Happy 4th July folks!

Happy 4th from Hollister ca
Home of the American biker
2015 Hollister Rally in progress

Brought my phantom 3 but to many helicopters... And probably not a good idea to fly over large crowds

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From a country we saved in WW2 your welcome.....
If we only had DJI phantoms at the time we could have saved you and the surrounding country's even sooner.
Sure it took us 3 years to come in as Church Hill begged us a bit more, but we thought you guys could handle it? We were WRONG. Sorry :)
Next time we will just watch if that's the way you feel about us.
No problem or hard feelings..
What do you guys export anyway?

Well, Mr Timothy J Lynch, photographer.
My welcome? I suppose you mean you're welcome?
Country's? I suppose you mean countries.
I'll tell you a couple of things we export - spelling and grammar. Unfortunately it seems that your border controls turn them away.
My response was to someone from Kazakhstan. Is San Diego in Kazakhstan now? No, I thought not, but it seems you think so, and well done for responding on its behalf.
Where exactly is Church Hill please? Sounds like a little village, perhaps in the Cotswolds, but I'm not familiar with it or when it begged for anything. Please enlighten me.
Some people in this thread need to take a step back and remember to keep the conversations civil. Or some people will go on holiday from this forum.

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Who are "some people"? Just curious. Always been a big fan of being open and direct. I'm assuming you mean the initial antagonist but just want to clarify. Happy 4th.
Well, Mr Timothy J Lynch, photographer.
My welcome? I suppose you mean you're welcome?
Country's? I suppose you mean countries.
I'll tell you a couple of things we export - spelling and grammar. Unfortunately it seems that your border controls turn them away.
My response was to someone from Kazakhstan. Is San Diego in Kazakhstan now? No, I thought not, but it seems you think so, and well done for responding on its behalf.
Where exactly is Church Hill please? Sounds like a little village, perhaps in the Cotswolds, but I'm not familiar with it or when it begged for anything. Please enlighten me.
Hey Alan, (do you mind if I call you Alan)? Exercise some restraint.
Happy holidays to fellow P3 pilots in USA. And all other UAV pilots too.

See what I did there, keeping it P3 related?

Thanks for thinking of US, so to speak. LOL
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Happy 4th of July to all that it means a lot to. I gave up smoking six years ago today and it has become a landmark day for a different reason, but I still celebrate it with fondness.
July 22nd will be 12 years for me! I smoked 2 packs a day for almost 30 years................. lungs look like new now. Food tastes better, I don't stink and my walls are not stained yellow from the tar and nicotine. Society is slowly squeezing out you smokers..................... may as well quit them now!!
I actually live close by to where General Ross was from; he of the sacking of the White House and the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. And just to keep things Phantom related, here's one of my first video attempts using a P2V, hence the wobbly footage.

And here's another, again using the P2V to celebrate the writing of the 'Star Spangled Banner' when loads of School kids carried a stars and stripes flag up to the memorial.

That flag is flying today over the village of Rostrevor, Co Down hanging off the end of a big crane.

Happy holidays y'all!

and thats why we love ya'll Q: are there really more Irish in the US than in Ireland?

at one time there were more "pole" in Chicago than in Warsaw... they claimed

We were once the melting pot.... today?
Here we are off to the party.




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