auto land is triggered Its only at 10 meters, then it comes down slow.

If you loose communication on a mission. Any gimbal settings, actions take a picture etc, will not happen.

What ever the camera was doing, video status, gimbal angle, and speed of Phantom will not change until you get your signal back.

If you were to loose signal at 5 mph, the mission will continue at 5 mph. Except if you have Smart RTH on, but this can cause a short cut in a mission. It may be coming back to low or to high.

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