How to change flight modes

Celt in Siam said:
The DJI information is very limited on how to change the set up for S1 and S2 options - I have seen some comments in this forum but is there a definitive guide anywhere?

Yes DJI themselves have instructional videos about the flight modes but on their website its under the phantom and not phantom vision.

Here's how you enable the other flight modes. You go to the assistant application that you used to install updated firmware. On the upper right it will say "Phantom 2". Clicking on that will give you the option to switch to "Naza" mode and you will be shown a warning. Once you've agreed your three position toggle switch on the right will now switch between GPS (top) Atti (middle) and bottom position will also be Atti by default but can be switched to Manual Mode which I do not recommend unless you're highly experienced on manual and don't mind risking crashing your $1,200 investment.

Also once you are in Naza more you can enable IOC or Intelligent Orientation Control under advanced section. If you do the left three way toggle will do the following. Up (off) Middle (course lock) Down (home lock)

Description of how Atti mode works. Atti does not use the GPS at all for flying in any capacity other than when entering RTH fail safe should you loose connection with your transmitter and had a GPS lock before taking off. The "gains" are at higher settings and you will be able to fly much faster at the risk of pushing your bird in to the ground if you give too much forward tilt as you will loose altitude while doing so. You will also not automatically slow down / stop when releasing the controls to center, you will only level but not stop until the inertia has stopped you. Wind will also blow you around and you'll have to pay attention and course correct for wind yourself so be mindful you don't get accidentally blown out of range.

GPS mode will function the same as you have been flying out of the box. You can toggle between either more as you go.

Manual mode allows you to fly very aggressively to the point of doing flips and rolls with very little flight restriction. Do not use this unless you're already an experienced manual more pilot.

Basic description of IOC and Homelock

With the toggle switch set to Home Lock, if your planes over 10 meters away or 32 feet, regardless of which direction the nose of the aircraft is in when you pull back your right control stick your Phantom will fly in the direction of your "home" position provided you had a GPS lock before you took off. Course lock is a bit different and I can't quite describe it to you properly at this time.

Anyway hope that helps. Safe flying
BenDronePilot said:
Celt in Siam said:
Course lock is a bit different and I can't quite describe it to you properly at this time.
good explanation Ben !

from what I understood, the only difference betweeen home lock and course lock is how the phantom orientate itself

in home lock, even if you are 100mt away and 100mt to the left, pulling back the stick will make the phantom fly to you diagonally, because for him the home to where to return is from where he started

in course lock, the phantom take note only the orientation he was when he started
so if you are 100mt away and 100mt to the left and you pull the back, the phantom will return back and you will still have it 100mt to your left ... he will just keep the orientation

hope I was able to explain myself :roll:

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