I just wanted to chime in here with some feedback.
I had been struggling with the newest app, 1.2.0, ever since it updated on its own when I forgot to disable auto updates. With the new app, I was getting the now common gimbal overload error, plus also frequent lost signals that I had never experienced before, and lock ups when turning on video recordings while in flight. It was a bummer, but I could press through and eventually get things done.
Over the weekend, I was showing off the P3 to some friends at the July 4th BBQ. All of the issues were driving me nuts, and people were losing interest in my demo. I decided to give up on version 1.2.0 and return to 1.1.2.
I sync'd my flights, deleted 1.2.0, added my saved copy of 1.1.2 back to the apps folder, then re-installed 1.1.2 to my iPad. I logged in from 1.1.2 and sync'd back all of my 108 flights. Easy as can be, and took maybe 7 minutes total from start to finish.
Okay, now back outside to the BBQ to try again.
Absolutely flawless flight. No errors, no lost signal, no issues at all with the app locking up when pressing record. Just like it used to be before he new app came out. Nice. I flew again yesterday (Sunday US) and again no issues at all. Back to normal. All of the issues introduced with 1.2.0 were now gone.
Why didn't I do this sooner?