Highest wind speed you have flown?

Dec 8, 2018
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So the weather where I live when clear sky's its windy, what's the highest wind condition you have flown? I've seen but don't know anything about a app that shows wind speeds and sez safe to fly?
Fast enough that I felt obliged to hand catch rather than risking it flipping on landing.
It was actually quite windy, the drone had a significant tilt just to maintain a hover.
I can't put a number to the wind speed but it was enough that I did not fly any great distance down wind of where I was and limited most of the flight to up wind.
It was also turbulent enough (Portaneevy car park) that the gimbal failed, at times, to keep the camera steady
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So the weather where I live when clear sky's its windy, what's the highest wind condition you have flown? I've seen but don't know anything about a app that shows wind speeds and sez safe to fly?
For Me? Probably about 4 miles per hour. If there is ANY wind to speak of, I send it up maybe 50 feet, flip into ATTI for a few and see what is going on up there. If I wanted a fight, I'd go talk to my crazy neighbor.!
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The highest I flew in was 35mph. Was not fun at all...

I made an anemometer that I stick on my truck while I am flying. Gives me an idea what I am looking at before I lift off.

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I set the limit in UAV Airdata app. to 32km/h at 70m high. For everything more I get 'unsafe' message.

UAV airdata app? Did I miss something? I have been waiting for an app for their site for a while... How do you set it in airdata to warn you while you are flying?
So the weather where I live when clear sky's its windy, what's the highest wind condition you have flown? I've seen but don't know anything about a app that shows wind speeds and sez safe to fly?
I usually will measure the winds on the ground, and then I will fly my drone up and switch it into atti mode to check what the wind is up in the air. I once flew in a 35 mile per hour wind, which was stressful, but controlled because I flew it into the wind to start, and it creeped along at about 8 miles per hour. Then when it was about a mile away from me, I flew it back towards me, and stopped above my head and landed so as not to lose the drone down wind. It was tilting quite a bit just to keep a steady hover in GPS mode.
I don't like flying in winds above 20mph, but I have flown my P3P in 25mph winds at the beach. You have to be smart to not fly downwind too far, if at all. If you plan to fly in high wind, you must be comfortable and competent at hand catching the craft. Landing in wind, and sometimes taking off in wind, can result in ruined props, and pride.
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UAV airdata app? Did I miss something? I have been waiting for an app for their site for a while... How do you set it in airdata to warn you while you are flying?
Sorry, my mistake,
it is UAV Forecast which I have installed on my phone. I usually take a look on it before I go up with the bird. Sometimes it's useful. Particularly as it shows me the wind speed for each 100 m altitude up to 1500 m. Well I need only to 300 but you can see what is going up higher.
I don't like flying in winds above 20mph, but I have flown my P3P in 25mph winds at the beach. You have to be smart to not fly downwind too far, if at all. If you plan to fly in high wind, you must be comfortable and competent at hand catching the craft. Landing in wind, and sometimes taking off in wind, can result in ruined props, and pride.
I agree but instead you can ruin your hand.
I agree but instead you can ruin your hand.
The possibility is there, but driving to the place to film is much more dangerous than hand catching a drone. I actually hand catch for safety reasons when I take off and land in my yard because when there are kids and cats in the yard, I don't want them getting hurt. And yes I do have them stand about 20 feet away when I do it as well, but you never know if one of them decides to run over at the last second and get hurt as the drone touches the ground. It is also very windy almost all the time where I live. So I hand catch.
15 mph is just about as much wind as you want, a 15 mph could gust to 20 mph, These Ph4s have a top speed of about 35 mph, if you fly downwind in a 20 mph wind, and you run low on battery and start flying back, your ground speed will be cut by the amount of wind speed you are flying against, your motors will work harder and you will burn more energy, and maybe you'll run out of battery and your drone will just set down where ever.
About 35-40mph continuous wind on Block Island. Got some gimble jitter and if the craft is turned sideways to the wind, the image tilts almost 90° as the craft is flying practically horizontally against the wind. But it does fly.

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