If you ever wondered if a P3 can be restarted in mid flight.......

Or put a large inflatable bag underneath on the ground, to break the fall that way! At the very least, remove the Gimbal and Camera before the P3P execution mission!:cool:
Title is misleading. It's starting in mid-air not restarting. Regardless, the test is inconclusive as it wasn't done right. Not enough height to allow for the full start up sequence. And when free falling, it will take a lot of altitude to recover to stabilized flight.
Brought to you by the same guys who turn iPad Airs into skateboard tops! Will they still work afterwords? Hmmmmm :confused: Who knew?? Let's pretend to test something ridiculous so we can crash an already broken P3P from 200 meters and get lots of views! P3P was just an empty dummy shell filled with buckshot. No proof before the "experiment" that it was even airworthy. No wonder it wouldn't fly, and dropped upside down like a rock!:cool:
A p2, p2v and p2v+ can and will restart and recover from a csc from 280m in height and from probably lower as it's been done many times. I've done it twice. I'm not convinced with this test. Why not just fly the p3 up on its own and csc to shut off and then csc to start back up again? Was this just to show off his bigger drone and oh look at me I can afford to smash up a p3? Something stinks here. Why can a p2 do it and a p3 not? I'd like to see it done like all the other csc recovery videos showing a p2 do it without it being dropped like that.

Since you've done it a couple of times, we would like to see the videos please.
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Brought to you by the same guys who turn iPad Airs into skateboard tops! Will they still work afterwords? Hmmmmm :confused: Who knew?? Let's pretend to test something ridiculous so we can crash an already broken P3P from 200 meters and get lots of views! P3P was just an empty dummy shell filled with buckshot. No proof before the "experiment" that it was even airworthy. No wonder it wouldn't fly, and dropped upside down like a rock!:cool:

Did you even watch the camera view from the P3's actual camera with the props spinning ?
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Well, better your Phantom than mine, but entertaining nonetheless. What the heck guys, it was his bird and he didn't endanger anyone. So argue with the test method, but in the end he only lost his money (and gained lots of hits and probably some ad money, so...).
"Don't try this at home." LOL
Did you even watch the camera view from the P3's actual camera with the props spinning ?
I did. However, what proof do we have that the camera view was actually from that P3, or any P3? Hmmmm :cool: This was clearly a stunt. You can simulate a lot of things in video compilation and editing. It's easy to "photoshop" video, too! Call it magic or slight of hand or subterfuge. It makes for entertaining viewing, even if it's all a sham. Not saying it is, but don't believe everything you think you are seeing in a video. It could easily be faked, especially if the intent is to cheaply gain views, by pretending to destroy a $1,000 P3, which may have already been destroyed, before the stunt was attempted. Just sayin'.:cool:
Did you even watch the camera view from the P3's actual camera with the props spinning ?
The wind would make them spin, I don't think they were able to get it to start.
If it could be started it would probably self right in a second or two.
It seems a valid point that restarting promptly after shutting it off is more likely to work as it might not *think* it's on the ground.
A p2, p2v and p2v+ can and will restart and recover from a csc from 280m in height and from probably lower as it's been done many times. I've done it twice. I'm not convinced with this test. Why not just fly the p3 up on its own and csc to shut off and then csc to start back up again? Was this just to show off his bigger drone and oh look at me I can afford to smash up a p3? Something stinks here. Why can a p2 do it and a p3 not? I'd like to see it done like all the other csc recovery videos showing a p2 do it without it being dropped like that.

This is true, happened to me on a P2V+ that went crazy and I shut the engines off and then it came tumbling down, I was able to reconnect and it flipped right side up and then I powered up, it still smashed down in the parking lot but it slowed a lot and saved it from serious damage IMO besides the broken landing gear.
My advice would be that if you try this less than scientific test again... instead of flying over pavement (a very hard surface) why not try this again over an active volcano's lava flow so the destruction of the Phantom is complete? It must be nice to be able to flagrantly flaunt one's wealth with such a stupid stunt. What is that old saying about pride comes before a fall?
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This tells me that they need to design a fail safe that when the unit is upside down to deploy parachute from bottom. Maybe instead of sensor on bottom a fail safe parachute pack shoots out 12-18 inches and deploys chute.
Trying a CSC restart from an altitude of 400 ft or less kiss that baby good bye. Do the math for the time it takes to do a CSC to full power and the time it takes to drop 400 ft. I believe they will hit about the same time. This is based on having to reverse the terminal velocity if you are able to get it powered up. Hoping it drops upright.
I have to ask -- initialization, the process of detecting gps settings, compass orientation, etc., which sets current altitude happens when the power on (battery) is pressed.
Even if the test was successful, would flying that big drone to say 1000m, then allow P3 to fly any higher?

SCS is not when the max altitude is set, is it?
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I don't think they even tried giving throttle, they had it in idle the whole time, never even tried a proper csc from flying to csc to csc start up. They just let that puppy fall.

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