How does the iPhone video compare to H3B?

Sep 18, 2013
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How does the iPhone video compare to H3B? I'm just thinking if I would be better off just attaching my iphone to the phantom over H3B?
yalag said:
How does the iPhone video compare to H3B? I'm just thinking if I would be better off just attaching my iphone to the phantom over H3B?

Kinda depends what version Iphone you have but any answer to that question will lead to an answer to the original as.... "poorly".

It depends what you want to get from your flight vids of course. It won't be an awful video at all especially if it is a 4s, 5, 5s or 5c. It is heavy and awkward to mount too. Best bet is to head to youtube and compare vids. I am sure there are plenty there that will help you decide.
yalag said:
How does the iPhone video compare to H3B? I'm just thinking if I would be better off just attaching my iphone to the phantom over H3B?

You know we kinda answered this question last week when the poster finally bought a nokia cel phone. Research the thread about best still camera for the phantom.

At the end, there is NO cell phone that will beat a dedicated still camera, or video camera. For the price, the features, the toughness and the overwhelming number of mounts and accessories, the Go Pro is the way to go.

A cell phone, is purpose built to.....wait for it..... use as a phone. I know, call me crazy, but that is what it is actually designed for.

Why does everyone think that the solution to every problem is - an iPhone.


I need to freeze a side of beef ----- use an iphone.

No, an iPhone is not the best camera for this application. It's OK, you can buy something other than an iPhone.Be brave.

justsomeguy said:
yalag said:
How does the iPhone video compare to H3B? I'm just thinking if I would be better off just attaching my iphone to the phantom over H3B?

No comparison. Especially if you imagine attaching it to a Phantom.

Related link:

While I slightly agree that the footage is no comparison, if you wanted to kill two birds with one stone, its actually a good idea to use the iphone. If you have a fly away, you can locate it using "find my phone" and when you are close you can call it so you can hear it. The video footage from a gopro is beyond superior but unless you are making movies, it might be overkill. If you just want to get some neat footage to show your family and friends, I'd do the iphone. Not to mention you'll have the footage with you if you want to show someone.

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