How can a phantom help people?

Dec 21, 2013
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Hi I am a teacher and Director of a FabLab in Puerto Rico.
I am interested in how can this low cost technology can help a group of
fishermen, farmers, teachers or artists.
I just want to talk about this ideas and how to collaborate with the community using this technology.
The more we talk about this the more reasons there will be to liberate and develop the use of rc controlled technology.

FabLab Puerto Rico
While the Phantom is low cost in the beginning, the costs raise exponentially is you want it to be anything other than a fun toy. Personally I can't see a Phantom being useful in a real world situation to farmers, except to scare away birds. Fishermen might see some value in it, or not. I'm don't know. Teachers could make use of it for sure. If it's a class of younger kids it can fire the imagination about what's possible. If it's older students then the engineering aspects of it could be brought to light perhaps. It's an easy sell to artists for sure. Just explain that it's a camera with wings and watch them start to drool. :cool:
For farmers show them how to check the state of their roof for repairs. Perhaps also check water tank and survey areas for crop expansion. Not sure about fisherman. Someone may have an idea. As above I think you're best shot is engage intrude children. Tell the farmers and fisherman etc to bring their children to see and play woth the phantom.
HeliRy said:
While the Phantom is low cost in the beginning, the costs raise exponentially is you want it to be anything other than a fun toy. Personally I can't see a Phantom being useful in a real world situation to farmers, except to scare away birds. Fishermen might see some value in it, or not. I'm don't know. Teachers could make use of it for sure. If it's a class of younger kids it can fire the imagination about what's possible. If it's older students then the engineering aspects of it could be brought to light perhaps. It's an easy sell to artists for sure. Just explain that it's a camera with wings and watch them start to drool. :cool:

Jaaa that was funny
I Can agree but I am not saing it has to be a phantom
The technology is going to be better and cheaper plus I think people with low resources can do much more with a phantom than using it as a toy. Let's see is day one on this posting
Thanks for your input
The quickest way is to just demo the product to the audience... you just master the use of the product and also show off its features (FPV, RTH, take photos, videos, ground station routing, show telemetry); usually they'll come up with the most practical way of using the technology in their own context.
Indeed check up on animals (all there/healthy/no intruders/etc.) and check fences and sufficient water supply for the animals but also take a view at crops from high above to see discolorations for instance which might indicate crop disease or starting drought needing action. Images in a different light spectrum (IR and UV) could be useful. A gas guzzling terrain vehicle will quickly be more expensive to operate and more time consuming. It's just an extra tool in the arsenal.
I read an article recently about how farmers could use it to check the status of their fields and look for things like areas in a field that were growing poorly or having disease outbreaks. So you would fly it and check the crop for uniformity and look for any problems. If you saw a section of the field not growing well, then they could check for water or soil problems in that area.
LeoS said:
The quickest way is to just demo the product to the audience... you just master the use of the product and also show off its features (FPV, RTH, take photos, videos, ground station routing, show telemetry); usually they'll come up with the most practical way of using the technology in their own context.

I agree with this....if you show a group of people the technology, they can figure out how to apply it to their needs.
Images can show just how ridiculous it is here in Mt. Shasta to allow Crystal Geyser to withdraw millions of gallons of water from the aquifer while Mount Shasta is nearly devoid of snow cover and the nearby lakes are down further than people can remember. This can be demonstrated in two flights.

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Teachers/professors could use it to generate many technical type subject discussions. Such as how does four propellers keep the device hovering steady with no remote control inputs. Or try to determine how the return-to-home feature works. And there are probably other interesting thought provoking discussions that could be generated about how this device actually performs some of it's capabilities.


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