"I will put a brick through your drone!"

A generally successful, and quite cheap $30 protection against these kinds of people, is a hi-vis vest with "CASA Certified UAV Pilot" (or "FAA", or "CAA", or whatever your country call it) in big letters across the back, and your photography company name on the front.
Currently there is no FAA certification for UAV pilots.
Garrie, Whats Malaysia like for drones? You could drive through the border North of your country for a sunday fly couldn't you?
I could but I wouldn't want to. I don't really like going to Malaysia. Just not a nice place to go. Instantly feel unsafe.
Maybe a Hells Angels vest would deter a few haters from approaching us ??
Better not get caught flying that unless you are in. Just saying, a brick hitting your drone would be the best thing to happen to you if you get caught lying about it. No problem supporting your local red and white; just don't pretend to be something you're not.
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Better not get caught flying that unless you are in. Just saying, a brick hitting your drone would be the best thing to happen to you if you get caught lying about it. No problem supporting your local red and white; just don't pretend to be something you're not.
The HiVis vest works well actually, As Ezookiel said, people think you're part of probably something official, or at least you are working at that moment, and they will be more cautious approaching you. No need however to write stuff on it, just wearing it means you are doing something, you are not hiding, in one word you're serious and responsible. That should cancel any agressivity and change it to pacific curiosity.
I always wear one, even if I feel a bit ridiculous in some occasions, but yes it does work.
Currently there is no FAA certification for UAV pilots.

Wow. Really?
Oh well, go with the photography company name instead. The general psychology of it should still work to a degree.

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Better not get caught flying that unless you are in. Just saying, a brick hitting your drone would be the best thing to happen to you if you get caught lying about it. No problem supporting your local red and white; just don't pretend to be something you're not.
Yes I know all too well
Being another UK P3 flyer. So far I've been very lucky. Having started a photography Facebook page. And getting 100k views in a week, I'm out a lot just trying to get new footage and photos to get them out there.

Most of the time I'm too high or too far away for people to even notice. But the few I have been close to have just been inquisitive or interested in general. Those people I take time to chat with and I think they can appreciate my enthusiasm for it.

In fact recently shooting a Supertide near me. Everyone lived the pictures and only ONE idiot made a comment close to being annoyed with the noise it was making. So I just delete their comment.

One thing I do though is always correct people when they call the P3 a drone. Because it's not a drone. It's a quad or a quadcopter. It just doesn't help when the media called them drones.

The funny thing is the use of these so called "drones" by the media themselves is increasing. And they'll be the ones filming closer to people and places (probably with CAA approval) and then having to fend off the flack. But they'll argue it's in the public interest
I just say, "Why would I take a picture of you? That's what the Internet is for." Or, take out your phone and take a picture and ask if they have an email address to send the pix to. Glad to see that common folks in UK are as screwed as here in the States. Of course, I am 70 years old so I kinda have an edge on young perverts. Too funny. It all will pass over time.
The HiVis vest works well actually, As Ezookiel said, people think you're part of probably something official, or at least you are working at that moment, and they will be more cautious approaching you. No need however to write stuff on it, just wearing it means you are doing something, you are not hiding, in one word you're serious and responsible. That should cancel any agressivity and change it to pacific curiosity.
I always wear one, even if I feel a bit ridiculous in some occasions, but yes it does work.

I wear my "Help For Heroes" HiVis vest, it works wonders, and have never had any problems and only the curious who go away impressed.
I wear my "Help For Heroes" HiVis vest, it works wonders, and have never had any problems and only the curious who go away impressed.
I also wear a hi vis jacket with the playboy bunny on it, maybe thats the problem!!;)
Being another UK P3 flyer. So far I've been very lucky. Having started a photography Facebook page. And getting 100k views in a week, I'm out a lot just trying to get new footage and photos to get them out there.

Most of the time I'm too high or too far away for people to even notice. But the few I have been close to have just been inquisitive or interested in general. Those people I take time to chat with and I think they can appreciate my enthusiasm for it.

In fact recently shooting a Supertide near me. Everyone lived the pictures and only ONE idiot made a comment close to being annoyed with the noise it was making. So I just delete their comment.

One thing I do though is always correct people when they call the P3 a drone. Because it's not a drone. It's a quad or a quadcopter. It just doesn't help when the media called them drones.

The funny thing is the use of these so called "drones" by the media themselves is increasing. And they'll be the ones filming closer to people and places (probably with CAA approval) and then having to fend off the flack. But they'll argue it's in the public interest

They call them "drones" because this is what they are: Drones! ;)
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I thought I would share this experience with you guys, yesterday afternoon i took my phantom 3 to our local beach, I live in England so our summers consist of about 2 weeks of sun if we are lucky anyway, so it was very quiet at this time of year. The tide was out that left some amazing rock pools that ive wanted to film. I started on the headland as ive just done the new firmware update and wanted to make sure it was stable then i walked down to the area i wanted to film. After about 10 minutes (max) I started packing away when an enraged older lady lets say in her sixties came screaming at me "Does that drone take pictures" to which i replied yes and video. "well if I catch you flying that drone around here again I will put a brick through it!" I have to admit I was pretty shocked so I told her if you ever did I would call the police. She then countinued threatening me and abusing me calling me a pervert acusing me of taking pictures of her at her beach hut! Enough is enough I thought so i said to her why on earth do you think i want to take pictures of a bunch of old crinkles sat in front of their beach huts when there is all that beautiful coastline and headlands to shoot. She then carried on stating I was invading their privacy even though we were all on a public beach and i was filming well over 50 metres away from anyone, and that my "drone" was making so much noise. So I calmly replied no where nearly as much noise as what you have been making ranting at me in the last 10 minutes! we live on the coast where there are jet skies speedboats making just as much noise and for far longer periods of time. As for calling it a "drone" It doesnt fire missiles, although i wish it could at this point, its called a quadcopter or UAV. This is one reason why i normally fly early in the morning or in the evening to get away from the public but I feel the hobby we love is getting a bad name for itself, you mention the word drone and a lot of people immediately think your a pervert trying to film them. Im pretty thick skinned and at the time found it slightly comical but the more I thought about it i felt quite angry as 5 minutes earlier my wife and 2 young children were with me but got bored and went to the park, but if they were around to here the abuse that was directed to me for doing something I love responsibily and not harming anyone, I would of been fuming. Im sure a lot of you have had bad experiences with the public and I personally think its only going to get worse. So be aware of little old grannies in the future they could be armed and ready to take down your "drone!"
Hell's Grannys.
It would have been great to catch her reaction on video! I usually have a hand-held video camera with me when I fly just in case such a situation arises. Granny crinkles... ew!
It would have been great to catch her reaction on video! I usually have a hand-held video camera with me when I fly just in case such a situation arises. Granny crinkles... ew!
Ha ha I think if I was holding a hand held she would of taken it from me and eaten it she was bloody ferocious lol bless her!
Some of you people are so polite. If I ever had a similar issue to the OP, my language would not be broadcastable.

In this scenario, regardless of their age or gender, she would be told I no uncertain times that photography is allowed in public places and if she has a problem she can call the police. Furthermore, I'd say that I f any of my property is damaged I'd drag her through the courts so fast and so hard her head would spin faster then the effing propellers. End of discussion - now walk away before I do something you'll regret...
Some of you people are so polite. If I ever had a similar issue to the OP, my language would not be broadcastable.

In this scenario, regardless of their age or gender, she would be told I no uncertain times that photography is allowed in public places and if she has a problem she can call the police. Furthermore, I'd say that I f any of my property is damaged I'd drag her through the courts so fast and so hard her head would spin faster then the effing propellers. End of discussion - now walk away before I do something you'll regret...
Believe me I gave her as good as she gave me and I told her I would call the police I packed up and left because I had finished flying if I had juice left I would of carried on flying and either ignore the old battleaxe or hold her 2 do 1 but I would never get physical with anyone it's just not worth it

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